Chapter 1: Labor Economics Flashcards
is considered an important sub-discipline of Economics.
Labor economics
In labor economics, economic theories and models are analyzed at two levels. These two levels involve
microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis.
includes the behavior and decision
making of individual entities such as workers and firms labor and the determination of wage or earnings in the
labor market.
Microeconomic analysis
examines how the interactions the labor market actors affect the
overall performance of the economy as a such as unemployment employment and unemployment levels,
labor force participation rates, aggregate income, and economic growth.
Macroeconomic analysis
According to whom labor economics studies how labor markets work. It is an economic analysis of
how workers, firms and the government interact in shaping the outcomes in the labor market. It analyzes the
behavior and the relationship between employees and employers
Borjah (2016)
It is an economic analysis of
how workers, firms and the government interact in shaping the outcomes in the labor market. It analyzes the
behavior and the relationship between employees and employers
Labor Economics
looks into different issues problems in the labor market and weighs the costs and benefits
of policies and measures than can address these labor market concerns
Labor Economics
helps us understand and address many of the social and
economic problems facing modern societies.
Labor economics,
It helps economists to understand labor-related problems such
as issues on fair wage, welfare of workers, labor productivity, workers safety, gender-related matters, job
security, and job satisfaction.
Labor economics,
examines the labor market and its peculiarities. It addresses different topics such as wages,
human capital, productivity, labor force, and unemployment and offers solutions on policy issues concerning
the labor experiences of particular groups of workers or various aspects of the employment relationship
between workers and firms
Labor economics
- Why did the labor force participation of women rise steadily throughout the past century in many
industrialized countries? - What is the impact of immigration on the wage and employment opportunities of native-born workers?
- Do minimum wages increase the unemployment rate of less-skilled workers?
- What is the impact of occupational safety and health regulations on employment and earnings?
- Are government subsidies of investments in human capital an effective way to improve the economic
well-being of disadvantaged workers? - Why did wage inequality in the country rise so rapidly?
- What is the impact of affirmative action programs on the earnings of women and minorities and on
the number of women and minorities that firms hire? - What is the economic impact of unions, both on their members and on the rest of the economy?
- Do generous unemployment insurance benefits lengthen the duration of spells of unemployment?
- Do sharply increased wages actually have an impact on employment?
The policy issues examined by modern labor economics
Give some policy issues examined by modern labor economics
- Why did the labor force participation of women rise steadily throughout the past century in many
industrialized countries? - What is the impact of immigration on the wage and employment opportunities of native-born workers?
- Do minimum wages increase the unemployment rate of less-skilled workers?
- What is the impact of occupational safety and health regulations on employment and earnings?
- Are government subsidies of investments in human capital an effective way to improve the economic
well-being of disadvantaged workers? - Why did wage inequality in the country rise so rapidly?
- What is the impact of affirmative action programs on the earnings of women and minorities and on
the number of women and minorities that firms hire? - What is the economic impact of unions, both on their members and on the rest of the economy?
- Do generous unemployment insurance benefits lengthen the duration of spells of unemployment?
- Do sharply increased wages actually have an impact on employment?
One of the most important economic resources or inputs of
production is
_________is the work time and work effort that people devote to producing goods and services. This includes
the physical and mental efforts of all the people who work on farms, construction sites, factories, shops,
offices, etc
A nurse working in a hospital is considered to be a labor resource. The services rendered by a
teacher and an economist are also examples of labor resources.
At a macro level,____________refers to the employed individuals in the labor force.
A country’s labor force is the sum
employment and unemployment
is a visual model that depicts how money, goods, and services flow
through markets between households and firms in the economy. In this model, the economy is simplified as
there are only two sectors—firms and households.
The Circular Flow of Income Model
the model assumes that there is no government
intervention, the economy is closed, households sp
circular flow of income
resources flow from households to firms,
and goods and services flow from firms
to households.
(inner loop)
The households sell land,
labor, and capital to the firms in the
resource market. These resources will be
organized by firms to produce goods and
services. The output will then be sold to
households in the product market.
(inner loop)
spending on goods and services flows
from households to firms, and income
flows from firms to households. The
households receive income in the form of
rent, wage, and interest as payments for
providing these resources. The income
will then be used to buy goods in the product market.
The other direction (outer loop),
arranges the interaction of workers (employees) and firms (employers). I
The labor market
It is a place where
the supply and the demand for jobs take place because households sell their labor as workers to business
The labor market