Chapter 1 Queen, government and religion, 1558-69 Flashcards
Name two features of the court?
- they were made up of nobleman, who acted as the monarchs advisor and friends and lived near the same place or house as the monarch.
- They advise the monarch and helped display her wealth and power.
- Members of the court could also be members of the privy council
Name two features of the privy council ?
- members of the nobility, who helped govern the country ( William Cecil )
- They monitored parliament, justice of peace, and oversaw law and order and the security of the country
- They debated issues and advised the monarch on government policy
Name two features of the justices of peace?
- they were large land owners appointed by the government , it was a position of status so it was a very popular job
- They kept law and order locally , heard court cases every three months for serious crimes and made sure all social and economic policies were carried out
Name two features of the parliament?
- The parliament was made up of the House of Lords ( nobleman, and bishops ) and the House of Commons ( who are People elected for the role )
- Parliament passed laws, approved taxes ( extra ordinary taxation that the monarch couldn’t do alone ) and offered advice to the monarch
Name two features of the Lord Lieutenant’s?
- they were nobleman appointed by the government who often also in the privy council
- They governed English counties , raised the local Milita, oversaw the enforcement of policies.
What was extraordinary taxation?
They were extra taxes required to pay for unexpected expenses, like costly war
What is Militia?
A force of ordinary people (not professional soldiers ) raised in Emergency
What could Elizabeth not do without the parliament?
She did not possess complete power:
-She could not pass laws without the parliament’s agreement
- she couldn’t raise taxes without the parliament agreement
What was the social hierarchy of the countryside?
- Nobility
- Gentry
- yeoman farmers
- Tenant farmers
- Landless and labouring poor
- Homeless and vagrants
What was the social hierarchy of towns?
- merchants
- Professionals
- Business owners
- Craftsman
- Unemployed
Name two features of the population of Elizabethan in England?
- 90% of the population of Elizabethan England lived in the countryside ( gentry yeomen farmers , tenant farmers )
- 10% of the population of Elizabethan, England lived in towns ( merchants, professionals, business owners)
Who were the nobility?
Major land owners: often Lords, Dukes and earls
Who were the gentry?
They owned smaller Estates
Who were the yeoman farmers?
They owned a small amount of land
Who were tenant farmers?
Farmers who rented land from the yeoman farmers and gentry
Who were the landless in labouring poor?
People who did not own rent land, and had to work all labour to provide for themselves and their families
Who were the homeless and vagrants?
People who move from place to place, looking for work
Who were the merchants?
Traders who were very wealthy
Who were professionals?
Lawyers, doctors and clergyman
Who were Business owners?
People who were often highly skilled craftsmen, such as silversmiths, glovers, carpenters, or tailors
Who were craftsman?
People who were skilled employees, including apprentices
Who were the skilled labourers and the unemployed?
People who had no regular work and could not provide for themselves and their families
Name, two features of Elizabethan society?
- Elizabethan society was very rigid based on inequality and social hierarchy or structure when everyone knew their place.
- Household will run along similar lines to society. The husband/father was the head of the household. His wife and children and any servants were expected to be obedient to him.
- Wherever you were in Elizabethan society, you owe respect and obedience to those above you had a duty of care to those below. Eg . Landowners would take care of the tenants, especially during hard times.
What is legitimacy?
Legitimacy is wether a Monarch is lawfully entitled to rule
Why was Elizabeth’s legitimacy doubted?
- When Henry had tried to divorce Catherine of Aragon in 1533 to marry Anne Boleyn , the pope had refused to divorce them
- This led to the English reformation, where Henry V III created it so the Church of England was seperate to the Catholic Church and made humelf head, and then allowed himself to divorce and then marry Anne Boleyn
- Since the pope had refused to recognise Elizabeth’s mothers marriage to Henry and Catherine of Aragon was still alive, people ( Mainly committed Catholics ) believed Elizabeth was born out of wedlock and therefore illegitimate
What were the key issues facing Elizabeth in 1558?
- it was expected that she would marry, however, this will reduce power and husband would be expected to govern the country and deal with parliament and her husband would be seen as the figure of authority
- The Crown was £300,000 in debt which put England in a vulnerable position since it didn’t have the money to defend itself because of past costly wars
- England was mainly Catholic, and she was a Protestant monarch, which therefore led to a lot of opposition
- Since she was a woman she was not considered emotionally or physically stable, which was not helped by Mary l’s short reign ( burning around 300 due to religious beliefs )
What are the main problems with Elizabeth marriage?
- If Elizabeth married a Protestant this would anger, Catholics
- if she married a Catholic, this would upset Protestants
- Marriage could involve England in expensive and damaging finance
Name two problems, Elizabeth face when she became queen?
- Her legitimacy - not being seen as a monarch, which was entitled to rule lawfully. This was mainly due to Henry V III’s past marriages and comitted catholics not recognising her as legitamate
- The Crown was £300,000 in debt which left England in a vulnerable position, Elizabeth could increase taxes, however, she would need the parliament agreement
Why didn’t Elizabeth want to marry or have children ?
- Although her potential husband could fulfil the role of military leader in war, she have to be obedient to her husband and would be side lined whilst her husband would be seen as the figure of authority
- Having children would ensure England’s stability and heir however the only man she could marry was a foreign prince but he would put Englands needs second to his own countries
Why was there so much Catholic opposition initially to Elizabeth’s rule?
- Committed Catholics disliked the English reformation and questioned Elizabeth’s legitimacy as a result
- Elizabeth was a Protestant monarch, whereas Catholics favoured and therefore wanted a catholic monarch since many neighbouring countries were catholic, and this would decrease the risk of rebellion
What were Elizabeth characters and strengths?
- she was resilient, she’d spent time in the tower accused of treason in the face of possible execution showing she was able to cope with the pressure
- She was very confident and charismatic, which enabled her to win over her subjects and command support in parliament
- Elizabeth, was well educated - she spoke, Latin, Greek French and Italian
- Elizabeth had an excellent grasp on politics
How did Elizabeth improve her image?
Throughout her reign, Elizabeth was happy to portray herself as a strong, legitimate, popular monarch and a ‘Virgin Queen’ - married only to England and not to a prince or king. This is reflected in paintings such as the one of her coronation, which shows a confident but feminine monarch rightfully crowned queen.
Who’s Elizabeth’s secretary of State? What did he do?
Sir William Cecil, he was the person in the government that she was closest to and advised the Queen on matters important to the crown
What is divine right?
The idea that God alone appointed the monarch, meaning that to challenge the monarch was the challenge. God, successful monarchs claimed, divine providence, ( godly approval ) of their actions reinforcing the legitimacy.
What is a patronage?
The monarch could use the granting of lands jobs and titles toward her supporters people who receive these positions could use them to become wealthy.
What were Elizabeth’s weaknesses ?
- She had a bad temper
- she was indecisive , taking a lot of time to make up her mind over serious matters which angered her privy council and advisers
Describe two advantages Elizabeth hide when she became queen in 1558?
- Elizabeth is confident and charismatic - which enabled her to win over her subjects and come and support in parliament
- Elizabeth had an excellent grasp on politics and therefore understood the interest and ambitions of her subject and was able to use her powers of patronage effectively
How can monarchs raise money?
- Rents and income from their own lands ( Crown lands)
- Taxes from trade (known as customs duties).
- Special additional taxes, known as subsidies, which had to be agreed by parliament.
- Profits of justice (fines, property or lands from people convicted of crimes).
- Loans (sometimes loans were ‘forced’, meaning they were compulsory and never repaid).
Why was financial weakness in 1558 a problem?
- Elizabeth needed money to remain secure on the throne
- She needed it to protect England from possible invasions or wars from neighbouring countries, such as Spain or France ( due to religious divisions / conflicts )
- She could use it to reward her supporters, therefore securing a position - patronage
What was the financial situation of crown and 1558?
The Crown was £300,000 in debt, because of past costly wars against neighbouring countries, such as, France
What were Elizabeth’s options in response to the financial problem involving parliament and 1558?
She could have convened parliament and asked for subsidies ( special additional taxes ) however, these taxes would be a popular increasing the risk of unrest and parliament could later demand something from her in return which she didn’t favour
What did Elizabeth do to solve financial problems in 1558?
- She didn’t raise taxes, but instead held the tight income and cut her household expenses by half
- Like her predecessors, she’s sold crowns land raising £120,000
What is the ‘crown’?
It refers to the government which means the monarch and her advisors
What were some of the challenges abroad that Elizabeth faced?
- The French threat
- France ending its war with Spain
- The treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
- The Auld alliance
What was the French threat?
France was wealthier than England, and had a bigger population. Mary Queen of Scots had a strong claim to the English throne and English Catholics may rallied to her if the French invaded. Therefore, threatening Elizabeth’s position.
When was the treaty of Cateau- Cambresis signed ?
In 1559
Why was the treaty of Cateau - Cambresis bad ?
England had lost Calais to France. This was England’s last remaining territory on the continent, and there was pressure on Elizabeth regain it since it had been useful as a military base in France and had been an important trading post. However, war with France was expensive and dangerous.
Why was France ending its war with Spain threatening?
It meant French military resources were no longer occupied by war with Spain, making a war with England more likely. Additionally, it made it more likely for Spain and France to team up against England. Both countries were very powerful and Roman Catholic countries ( Spanish troops in the Netherlands were close by ) making them a large threat
How did the Auld alliance threaten England?
France, allying with ( another enemy of England, ) Scotland was a threat to England since enemy soldiers were on the border, who could potentially attack. Additionally, the relationship between France and Scotland, was further strengthened by the marriage of Francis ( the air to the French throne ) to Mary Queen of Scots in 1558
Give two features of how Elizabeth dealt with the challenges from abroad?
- She sought to avoid war with France by signing the peace of Troyes ( 1564 ) which recognised once, and for all the French claim to Calais
- By placing Mary Queen of Scots, he fled Scotland and 1568 in custody. In England, she was able to deal with the threat posed by Scotland.
- By imprisoning Mary and making peace with France. Elizabeth only had one significant threat, which was Spain.
What did the peace of Troyes do ?
It was a peace treaty signed aiming to avoid war with France that recognised once, and for all the French claim to Calais
When was the peace of Troyes signed ?
Why was religion important in Elizabethan England?
- Religion was central to life in England. Religious teachings and practices guarded peoples morals and behaviour, as well as the understanding of the world. Birth, marriage and death were all marked by religious ceremonies.
- People believe that going to church attending pilgrimages confessing, would reduce their time in Purgatory, by the soul, was purchasing using spiritual fire before reaching heaven.
- religious festivals ( holy days ) such as St Swithins day, marked the agricultural year and was seen as essential to a good harvest.
What do Catholics believe?
- The pope was the head of the church help by Cardinals, bishops and priests
- Church is the intermediary between God and people. Can forgive sins.
- During mass bread and wine become actual body and blood of Christ
- 7 sacraments ( ceremonies )
- Priests are celibate ( can’t marry )
- Services are Latin
- Priests were vestments
- Church is a highly decorated
What did protestings believe in?
- there was no Pope. It may be necessary to have archbishops or Bishops.
- Personal direct relationship with God through - prayer and Bible.
- Only God can forgive sins
- Priest can marry
- Services are in English
- Priests wear simple vestments
- Churches, plain and simple
What did puritans believe in?
- No popes, Cardinals or Bishops
- Churches whitewashed, with no decorations
- Everything else similar to Protestants
What were the religious divisions in England in Europe during the 16th century?
- in the north-west of England was more Catholic, meaning the people live in there were less likely to accept Protestantism Eg. Places like Lancashire, Stanford, etc .. ( places away from London )
- However, in places near to/ in London, south-east of England, it was more Protestant. Eg. Essex, Kent
When was the religious settlement established?
What was the aim of the religious settlement?
Elizabeth’s religious settlement aimed to establish a form of religion that would be inclusive and designed to be accepted by as many of her subjects as possible.
Eg. the wording of the new Prayer Book was purposefully vague and could be understood to mean different things by Catholics and Protestants.
Describe two features of the role of the Church of England in Early Elizabethan society?
- The church played a central role in all aspects of people’s lives, providing religious services such as baptisms, marriages and funerals
- Encouraged loyalty to the Queen , throuh repeating prayers of obedience and thanks for her reign in their services
What were the features of the religious settlement?
- The act of supremacy
- The Royal injunctions
- The act of uniformity
- The book of common prayer
What did the act of supremacy do?
- Elizabeth became supreme governor ( head ) of the church of England.
- All clergy and Royal officials had to word an oath of allegiance to her as head of the church
- Under this act the, ecclesiastical high commission was established with the job of maintaining discipline within the church and enforcing the queen’s religious settlement
What did the act of uniformity do?
- Dictated the appearance of churches and how religious services were to be held.
- It required everyone to attend church, otherwise they would be fined .
- It introduced a set format church service in the form of the Book of prayer to be used in ALL churches , anyone who refused to use the wording of the prayer book was punished
What were the Royal injunctions?
- The role injunctions were a set of instructions to the clergy to reinforce the act of supremacy and uniformity.
- It included instructions on how people should worship God and how religious services were to be conducted.
What was the book of common prayer?
It was a book that introduced a set of church service to be used in all churches. The clergy had to follow the prayer book wording during services or be punished.
What was the aim of the Ecclesiastical high commission in regards to the religious settlement?
It was a commission established to keep discipline within the church. It enforced Elizabeth’s religious settlement , disloyal clergy would be punished.
What features of the religious settlement purposefully appealed to both Catholics and protestants?
- Book of Common Prayer could be interpreted as the body and blood of Jesus (transubstantiation). This would have appealed to Catholics, while Protestants could view it as an act of remembrance.
- Protestants would have approved of the ban on pilgrimages to ‘fake’ miracles, while Catholics would have approved of the possibility of ‘real miracles.
- Catholics would also have approved of the use of candles, crosses and vestments in church services.
What are the impacts of the religious settlement?
- 8000 clergy out of about 10000 accepted the religious settlement.
- Many Marian Bishops (Catholic Bishops appointed by Mary Tudor) opposed the settlement and had to be replaced.
- The majority of ordinary people accepted
Elizabeth’s religious settlement and attended the church services, even though many of them held on to Catholic beliefs.
What did the Royal injunctions require the clergy to do?
- all clergy wee to teach the royal supremacy
- anyone who refused to attend church was to be reported to the Privy Council
- Each parish was to have a copy of the Bible in English
- the clergy were to wear special vestments
- pilgrimages and monuments to ‘fake’ miracles were banned
What was the role of the church of England in society??
- Preached the government’s message - priests needed a government’s licence to preach. This ensured the clergy preached Elizabeth’s rellgious and political message,
- Visitations - bishops carried out inspections of churches and clergy, to ensure they obeyed the religious settlement. These took place every 3-4 years.
- Enforced Ellzabeth’s religious settlement of 1559 and Legitimised Elizabeth’s rule -the Church encouraged people to remain loyal to and not rebel against their monarch.
- Responsible for Church
Courte - these dealt with marriage, sexual offences, slander (false insults), wills and Inheritance.
What was the role of parish clergy in the village life?
- In all parishes the clergyman was a major figure in the village community and conducted church services including baptisms, weddings and funerals.
- The clergy offered spiritual and practical advice and guidance to people, especially when times were difficult (such as during a poor harvest).
- The clergy were funded by taxes or tithes, or by other sources of income, such as the sale of church pews. The gentry funded some parishes while others remained independent of local landowners
What was the role of parish clergy in town life?
- Parish churches in towns contained a much wider collection of people, including merchants, craftsmen, labourers and vagrants. There was often a wider range of religious beliefs, too, especially in London, which contained mainstream Protestants, Puritans and Catholics.
- The role of the clergy varied both within towns and between them. In London a wide variety of parishes existed, some of which were very wealthy while others were relatively poor.
- Due to overcrowding, parish clergy in towns had a wider range of issues to deal with than was the case in rural parishes. These included poverty, vagrancy and diseases, such as smallpox and plague.
What is a puritan?
A radical Protestant/an extreme protest
What did puritans want?
They wanted to purify the Christian religion by getting rid of anything that wasn’t in the Bible.
- Puritans wanted to develop their own
Church, which would not be controlled by the queen. There would be no bishops, and priests would not wear vestments. - Puritans wanted to make the world a ‘more godly place by banning ‘sinful activities, such as gambling and cock fighting.
- Puritans wanted a simpler style of worship, whitewashed churches and no ‘graven images’ (worship of religious idols), including crucifixes and statues, which were seen as ungodly and too Catholic.
- A minority of Puritans believed the monarch could be overthrown in certain circumstances. This was especially the case if the monarch was Catholic.
What was the crucifix controversy?
- Elizabeth, anxious not to upset her Catholic subjects, demanded that a crucifix be placed in each church.
- Puritans opposed this, and, when some Puritan bishops threatened to resign. Elizabeth backed down, as she could not replace them with educated Protestant clergy of similar ability.
What was the vestment controversy?
- Ellzabeth wanted the clergy to wear special vestments, as described in the Royal Injunctions, Puritans resisted this, arguing that clergy should either wear no vestments or simple vestments. In 1566 the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Parker, required priests in his Book of Advertisements to attend an exhibition showing the vestments they must wear.
- This resulted in 37 Puritan priests losing their posts because they refused to attend church and to wear the new vestments as required.
What did the Royal injunctions require the clergy to do?
It stated all clergy were required to:
- Teach the Royal supremacy
- Report, those refusing to attend church for the privy council- absentees will fined a weeks wages
- Keep a copy of the Bible in English
- Prevent pilgrimages, religious shrines, and monuments to ‘fake’ miracles
What were the features of the puritan challenge to the religious settlement?
- The crucifix controversy
- The vestment controversy
What is heresy?
Heresy involves denying the teachings of the Catholic Church.
What did Elizabeth’s excommunication do?
This encouraged Catholic powers , such as France and Spain to attack England .
How did Mary have a claim to the throne ?
Mary, Queen of Scots, was Henry VIl’s great-granddaughter and Elizabeth’s second cousin. She was descended from Margaret Tudor, Henry VIll’s sister, was Catholic and had a legitimate claim to the English throne. Mary was married to the French king, Francis II, and Inherited the Scottish crown when she was only six days old. While Mary was in France, her mother, Mary of Guise, ruled Scotland.
Why was Mary important and a threat ?
- Mary was Catholic, which meant that many Catholics, including members of the nobility, would be prepared to support her claim to the throne.
- Mary’s claim was strengthened by the fact there were no concerns about her legitimacy. Elizabeth’s legitimacy was questioned by Catholics, however, as her mother Anne Boleyn’s marriage to Henry VIll was seen by many Catholics as invalid. This undermined Elizabeth’s claim to the throne.
- Mary, therefore, would always be at the centre of Catholic plots and conspiracies against Elizabeth. These involved both English plotters and foreign powers.
What led to Mary leaving Scotland ?
On the death of Francis Il in 1560, Mary returned to Scotland and married Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley), producing an heir, James. Darnley was subsequently murdered (possibly with Mary’s involvement) and this time Mary married the Earl of Bothwell.
Many Scots assumed that Mary had murdered Darnley and, in 1568, Protestant Scottish lords rebelled against her, imprisoned her and forced her to abdicate (give up her throne) in favour of her son, James. Mary escaped and raised an army, but this was defeated at Langside near Glasgow. Mary subsequently fled to England, seeking her cousin Elizabeth’s help against the Scottish rebels.
What happened after Mary Queen of Scot’s fled Scotland ?
Mary was held in England in comfort but under. guard while Elizabeth decided what to do with her. The Scottish rebels demanded that Mary be handed over and tried for the murder of Darnley.
Why did Mary Queen of Scots presence in England create a problem ?
Relations between the two monarchs remained tense since Elizabeth became increasingly concerned about the presence of Mary, Queen of Scot’s since she posed a threat to her position on the throne / Catholics could seek to replace Elizabeth with a Catholic monarch
What were Elizabeth’s option with Mary, Queen of Scot’s ?
- Help Mary to regain her throne : This would anger the Scottish nobility and leave Elizabeth facing a Catholic monarch on her northern border. The Auld Alliance with France could then be revived to threaten her.
- Hand Mary over to the Scottish lords : Elizabeth didn’t support the disposing of a monarch and Mary’s trial, imprisonment and execution by Scottish noblemen could provoke France, driving them into alliance with Spain, which could lead both countries into war with England.
- Allow Mary to go abroad : Allowing Mary to go abroad could see her return to France. This could provoke a French plot that aimed to remove Elizabeth from the English throne and replace her with Mary.
- Keep Mary in England : Was probably the best option for Elizabeth. Yet, it carried the risk that Catholic plotters might try to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with Mary.
What are the Catholic challenges for abroad of France?
When religious war began in France, in 1562, Elizabeth backed French Protestants, hoping to take back Calais in return. Yet this policy failed, as French Protestants made peace with the Catholics later that year.
what is the counter reformation?
- The Catholic Church’s attempt to reverse the Protestant Reformation in Europe and stop the spread of Protestantism was known as the Counter Reformation. Protestants in Europe were charged with heresy.
- In 1566, the pope issued an instruction to English Catholics to not attend Church of England services.
What does the Catholic threat lead to?
- counter reformation in the Europe attempts to reverse the spread of Protestantism
- Catholic hostility towards Protestants
- The pipe instructs English Catholics not to attend church of England services, and one third of the English nobility and a large part of the gentry or recusants
- Revolt of the northern earls
What are recusants?
Recusants of people that practice the Catholic religion in secret. Initially Elizabeth tolerated them.
What was the extent of the Catholic threat ?
- Up to one-third of the nobility (major landowners) and many gentry (smaller landowners) were recusants, especially in the north and northwest of England.
- Catholic nobility tended to be from traditional and powerful families that had prospered under Mary Tudor, such as the Nevilles and the Percys. They resented their loss of influence under Elizabeth and disliked the growing influence of her favourites, such as Sir William Cecil and Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, who they saw as Protestant upstarts,
- The nobility in the north were very influential and had always enjoyed freedom of action (independence) from the Crown, so they were well placed to incite a rebellion against Elizabeth.
- This threat was increased by the pope’s instruction that
Catholics were not to attend Church of England services.
This gave them a powerful religious reason to rebel.
Why were catholic countries in Europe abroad a threat to Elizabeth?
Many viewers, most powerful ruler is tended to be Catholics and they could potentially seek to remove her from the throne and replace her with a Catholic morarch
what is the counter reformation?
- The Catholic Church’s attempt to reverse the Protestant Reformation in Europe and stop the spread of Protestantism was known as the Counter Reformation. Protestants in Europe were charged with heresy.
- In 1566, the pope issued an instruction to English Catholics to not attend Church of England services.
Why were catholic countries in Europe abroad a threat to Elizabeth?
Many viewers, most powerful ruler is tended to be Catholics and they could potentially seek to remove her from the throne and replace her with a Catholic monarch
What does the counter reformation lead the pope to do?
The Counter Reformation meant the pope was prepared to end Protestant rule in England. He disapproved of the steps that Elizabeth had taken to suppress Catholicism following the revolt of the Northern Earls.
The pope had already excommunicated
Elizabeth in 1570.
When did the Genoese loan take place?
What were the Catholic challenges abroad in Spain?
- In 1566 the Dutch rebelled against Spanish occupation.
Elizabeth outwardly condemned the Dutch rebels, known as the Sea Beggars, but many made their way to England. - Spanish atrocities against Protestants (hundreds were put to death in the Netherlands) put Elizabeth under pressure to shelter rebels, who attacked Spanish ships in the Channel.
- Spain was further angered by England’s seizure of the Genoese loan in 1568. The Italian city of Genoa lent gold to the Spanish government. Ships carrying the loan sheltered in English ports, where Elizabeth seized it, arguing it belonged to Italian bankers not Spain.
- By 1570, Spanish rule in the Netherlands was secure. The Privy Council now feared a Spanish invasion, as Spanish troops were in the Spanish Netherlands close to England (see map).
- The presence of Mary, Queen of Scots, as an alternative
Catholic monarch encouraged the Spanish government to plot against Elizabeth.
What was the Genoese loan?
It was England’s seizure of the Genoese loan in 1568. The Italian city of Genoa lent gold to the Spanish government. Ships carrying the loan sheltered in English ports, where Elizabeth seized it, arguing it belonged to Italian bankers not Spain.
Why were catholic countries in Europe abroad a threat to Elizabeth?
Many viewers, most powerful ruler is tended to be Catholics and they could potentially seek to remove her from the throne and replace her with a Catholic monarch
When did Henry V III divorce Catherine of Aragon / marry Anne Boleyn ?
when did the English Reformation begin?
Why had the reformation began in Europe initially ?
It had began because a growing number of people believed the Roman Catholic Church had become corrupt, greedy and no longer represented a truly Christian life , so therefore they thought it needed to be reformed
What did Puritans want ?
Radical / extreme protestants wanted to base their religion solely on what was in the Bible
How did Puritans come about as a result of Mary I’d reign ?
- When Mary ruled the burnt apron 300 protestants due to religious beliefs
- This led to many protestants escaping into exile into more tolerant states on the continent like the Netherlands
- They returned to England as Elizabeth inherited the throne with much more radical beliefs
What is the Treaty of Edinburgh?
A treaty under which Mary, Queen of Scots was to give up her claim to the English throne
When was the Treaty of Edinburgh signed
What led up the the Treaty of Edinburgh
Elizabeth helped Scotland’s protestant Lords rebel and defeat Mary of Guise , who had been ruling Scotland for her daughter Mary , Queen of Scots whilst she was in France with her husband. The rebellion ended in the Treaty of Edinburg in 1560
Why did the Scottish protestant lords rebel ?
They rebelled because they didn’t like the French , Catholic influence brought to Scotland by Mary of Guise
What led to Mary , Queen of Scots arrival in England ?
- Mary married her second husband , Henry Stuart / Lord Darnley in 1565
- In 1567 he was murdered, most probably by the Earl of Bothwell and Mary was suspected to have taken part in it as well
- She married Bothwell soon after - Admission of her guilt
- The scandal led protestant Scottish lords rebelling again. The forced Mary to give up her position in favour of her son. She was the imprisoned but the escaped in 1568
- Although she tried to raise an army she failed and had to flee to England seeking help against the rebels.
Why was the Book of Common Prayer deliberately vague ?
- It was like this so that Catholics could take it as meaning the bread and wine became the body and blood of Christ
- And Protestants could instead take it simply as an act of remembrance
= Made both parties happy
what is a crucifix ?
It is an image of Jesus Crust dying on the cross.
What were the consequences of not conforming to the religious settlement ?
- Commonly , punishments for those who didn’t conform to the religious settlement weren’t imposed
- However punishments for repeat offenders included : fines , imprisonment , loss of property , job and even life, depending upon the crime .
Why did Phillip II ban the import of English cloth in the Netherlands ?
- Phillip II was a strict Roman Catholic and did not like Elizabeth’s support for protestant rebels in Scotland and France. HE banned the import of English cloth to the Netherlands since he believed the English merchants were encouraging the spread of protestantism there
What happened as a consequence of Phillip II banning the import of English cloth to the Netherlands ?
- In retaliation , England ceased trading with the Netherlands. However this trade embargo affected both countries economically and only lasted one year .
How did the Dutch revolt come about ?
- since the 1550s , there had been growing unhappiness in the Netherlands due to Spanish interference in Dutch affairs
- When Phillip II decided to reorganise the Dutch government and Church he also brought the Spanish Inquisition to the Netherlands which led to Dutch protestants and catholics uniting against Spain leading to the Dutch revolt
Why was Elizabeth worried about the Duke of Alba’s precedes in the Netherlands ?
- Alba’s large army , with its mission against protestantism , was within easy striking distance of England
- Elizabeth didn’t want to be viewed as Europe’s leading protestant monarch. She wished to avoid war and openly condemned the Dutch rebels
Why was the Duke of Alba sent to the Netherlands ?
Phillip II sent the Duke of Alba with an army of 10,000 men to the Netherlands to put don the Dutch revolt
What did Alba do in the Netherlands ?
- He went to the Netherlands with an army of 10,000 men
- He established a council of troubles to enforce both Catholicism and obedience to the Spanish crown
Name features of the sea beggars in England ?
- Some Dutch rebels fled by taking the water ( known as sea beggars ) and attacked Spanish ships in the English Channel that were crying men / resources for Alba’s army . Elizabeth began to allow sea beggars to shelter in English harbours
- In 1568, Spanish ships carrying gold to pay Alba’s troops in the Netherlands also took refuge in English ports - from the sea beggars. The money was for Phillip II from Italian bankers yet Elizabeth decided to take it for herself - The genoese loan.
What was Elizabeth trying to achieve by allowing sea beggars to shelter in English harbours ?
Elizabeth was trying to protect English interests without going to war by making Spain’s task in the Netherlands as difficult as possible. She hoped to encourage Spanish forces to leave and allow the Dutch to continue governing themselves as before
What was Spain’s reaction to the Genoese loan?
It greatly angered Phillip II