When investment dealers act as an ____ on behalf of buyers or sellers, they do not own title to the securities that they deal with, at any time during the transactions. Their profit is the commission they charge for each transaction.
Also known as open-end funds, __________, continually issue shares to investors and redeem these shares on demand. Open-end funds are by far the larger, accounting for approximately 95% of aggregate funds invested.
mutual fund
Also called ________, Investment dealers act as intermediaries by matching investors with the users of capital. Each side of a transaction has its own dealer who matches the trades through the markets.
Closed-end funds typically issue shares only at start-up or at other infrequent periods, whereas ________ (commonly called mutual funds) continually issue shares to investors and redeem these shares on demand.
open-end fund
Trades and other transactions are cleared and settled through organizations such as _________ and banks. .
CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc.
A ________ is a retirement plan that requires an employer to make contributions to a pool of funds set aside for a worker’s future benefit. The pool of funds is invested on the employee’s behalf, and the earnings on the investments generate income to the worker upon retirement.
pension fund
The process of confirming and matching security trade details
Transfer of capital from suppliers to users through the underwriting and distribution of new securities.
This activity takes place in the primary market in the form of a ____________ (or primary offering).
primary market distribution
__________ funds typically issue shares only at start-up or at other infrequent periods
closed-end fund
When they act as ________, investment dealers may own the securities as part of their inventory, at some stage of the buying and selling transaction with investors. The difference between the buying price and the selling price of the securities is their gross profit or loss.
Another ______ transaction is underwriting. In the securities business, underwriting refers to purchasing from a government body or from a company a new issue of securities, on a given date at a specified price.
________ make direct cash loans to consumers, who are usually unable to secure a loan from a bank. ________ typically charge higher rates of interest than banks.
consumer finance company
A category of investment dealers that make up the Canadian securities industry:
_________ include full-service investment dealers and self-directed brokers (also known as discount brokers).
retail firm
A ______ is a stockbroker who carries out buy and sell orders at reduced commission rates compared a full-service broker. However, they do not provide investment advice or perform analysis on a client’s behalf.
discount broker
Digital platforms that provide automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services with little to no human supervision. ______ collects information from clients about their financial situation and future goals through an online survey and then uses the data to offer advice and automatically invest client assets.
A _____ is an institution such as a bank that borrows money from suppliers of capital and lends it to users of capital. An ______ can also play a more direct role, by raising capital by bringing a new issue of securities to the financial markets.
financial intermediary
_________purchase instalment sales contracts from retailers and dealers at a discount, when items such as new cars, appliances, or home improvements are bought on instalment plans by consumers.
sales finance company
________ take advantage of computer technology to support or enable a variety of banking and financial products and services, including online loans, electronic wallets, and automated financial planning software.
The Alberta Treasury Branches (ATB Financial), known as _______, were formed in 1938 when chartered
banks pulled out their branches from many smaller towns. The ATB became a provincial crown corporation
in 1997 and was renamed ATB Financial in 2002. These banks provide a full range of financial services to
savings bank
The barriers that inhibit information sharing across a bank’s various business units are commonly known as _________.
Banks that are not a subsidiary of a foreign bank and are considered domestic banks even if they have foreign shareholders
schedule I bank
Investment dealers that serve exclusively institutional clients, organizations that trade large volumes of securities.
institutional firm
Incorporated banks operating in Canada as federally-regulated foreign bank subsidiaries
schedule II bank
__________offer products and services across the industry and participate fully in both the retail and institutional markets. Most _____underwrite all types of federal, provincial, and municipal debt, as well as corporate debt and equity issues. They are active in secondary markets, including the money market, as well as on all Canadian stock exchanges and some foreign exchanges.
integrated firm
Federally-regulated foreign bank branches of foreign institutions that have been authorized under the Bank Act to do banking business in Canada. ________ tend to focus on corporate and institutional finance and investment banking
schedule III bank
_______ act on their clients’ behalf as agents in the transfer of financial instruments between different
investors. They sometimes also act as principals, rather than agents. In both cases, they play a significant role in the securities industry’s two main functions
investment dealer
Considered the do-it-yourself approach to investing. They execute trades for clients at reduced rates, but they do not provide investment advice
self-directed broker
_______sell their shares to the public, most often in the form of closed-end or open-end funds, and invest the proceeds in diverse portfolios of securities.
investment fund
The irrevocable moment when cash and securities are exchanged.
Operates as a member-based professional association, providing its members with assistance in market advancement, advocacy, reputation services, and member support. Specializes in lobbying for its members to benefit their business, and provides members with conferences, workshops, education and networking.
Investment Industry Association of Canada