chapter 10, 11 Flashcards
Sketch model of buyer’s behavior and what is the goal of the marketer.
Marketer wants to understand how stimuli are changed to responses inside buyer’s black box. Marketing stimuli (4P) and Other Stimuli (Economic, Technological, Political, Cultural) are inputs for Buyers Black Box (Buyers Characteristics and Buyer decision process) which results in Buyer’s response (Product, Brand, Dealer Choice, Purchase timing and amount).
Which personal characteristic affect buyer’s behavior.
Cultural Factors (Achievement, success, activity, involvement, efficiency, practicality, progress, material comfort, individualism, freedom, external comfort, humanitarianism, youthfulness, fitness and health)
Social: small groups, family, social roles, status, and reference groups, pressure to conform
Personal: age, life-cycle stage, occupation
Psychological: Motivation (needs to seek satisfaction), Perception (form meaningful picture of world), Learning (arising from experience), Beliefs and Attitudes (mindset of liking or disliking things)
Sketch buyer’s decision process.
Problem Recognition -> Information Search -> Evaluation of Alternatives -> Purchase Decision -> Post purchase Behavior
What are available decisions and influences on industrial buyers?
Decisions – straight rebuy, modified rebuy and new task
Influences – Environmental, Organizational, Interpersonal and Individual
What is a marketing management process?
Marketing management process is a cyclical sequence of
1. analyzing market opportunities (analysis)
2. selecting target markets (planning)
3. developing marketing mix (implementation)
4. managing marketing efforts (control)
Which factors influence company’s market strategy? (sketch)
On the middle it Target Customer, surrounded by 4P, surrounded by market management process, surrounded by micro-environment (marketing channels, publics, competitors and suppliers), and finally surrounded by macro -environments (demographic-economic, technological, socio-cultural, political-legal).
Which technique is used to analyze market opportunities?
SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
What is marketing mix and what are four P of marketing mix? (sketch)
Marketing mix is a set of controllable variables that a firm blends in to produce desired response on the target market.
Product (Quality, Features, Style, Brand, Packaging, Size, Services, Warranties)
Price (List prices, Discounts, Allowances, Payment period)
Place (Channels, Coverage, Location, Inventory, Transport)
Promotion (Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Publicity)
What are 3 levels/attributes and benefits of product?
Core benefit or service (core benefit or problem-solving service that a product provides);
Actual product is the physical product;
Augment product are additional customer services and benefits build around the product.
Key tangible attributes:
Quality (product’s ability to perform its functions, durability, reliability, precision, ease of operation and repair),
design ( product’s style and function that is attractive, easy and safe, economical to produce and distribute).
Difference between product legal guarantee and commercial warranty.
Legal guarantee is dictated by law, so that product meets some requirements. Warranty is an extension of legal guarantee, company’s self-imposed additional services.
What is product line and how can it be stretched? (sketch)
Product line is a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to same customer group or are marketed through the same outlets.
With respect to price and quality/features it can be downward starched, upward starched or two-wat starched.
How can product mix be defined?
Product mix is set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers. It can be defined by breadth (how many different product lines are there), depth (number of versions per product), length (number of items per product line) and consistency (how closely are product lines related). Each of these attributes can be modified to increase business.
What is a brand?
Name, term, sign, symbol, or design differentiating goods/services of one seller from competitors
Combination of rational and emotional criteria
Distinguish offerings, create identification and brand awareness, guarantee quality and satisfaction, segment market, create strong consumer loyalty, justify higher price
What is Brand Equity?
Value of brand, high brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, proprietary brand assets.
What are advantages of not branding?
Lower production cost, lower marketing cost, lower legal cost, flexible quality control.
What is the purpose of packaging?
contain and protect product, marketing tool, attracting attention, describing product.
What are the functions of labels?
dentify product/brand, grade product, describe product, promote product through attractive graphics.
Product-Support Services Decisions
product-support services
Meet needs of target customers, augment actual products, differentiate products, add value to core product.
Consumer information, technical service, delivery and installation, customer training,
product-support services
Handle services effectively and efficiently, keep records of requests and complaints
Sketch and explain stages and sales and profit over product life cycle.
Product Development; Introduction; Growth; Maturity; Decline (Relaunch)
Initial profit loss, but when in growth stage profit is positive. Sales start with introduction stage.
What are buyer’s readiness states?
Awareness -> Knowledge -> Liking -> Preference -> Conviction -> Purchase
What is market analysis, planning, implementation and control? Sketch control process.
Market analysis is a process of analyzing company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as available actions.
Market planning involves deciding on marketing strategies that will help companies’ strategic objectives.
Whereas market planning addresses what and why, implementation addresses who, where, when and how.
Control is a process of measuring and evaluating results of marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective actions to ensure that marketing objectives are attained.
What do we want to achieve? -> What is happening? -> Why is it happening? -> What should we do about it?
Classify and subclassify marketing environment?
Micro environment consists of forces close to the company: company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and public.
Macro environment includes larger societal forces that affect whole microenvironment : demographic env, economic enc, natural env, technological env, political env.
What are internal and external factors when making price decisions.
Internal factors are marketing objectives, marketing mix strategy, cost and organization for pricing.
External factors are nature of market and demand, competition and other environmental factors.
What can be marketing objectives?
Survival, Current Profit Maximization, Market share leadership, Product quality leadership or other objectives.
What is demand curve/law of demand?
Demand curve describes the relationship between quantity of products that the firm is able to sell and factors affecting that quantity.
special interest if relationship of quantity and price.
most products: curve is downward sloping, lower price means greater quantity and vice versa: law of demand.
Price elasticity: how sensitive quantity with respect to price.
demand inelastic (n < 1) price increase causes small drop in sales.
demand elastic (n > 1) quantity very sensitive to price and small change in price will result in drastic loss in quantity.
What factors enhance/decrease price elasticity?
enhance: Product has few unique features, buyers aware of rival products’ prices and features, large savings from comparable item at lower price.
decrease: Difficult comparisons among substitutes, buyers pay only fraction of product’s full price, significant costs incurred if switched to substitute, product used in conjunction with committed product.
State total revenue and marginal revenue functions. How is it connected to elasticity?
total Revenue Function (TR(Q)) indicated how the firms revenues vary as a function of how much products it sells.
TR(Q) = Price of Q (P(Q)) * Q (quantity)
A firm is interested in the impact of a change on output costs and revenues.
Marginal revenue is therefore dependent of price elasticity. If demand is elastic, marginal revenue is positive and vice versa. MR(Q) = P * (1 – 1/n).
How is optimal quantity for price and profit maximization stated?
Optimal quantity occurs when marginal costs equal marginal revenues.
What are 7 types of markets? Short descriptions.
- Perfect competition (theoretical market structure with no barriers of entry, infinite producers and consumers and perfectly elastic demand curve – aluminum industry.)
- Monopoly (only one provider of the product)
- Natural monopoly (economies of scale cause efficiency to increase with size of the firm. Firm is NM if it is able to serve entire market at lower cost than combination of any 2 companies)
- Monopsony (only one buyer in the market)
- Monopolistic competition Numerous firms, small market shares
- Oligopoly (market is run by small number of firms which together control the market)
- Oligopsony (many sellers, few buyers -> avoid fighting, destructive competition; build cartels)
What are major considerations when setting the price.
Low price leads to no possible profit, high price leads to no possible demand.
Factors are product cost, competitor prices and other external factors and customers perception of value.
What are realistic general pricing approaches?
- Cost-based pricing – Cost-plus pricing (adding standard markup to the costs of the product); Break even analysis and target profit pricing (try to determine price at which will break even or make target profit)
- Buyer-based pricing – uses buyer perception of value, not the sellers cost, as the key to pricing. Coffee in café, gas pump, hotel have different prices.
- Competition-based approach – Going-rate pricing(price is based largely on competitors price, change according to market leader); Sealed-bid pricing – based on what you think competitor is going to offer (when bidding)
What are pricing strategies when pricing innovative/imitative/old product?
* Market-Skimming pricing: set high price for new product; product has to be perceived as high value (Apple), reducing price layer by layer
* Market-Penetration Pricing: low price to penetrate market faster, more revenues, production costs must fall if sales volume increases
Imitative product pricing – decide where to position product compared to the competitor in terms of quality and price.
Old Product pricing – Product Mix pricing, set prices so that maximize sale of one product mix
What are functions of distribution channels?
A distribution channel is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the customer or industrial user
Producers: make narrow assortments, large quantities
Consumers: wants broad assortments, small quantities
Middlemen: buy large quantity from producer,breaks it into smaller quantities and broader assortments
Role of Middlemen: match supply and demand, reduce communication channels
* Market information gathering
* Promotion
* Contact with prospective buyers
* Negotiation
* Physical distribution
* Risk taking
What are the implications of distribution channel decisions?
Long-term commitments to other firms, difficult to replace if conditions change.
How are distribution channels described?
By number of channel levels involved, each level is a layer of middlemen bringing product/ownership closer to the final buyer.
Difference between direct and indirect marketing?
Direct marketing
* no intermediary between customer and manufacturer
* Use of various advertising media needed to interact with customers, so that customers make a direct response.
Characteristics are:
* Focus on specific market segments
* personalized marketing information
* continuous relation with customers
indirect marketing
* other channels perform distribution
* All channels interdependent.
* Conflicts: Generated by disagreements over goals and roles. Focusing on overall channel success
Difference between consumer and industrial marketing channels.
consumer: Manufacturer; Wholesaler; Retailer; Consumer
industrial buyers: Manufacturer; Manufacturer Representative; Industrial distributor; Industrial Customer
What are four major promotion tools in promotion mix.
- Advertising: wide reach, controlled by marketer
- Personal selling: face to face interaction
- Sales promotion: short term incentives, stimulate immediate purchase
- Public relation: positive image, unpaid exposure, communication with public
major promotion tools in push/pull strategy
Push – Producer, Wholesaler, Retailer promote aggressively -> customer
Pull – Producer promotes to customer, who promotes to retailer, who promotes to wholesaler, who promotes to producer
What are 5 differences between incorporated companies and sole proprietorships?
- Separate entity -incorporated companies are entities (juridical person) separated from their owners. Corporations file their own taxes, pay bills… Partnerships are not threated as separate entities from their owners.
- Juridical person – entity created by law and recognized as a legal entity having distinct identity, personality, duties and rights. It cannot be persecuted by criminal law.
- Company Operations – run by elected officials. They are elected by shareholders at annual meetings. This and other provisions need to be followed for companies to keep corporate status. Partnerships on the other hand have GP (general partner), LP (limited partner).
- Taxation – taxed separately from owners. Profits are double taxed. First on federal level (25%) and then after distribution to shareholders on individual level (27.5%). GP have to pay self-employment tax, which covers medical and social.
- Limited Liability Protection – owners are note held personally responsible. In partnerships, only limited partners are exempt from paying companies debt and claims. GP can lose their homes and cards.
What are main characteristics of limited liability company (LLC/GmbH)?
- LLC: Legal entity, shareholders not liable, minimum capital €35k, 50% cash initial contribution.
- Company name: Includes “limited” or abbreviation, location determines registered office.
- Shareholders: Any legal entity or individual allowed.
- Notarial deed: Establishes articles of association/foundation, includes company name, registered office, purpose, capital & contribution, supervisory board, borrowing and granting caps.
What are legal bodies of LLC?
- General meeting: Supreme LLC decision-making body, consists of all shareholders, appoints/removes managing directors, annual accounts, profit distribution, meets yearly.
- Managing director: Only full legal capacity individuals, multiple allowed, joint representation in/out of court.
- Supervisory board: Required if capital > €70k and shareholders > 50 OR employees > 300, minimum 3 members, quarterly meetings, oversees management and association article tasks.