Chapter 1 to 18 Part II Flashcards
INT Search carefully until when?
A.She findsit.(15:8)
MA Suppose a woman what?
A.Has ten silver coins and losesone.(15:8)
INT Who had two sons?
MA The younger son what?
A.Got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.(15:13)
INT A severe famine where?
A.In that whole country.(15:14)
INT Fill his stomach with what?
A.The pods that the pigs were eating.(15:16)
INT Starving to what?
INT Who have food to spare?
A.How many of my father’s hired servants have food tospare.(15:17)
INT Go back to whom?
A.My father.(15:18)
INT No longer worthy to be called what?
INT Who threw his arms around him and kissed him?
A.His father.(15:20)
MA I have sinned how?
A.Against heaven and againstyou.(15:21)
INT Put a ring where?
A.On his finger.(15:22)
INT Bring the best what?
A.Bring the bestrobe.(15:22)
MA Quick! what?
A.Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and killit.(15:23)
INT The older brother became what?
INT Pleaded with whom?
A.Him (the older brother).(15:28)
MA The older brother what?
A.Became angry and refused togoin.(15:28)
INT You never gave me even what?
A.A younggoat.(15:29)
INT You never gave me even a young goat so I could what?
A.Celebrate with my friends.(15:29)
INT What is yours?
A.Everything Ihave.(15:31)
INT Everything I have is what?
MA We had to what?
A.Celebrate and beglad.(15:32)
MA We had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours what?
A.Was dead and is alive again; he was lost and isfound.(15:32)
INT Accused of what?
A.Wasting his possessions.(16:1)
INT You cannot be what?
A.Manager anylonger.(16:2)
INT I’m ashamed to what?
INT I’m not strong enough to what?
INT His master’s what?
INT He called in each one of whom?
A.His master`s debtors.(16:5)
INT Olive what?
INT A thousand bushels of what?
INT He had acted how?
INT The dishonest what?
INT Who commended the dishonest manager?
INT What dwellings?
A.Eternal dwellings.(16:9)
MA Trusted with what?
A.Very little;much.(16:10)
INT Who can serve two masters?
INT No one can serve whom?
A.Two masters.(16:13)
MA Either you will what?
A.Hate the one and love theother.(16:13)
INT Sneering at whom?
INT Who heard all this and were sneering at Jesus?
A.The Pharisees.(16:14)
INT God knows your what?
INT Detestable in God’s what?
INT The good news of what?
A.The kingdom ofGod.(16:16)
INT What is being preached?
A.The good news of the kingdom ofGod.(16:16)
MA What to disappear?
A.Heaven andearth.(16:17)
MA Marries whom?
A.Another woman; a divorcedwoman.(16:18)
MA Dressed in what?
A.Purple and finelinen.(16:19)
INT Who was dressed in purple and fine linen?
A.A richman.(16:19)
INT Who lived in luxury every day?
A.A rich man who was dressed in purple and finelinen.(16:19)
INT Covered with what?
INT At his gate was laid whom?
A.A beggar named Lazarus.(16:20)
MA Even the dogs what?
A.Came and licked hissores.(16:21)
INT Longing to eat what?
A.What fell from the rich man’stable.(16:21)
MA A beggar named Lazarus, what?
A.Covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’stable.(16:21)
INT The beggar what?
INT Who died and was buried?
A.The richman.(16:22)
INT Who carried him to Abraham’s side?
A.The angels.(16:22)
INT The tip of what?
A.His finger.(16:24)
INT I am in agony where?
A.In thisfire.(16:24)
INT Dip the tip of his finger in water and what?
A.Cool my tongue.(16:24)