Chapter 1: Role and Scope of Practice for Personal Trainer Flashcards
Role of PT in relation to Health Care Team
- Physicians/nurse practitioners (“gatekeeper” to all following)
- rehabilitation professionals (physical therapist, occupational therapist, cardiac rehabilitation professional, pulmonary rehabilitation professional, athletic trainer)
- nutritional support (registered dietitian, clinical weight-loss program, bariatric services team)
- mental health practitioners (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, support groups)
- alternative healthcare (licensed) professionals (acupuncture, chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist)
- trainers/coaches/instructors (athletic trainer, advanced fitness pros, personal trainer, group fitness instructor)
Definition of “scope of practice”
the legal range of services that professionals in a given field can provide, settings in which those services can be provided, and the guidelines or parameters that must be followed
Professional Responsibilities and Ethics
- ACE Code of Ethics
- ACE Professional Practices and Disciplinary Procedures
- Certification period and renewal
- Client Privacy
- Referral
- Safety-
- Supplements and other nutrition-related concerns
- Ramifications of offering services outside scope of practice
Scope of Practice for ACE PTs
Diagnose: receive exercise, health, nutrition guidelines from a physician, physical therapist, registered dietitian, etc., follow national consensus guidelines for exercise programming for medical disorders, screen for exercise limitations, identify potential risk factors through screening, refer clients to an approproiate allied health professional or medical practitioner
Prescribe: design exercise programs, refer clients to an appropriate allied health professional or medical practitioner for an exercise program
Prescribe diets or recommend specific supplements: provide general information on healthy eating, according to MyPlate Food Guidance System, refer clients to a dietitian or nutritionist for a specific diet plan
Treat injury or disease: refer clients to an appropriate allied health professional or medical practitioner for an exercise program, use exercise to improve over all health, help clients follow physician or therapist advice
Monitor progress for medically referred clients: document progress, report progress to an appropriate health professional or medical practitioner, follow physician, therapist, or dietician recommendations
Rehabilitate: design an exercise program once a client has been released from rehabilitation
Counsel: coach, provide general information, refer clients to qualified counselor or therapist
Work with patients: work with clients
ACE Code of Ethics
It’s in Appendix A and it serves as a guide for ethical and professional practices for all ACE PTs. It helps protect the public from harm.
*Link on page 12, same with Handbook for working through exam
Preparation and Testing for Clients
- build rapport with clients
- collect adequate health-history information and determine appropriateness of referral
- conduct appropriate assessments
- design and modify exercise programs to help clients progress towards their goals
- motivate clients to exercise and adhere to their programs
- always act in a professional manner within the PT scope of practice
Preparation recommendations and testing requirements for sitting at the exam
Main Content Domains of the Exam:
- Client Interviews and Assessments-31%
- Program Design and Implementation-33%
- Progression and Modifications-19%
- Professional Conduct, Safety, and Risk Management-17%
* Know each task statement of each domain (each question on the exam is associated with one of the 15 tasks statements-there are 3 per domain)
* Review Knowledge and Skill of each Task Statement
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities of ACE PT
- up to date with the industry’s most recent research and standards
- most up to date requirements are found in an outline published by the ACE Personal Trainer Exam Outline (Appendix B), which serves as a blueprint for the ACE Personal Trainer Exam Certification and provides a template for candidates preparing for the exam
- it also outlines the knowledge, skills, and Abilities
ACE Professional Practices and Disciplinary Procedures
ACE may revoke or otherwise take action with regard to the application or certification in the case of:
- Ineligibility for certification
- Irregularity in connection with any certification examination
- Unauthorized possession, use, access, or distribution of certification examinations, score reports, trademarks, logos, written materials, answer sheets, certificates, certificate or applicant files, other other confidential or proprietary ACE documents or materials
- Material misrepresentation or fraud in any statement to ACE or to the public, inlacing but not limited to statements made to assist the applicant, certificate, or another to apply for, obtain, or retain certification
- any physical, mental, or emotional condition of either temporary or permanent nature, including, but not limited to, substance abuse, which impairs or has the potential to impart competent and objective professional performance
- Negligent and/or intentional misconduct misconduct in professional work, including, but not limited to, emotional abuse, disregard for safety, or the unauthorized release of confidential information
- the timely conviction, plea of guilty, or plea of nolo contendre (“no contest) in connection with a felony to misdemeanor that is directly related to public health and/or fitness instruction or education…just don’t be a criminal
- failure to meet the requirements for certification or recertification
Certification Period and Renewal
- ACE certifications are valid for 2 years from the date earned, expiring on the last day of the month
- to renew certification for a new two-year cycle, ACE Certified Professionals must complete a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education (2.0 CECs) and maintain a current certification in CPR and, if living in North America, proper use of an AED.
- There is a six month grace period for certification renewal
Client Privacy
- keeping private information between the PT and client is important or else it may result in a severed relationship, may violate the ACE Code of Ethics and/or state or federal privacy laws
- Should follow HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
It’s important to build a referral network with those who are outside of your scope of practice. Do research on these programs, organizations, or instructors before you refer anyone to them.
- all equipment should be in good, working order
- everything is clean
- note sterilizers for cleaning equipment after use
- note first aid kit and AED location
- conduct risk-management responsibilities with client before the beginning of a program
- watch intensity and progressions
- its recommended to carry professional liability insurance for protection if a client is injured
Supplements and other nutrition-related concerns
supplements are not regulated by the FDA, don’t recommend them. Refer them to to get the nutrients they need
Ramifications of offering services outside of the scope of practice
don’t go beyond scope of practice or you die
The National Commission for Certifying Agencies
Its an accreditation body of Institute for Credentialing Excellence and it has a mission to develop standards for quality certification in allied health fields and to accredit organizations that met those standards
-being accredited by them is a third-party standard
Recognition of Accreditation from Fitness and Health Industry
- The Medical Fitness Association (MFA)-fire only those who hold NCCA-accredited certifications
- ACSM’s Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines recommends that clubs hire only fitness directors, group exercise directors, fitness instructors (including PTs), and group exercise directors who are certified by a nationally recognized and accredited certifying organization
- The International Health, Racquet, and Sportsclun Association (IHRSA) recommends that club owners only hire PTs with certifications from NCCA or an equivalent organization
Recognition from Education Community
some colleges provide courses for this…for PTs at a school that has Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), those students need to be certified by an NCCA like ACE
Recognition from Department of Labor
They pretty much say that most personal trainers today need to have an NCCA certification. ACE is one of the ones specifically noted by the DOL as being high-quality.