Chapter 1 Strategic Awareness Flashcards
There are a lot of reasons as to why police are here —what are the 5 key areas this is covered off under.
Our Business—the why
- Purpose—Be safe feel safe
- Vision— to have the trust and confidence of all
- Motto-Safer communities together
- Mission- To be the safest country
- Goals-a. Prevent crime and victimisation
- b. Target and catch offenders
- c. Deliver more responsive community focused police service
What we do!
What are our strategies?
- Prevention first—taking every opportunity to prevent harm
- Turning of the tide-better outcomes for NZ by working in partnership with Iwi.
- Safer Journeys-reducing and preventing road related trauma.
- Wellness and safety—looking after our people.
What are our targets?
5% reduction in road deaths each and every year
10,000 fewer serious crime and victimisations by 2021
25% reduction in reoffending by Maori by 2025
90% of people feel safe and have trust and confidence in police by 2021
$500 million cash and assets restrained from gangs and criminals by 2021
Prevention first is the national operating model for Police . It puts people -victims, offenders and staff at the centre of everything we do to beat demand by doing what? (2)
- deploying to meet demand
2. Targeting the 6 drivers of police demand.
What are the 6 drivers of demand?
- Alcohol
- Youth-rangatahi
- Families-Whanau
- Roads
- Gangs and Drugs
- Mental Health
In the prevention first model what are we required to have to beat demand?
(Prevention first model)
The right mindset-taking every opportunity to prevent harm
Describe what is turning of the tide?
Is a partnership between iwi and police aimed at reducing victimisation,offending,road fatalities and injuries.
Achieving better outcomes for Maori by working with iwi to create resilient communities and address over representations in road policing and other statistics.
Safer journeys road policing programme contributes to the governments road safety strategy. What is the vision?
A safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury.
Wellness and Safety strategy is designed to do what in order to keep our communities safe?
Firstly keep ourselves safe and well—demonstrates a clear focus on supporting all staff to look after one another-operational,office based,volunteers, contractors
Our business outlines the how we do it.
What are thes 3 areas
- Our people
- Our partnerships
- Our transformation programme
What are the 6 areas police make sure our people are
- valued
- Equiped and enabled
- feel safe are safe
- High performing
- Victim focussed
- Visible
What is the definition under our partnerships.
Working together to achieve a collective impact with our partners
Name our transformation programme as outlined in how we do it?
The safest country -policing 2021
- Building the frontline
- Safer whanau
- Iwi and community partnerships
- Evidence based policing
- Modernising our service delivery
Modernising our service delivery—gives us 3 service delivery strategic outcomes what are these.
Anywhere anytime
Fast and consistent
Smart and safe
What does PHPF help enable police to deliver our business by aligning what 5 levels for greatest impact?