Chapter 1 Vocbulary Flashcards
Belief that all behavior is caused and is therefore not free
Contention that an attribute is determined by experience rather than genetics. Within epistemology, it is the belief that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience
Belief that determinants of behavior are in the environment instead of the person
Contention that mental events are the by-products of bodily events. Bodily events cause mental events but mental events cannot cause bodily events. Mental events, therefore, can be ignored in the analysis of human behavior
Study of the human knowledge
Contention that the major motive in life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain
Theory’s ability to generate new information
Heuristic function of a theory
Those qualities that characterize all humans. One task of the personality theorist is to specify t
Human Nature
Intense study of a single person
Important ways in which human beings differ from one another. One of the tasks of the personality theorist is to describe and explain
Individual differences
Contention that the mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. That is, the mind and the body causally related.
Self-examination. Directing one’s thoughts inward to discover the truth about one’s self
Problem of specifying how something mental (cognitive) can influence something physical, such as the body vice versa
Mind-body problem
Contention that an attribute is determined by genetics rather than by experience
Also called the nature-nuture controversy. Argument concerning the extent to which an attribute, such as intelligence, is influenced by inheritance as opposed to experience. Nomothetic research. Study of groups of individuals.
Nativism-empiricism controversy