Chapter 1: Understanding Our Environment Flashcards
Environmental Science
the systematic, scientific sudy of our environment as well as our proper role in it.
the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Economic Sustainability
the ability of an economy to support a defined level of economic production indefinitely.
Social Sustainability
the ability of a social system, such as a country, to function at a defined level of social well being indefinitely.
3 Pillars of Sustainability
Social, Environmental, Economic
Population Trends
- > 7 billion people in world today
- pop. cont. to rise globally
- growth rate has decreased
Climate Change
- CO2 concentration up 35% over 200 yrs.
- Sea ice is disappearing and permafrost is melting.
- Sea levels are rising.
- 2/3 agri. land shows sign of degradation.
- Poor farmers can’t afford expensive farming tech.
- 925 mill. ppl. malnourished and 60 mill. face acute shortages due to naural disasters.
- Food is NOT distributed equitably.
- 1.1 bill. lack safe drinking water
- Polluted water and poor sanitation contribute to 1.2 bill. illnesses and deaths of 15 mill children annually.
- Fossil fuels provide 80% of energy used in the indutrialized countries.
- Cleaner, renewable energy sources w/ conservation efforts are needed.
Air Pollution
- 2 bill. metric tons of air pollutants are emitted each year.
- Southern Asia noted a 3-km(2 mile) thick toxic haze of ash, acids, aerosols, dust.
Biodiversity and Species Loss
- Over last 100 years – over 800 species have disappeared and at least 10,000 species are threatened
- Half of all forests existing before introduction of agri. have been cleared.
Signs of Hope: Population and Pollution
Cities are more livable today than a century ago due to human birth rate stabilization and clean tech use
Signs of Hope: Health
Incidence of life-threatening diseases has been reduces in many countries
Signs of Hope: Access to Current Information
Expanding access to knowledge is essential to progress
Signs of Hope: Habitat Conservation
Tropical forest destruction has slowed and habitat protection has improved in some areas
Signs of Hope: Renewable Energy
Progress is being made in the transition to renewable energy sources
Signs of Hope: International Cooperation
Helps solve global environmental problems
George Perkins Marsh
Responsible for the national forest, park, and wildlife refuge systems
Grifford Pinchot
Considered the father of American conservation because of his concern for the protection of American forests.
Rachel Carson
Biologist and writer. Started the Modern Environmental Movement.
How can we improve human welfare within the limits of the earth’s natural resources?
Sustainable Developement- meeting the needs of the present w/o compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.