chapter 1 (professional identity) Flashcards
counselling psychologists
professionals who use psychological principles to provide education and treatment to individuals dealing with stress and other mental health issues. PhD or master’s.
physicians with advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
social workers
professionals who provide a broad range of educational;, advocacy, and counselling services to individuals, groups, and communities.
what individuals and groups consider important/worthwhile. ethics derived from values.
principle that promotes the rights of clients to have autonomy and freedom of choice.
guidelines that define the limits of permissible behaviour in a profession
dual relationship
relationship in which there is both a counselling relationship and another type of relationship, such as friendship or sexual intimacy.
absolute confidentiality
an assurance that client disclosures are not shared with anyone
relative confidentiality
assumption that client disclosures may be shared within the agency with supervisors or colleagues, outside the agency with client permission,, or with others because of legal requirements, such as those contained within child abuse legislation.
duty to warn
the professional responsibility that counsellors have to inform people whom they believe a client may harm
ethical dilemmas
a situation involving competing or conflicting values or principles.
ability to understand feelings, thoughts, and behaviour without allowing personal values, beliefs, and biases to interfere.
distortions/false conclusions based on simplistic reasoning, incomplete information, or bias
defence mechanism
mental process or reaction that shields a person from undesirable or unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or conclusions that, if accepted, would create anxiety or challenges to one’s sense of self.
vicarious trauma
an occupational hazard for people in the helping professions, in which they develop the same symptoms as their clients who have been traumatized.