Chapter 10 Flashcards
2 types of cryptography:
- Symmetric cryptography
- Asymmetric cryptography
Compare Transposition encryption and Substitution encryption:
Transposition encryption: The position of the character is changed but character’s identity is not changed
Substitution encryption: The character’s identity is changed while its position remains unchanged.
Compare Monoalphabetic substitution and Polyalphabetic substitution:
- Monoalphabetic substitution: only incorporates a single alphabet in the encryption process. Ex: Caesar cipher.
- Polyalphabetic substitution: incorporates two or more alphabets in the encryption process. Ex: Vigenère cipher.
Compare Stream Cipher and Block Cipher:
- Stream Cipher: plaintext is encrypted one character or bit at a time.
Ex: Vigenère cipher, and RC4 stream cipher. - Block Cipher: plaintext is divided into fixed-size blocks; each block is encrypted using the secret key.
Ex: DES, and AES.
What’s RSA algorithm and its phases?
a public key encryption technique and is considered the most secure way of encryption.
1- RSA Key Generation
2- RSA Encryption
3- RSA Decryption
What’s hash function?
mathematical function which is used for mapping data into fixed-sized values.
2 popular hashing algorithms:
- Message Digest Algorithm (MD): MD5, 128 bits
- Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
What’s collision and collision resistance?
Collision: when two different inputs result in the same hash output.
Collision Resistance: when it’s computationally infeasible to find two inputs that produce the same hash value. It’s the strongest requirement.