Chapter 1 to 18 Flashcards
INT Many have undertaken to what?
A.Draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled amongus.(1:1)
MA Those who from the first were what?
A.Eyewitnesses and servants of theword.(1:2)
INT Most excellent whom?
INT Investigated everything from when?
A.The beginning.(1:3)
INT I too decided to write what?
A.An orderly accountforyou.(1:3)
MA Observing what?
A.All the Lord’s commands anddecrees.(1:6)
MA They were childless why?
A.Because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both veryold.(1:7)
INT Zechariah’s division was what?
INT Who was serving as priest before God?
A.He (Zechariah).(1:8)
MA When Zechariah saw him, he was what?
A.Startled; gripped withfear.(1:12)
INT Your wife Elizabeth will what?
A.Bear youason.(1:13)
MA He is never to take what?
A.Wine or other fermenteddrink.(1:15)
INT To make ready whom?
A.A people prepared for theLord.(1:17)
INT To turn the hearts of the parents to whom?
A.Their children.(1:17)
MA Turn what?
A.The hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous.(1:17)
INT What will come true at their appointed time?
INT You will be silent and not able to speak why?
A.Because you did not believe mywords.(1:20)
INT Who became pregnant?
A.His wife Elizabeth.(1:24)
INT For five months remained where?
A.In seclusion.(1:24)
INT Nazareth, a town where?
A.In Galilee.(1:26)
INT Who sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth?
INT The virgin’s name was what?
INT Whose name was Mary?
A.The virgin’sname.(1:27)
INT Who was greatly troubled at his words?
MA Mary was what?
A.Greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this mightbe.(1:29)
INT You have found favor with whom?
INT Who will conceive and give birth to a son?
INT The holy one to be born will be called what?
A.The SonofGod.(1:35)
INT Who is going to have a child in her old age?
A.Elizabeth your relative.(1:36)
INT No word from God will ever what?
INT Who left her?
INT I am the Lord’s what?
INT Mary got ready and hurried where?
A.To a town in the hill country ofJudea.(1:39)
INT Mary’s what?
INT Elizabeth heard what?
A.Mary’s greeting.(1:41)
INT When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby what?
A.Leaped in herwomb.(1:41)
MA When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, what?
A.The baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the HolySpirit.(1:41)
INT Who leaped for joy?
A.The baby in mywomb.(1:44)
INT What reached my ears?
A.The sound of your greeting.(1:44)
INT As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, what?
A.The baby in my womb leaped forjoy.(1:44)
INT Fulfill what?
A.His promisestoher.(1:45)
INT Blessed is she who has what?
A.Believed that the Lord would fulfill his promisestoher.(1:45)
INT What rejoices in God my Savior?
INT All generations will call me blessed, when?
INT All generations will call me blessed why?
A.For the Mighty One has done great thingsforme.(1:48)
INT Holy is what?
A.His (the Mighty One)name.(1:49)
INT Who has done great things for me?
A.The MightyOne.(1:49)
INT From generation to what?
INT His mercy extends to whom?
A.Those who fearhim.(1:50)
INT What extends to those who fear him?
INT Who stayed with Elizabeth for about three months?
INT Mary stayed with Elizabeth when?
A.For about threemonths.(1:56)
INT They shared what?
INT Who had shown her great mercy?
INT The Lord had shown her what?
MA Who shared her joy?
A.Her neighbors and relatives.(1:58)
MA Who heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy?
A.Her neighbors and relatives.(1:58)
INT Her neighbors and relatives heard what?
A.That the Lord had shown her greatmercy.(1:58)
INT Name him after whom?
A.His father Zechariah.(1:59)
INT On the eighth day they came to what?
A.Circumcise thechild.(1:59)
INT Everyone’s what?
INT What tablet?
A.A writingtablet.(1:63)
INT He wrote what?
A.His name isJohn.(1:63)
INT Whose astonishment?
A.Everyone’s astonishment.(1:63)
INT To everyone’s astonishment, he wrote what?
A.His name isJohn.(1:63)
INT His mouth was opened when?
INT Whose mouth was opened?
A.His (Zechariah).(1:64)
INT Who prophesied?
A.His father Zechariah.(1:67)
INT His father Zechariah was what?
A.Filled with the HolySpirit.(1:67)
INT Enable us to serve him how?
INT To rescue us from what?
A.The hand of our enemies.(1:74)
INT A prophet of whom?
A.The MostHigh.(1:76)
INT To prepare the way for whom?
INT Who will be called a prophet of the Most High?
A.You, mychild.(1:76)
INT You, my child, will be called what?
A.A prophet of the MostHigh.(1:76)
INT You, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will what?
A.Go on before the Lord to prepare the way forhim.(1:76)
INT To give his people what?
A.The knowledge of salvation.(1:77)
MA For you will go on before the Lord to what?
A.Prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of theirsins.(1:77)
INT The path of what?
INT Guide our feet into what?
A.The path ofpeace.(1:79)
MA Shine on those living in what?
A.Darkness and in the shadow ofdeath.(1:79)
INT Who lived in the wilderness?
A.He (thechild).(1:80)
INT He lived in the wilderness until he what?
A.Appeared publicly toIsrael.(1:80)
INT The entire what?
INT A census should be taken of what?
A.The entire Romanworld.(2:1)
INT Caesar Augustus issued a decree that what?
A.A census should be taken of the entire Romanworld.(2:1)
INT Everyone went to their own town why?
A.To register.(2:3)
MA He belonged to what?
A.The house and line ofDavid.(2:4)
INT Who belonged to the house and line of David?
A.He (Joseph).(2:4)
INT Who also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David?
INT So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to where?
A.Judea, to Bethlehem the town ofDavid.(2:4)
MA So Joseph also went where?
A.Up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town ofDavid.(2:4)
INT Who was expecting a child?
INT Who was pledged to be married to him?
INT Placed him where?
A.In amanger.(2:7)
INT She wrapped him in what?
INT Who wrapped him in cloths?
INT Whose flocks?
A.Their (shepherds).(2:8)
INT There were shepherds living where?
A.Out in the fieldsnearby.(2:8)
INT I bring you what?
INT Great joy for whom?
A.All thepeople.(2:10)
INT What will cause great joy for all the people?
INT A Savior has been what?
INT Today in the town of David what?
A.A Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, theLord.(2:11)
INT Wrapped in what?
MA A baby what?
A.Wrapped in cloths and lying in amanger.(2:12)
INT Who appeared with the angel?
A.A great company of the heavenlyhost.(2:13)
INT Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with whom?
INT Glory to God where?
A.In the highestheaven.(2:14)
INT On earth peace to whom?
A.Those on whom his favorrests.(2:14)
INT Let’s go where?
A.To Bethlehem.(2:15)
INT Who was lying in the manger?
MA They hurried off and found whom?
A.Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in themanger.(2:16)
INT Who were amazed at what the shepherds said to them?
A.All who heardit.(2:18)
INT All who heard it were what?
A.Amazed at what the shepherds said tothem.(2:18)
INT Who pondered them in her heart?
INT Mary treasured up what?
A.All thesethings.(2:19)
MA The shepherds returned how?
A.Glorifying and praisingGod.(2:20)
INT Who returned, glorifying and praising God?
A.The shepherds.(2:20)
INT What were just as they had been told?
A.All the things they had heard andseen.(2:20)
MA Who took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord?
A.Joseph andMary.(2:22)
INT What pigeons?
A.Two young pigeons.(2:24)
MA Simeon, who was what?
A.Righteous anddevout.(2:25)
INT Who was righteous and devout?
A.A man in Jerusalem calledSimeon.(2:25)
INT Who brought in the child Jesus?
A.The parents.(2:27)
INT Moved by the Spirit, he went where?
A.Into the templecourts.(2:27)
INT The parents brought in the child Jesus why?
A.To do for him what the custom of the Law required.(2:27)
INT Dismiss your servant how?
INT Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now what?
A.Dismiss your servant inpeace.(2:29)
MA The child’s what?
A.Father andmother.(2:33)
MA Who marveled at what was said about him?
A.The child’s father andmother.(2:33)
INT Destined to cause what?
A.The falling and rising of many inIsrael.(2:34)
MA Destined to what?
A.Cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against.(2:34)
INT What will pierce your own soul too?
INT What will be revealed?
A.The thoughts of manyhearts.(2:35)
MA Worshiped night and day how?
A.Fasting and praying.(2:37)
INT They went up to the festival, according to what?
INT They went up to the festival when?
A.When he was twelve yearsold.(2:42)
INT Found him in the temple courts when?
A.After threedays.(2:46)
INT After three days they found him where?
A.In the temple courts.(2:46)
MA In favor with whom?
A.God andman.(2:52)
INT Who grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man?
INT What came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness?
A.The wordofGod.(3:2)
INT The word of God came to John son of Zechariah where?
A.In the wilderness.(3:2)
INT What paths?
INT The words of whom?
A.Isaiah theprophet.(3:4)
INT Make straight paths for whom?
INT A voice of one calling where?
A.In the wilderness.(3:4)
INT The rough ways what?
INT Every valley shall be what?
MA What made low?
A.Every mountain andhill.(3:5)
INT The crooked roads shall become what?
INT Who will see God’s salvation?
INT The ax is already where?
A.At the root of thetrees.(3:9)
INT What will be cut down and thrown into the fire?
A.Every tree that does not produce goodfruit.(3:9)
MA Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be what?
A.Cut down and thrown into thefire.(3:9)
INT I baptize you with what?
MA He will baptize you with what?
A.The Holy Spirit andfire.(3:16)
INT The straps of whose sandals I am not what?
A.Worthy tountie.(3:16)
MA Baptize you how?
A.With water; with the Holy Spirit andfire.(3:16)
INT Gather the wheat into what?
INT John exhorted the people how?
A.With many otherwords.(3:18)
INT He locked John up where?
INT Heaven was opened when?
A.As he was praying.(3:21)
INT Who was baptized too?
A.Jesus was baptizedtoo.(3:21)
INT Bodily form like what?
INT And a voice came from where?
INT The Holy Spirit descended on him how?
A.In bodily form likeadove.(3:22)
INT To cure what?
MA Power and authority to what?
A.Drive out all demons and to cure diseases.(9:1)
INT He sent them out to proclaim what?
A.The kingdomofGod.(9:2)
MA He sent them out to what?
A.Proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal thesick.(9:2)
INT No extra what?
INT Take nothing for what?
MA Take nothing for the journey—no what?
A.Staff; bag; bread; money; extrashirt.(9:3)
MA They set out and went from village to village, what?
A.Proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.(9:6)
INT Who had appeared?
INT Elijah had what?
MA He was perplexed why?
A.Because some were saying that John had been raised from the dead, others that Elijah had appeared, and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had come backtolife.(9:8)
INT I beheaded whom?
INT He tried to see whom?
INT A town called what?
INT Healed those who what?
A.Needed healing.(9:11)
INT A remote what?
INT Late in what?
A.The afternoon.(9:12)
MA The surrounding what?
A.Villages and countryside.(9:12)
INT Five loaves of what?
INT You give them something to what?
MA We have only five loaves of bread and two fish - unless we what?
A.Go and buy food for all thiscrowd.(9:13)
INT About five thousand what?
INT Looking up to where?
INT Taking the five what?
INT To distribute to whom?
MA Looking up to heaven, he what?
A.Gave thanks and brokethem.(9:16)
INT They all ate and were what?
INT Broken what?
A.Pieces that were leftover.(9:17)
INT Twelve basketfuls of what?
INT The disciples picked up what?
A.Twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were leftover.(9:17)
INT Who strictly warned them not to tell this to anyone?
INT Take up their cross when?