Chapter 1 (Nature And Scope Of Business Economics) Flashcards
Study of man_____
- Adam smith
- Alfred Marshall
- Lionel Robbins
- Ragnar Frisch
Alfred Marshall
Study of macro economics______
- Alfred Marshall
- Adam smith
- Lionel Robbins
- Ragnar Frisch
Adam smith
1933 classified economics
- Adam smith
- Alfred Marshall
- Ragnar Frisch
- Lionel Robbins
Ragnar Frisch
Nature and causes of wealth of nations
- Alfred Marshall
- Adam smith
- Lionel Robbins
- Ragnar Frisch
Adam smith
Free Market forces
- Capitalist
- Socilaist
- Mixed
- None of the above
Price mechanism
- Capitalist
- Socilaist
- Mixed
- None of the above
Laissez fairre economy
- Capitalist
- Socilaist
- Mixed
- None of the above
Classification of economics into micro and macro in the year
- 1992
- 1925
- 1960
- 1933
1933 by Ragnar frisch
Government should increase taxes for luxury goods
- Positive
- Normative
- Classical
- None of the above
Normative, should
Red tapism is found in which economic system
- Capitalist
- Socilaist
- Mixed
- None of the above
Communist manifesto was written in the year
- 1948
- 1968
- 1848
- 1938
1848, by Karlx marx and Frederic engles
Communist manifesto was written by
- Karl marx
- Adam smith
- Alfred marshall
- Ragnar frisch
Karl marx, in 1848
Invisible hands decide prices in
- Capitalist
- Socilaist
- Mixed
- None of the above
Social unrest is minimal in
- Capitalist
- Socialist
- Mixed
- None of the above
Socialist economy is also known as
- Planned
- Command
- Both A&B
- None of the above
Both Planned and command economy