This deck covers the key topics from chapter 1
What is Same-layer interaction on different computers?
The 2 computers use a protocol to communicate with the same layer on another computer.
What is Adjacent-layer interaction on the same computers?
On a single computer, one layer provides a service to a higher layer
What are the 4 steps if Larry uses Ethernet to forward an IP packet to Router R1?
- Larry encapsulates the IP packet between an Ethernet header and Ethernet trailer, creating an Ethernet frame
- Larry physically transmits the bits of the frame using electricity over the Ethernet cabling.
- Router R1 physically receives the electrical signal over a cable, and re-creates the same bits by interpreting the meaning of the electrical signals.
- Router R1 deencapsulates the IP packet from the Ethernet frame by removing and discarding the Ethernet header and footer.
Describe the path for basic routing between 2 workstations of 2 separate networks.
- Workstation 1 sends data to Router 1.
- Router 1 acts as a post office and determines which route to forward the data to.
- Router 2 receives the data and determines the route to send it to reach workstation 2
What are the 5 steps of encapsulation?
- Create and encapsulate the application data with any required application layer header.
- Encapsulate the data supplied by the application layer inside a transport layer header.
- Encapsulate the data supplied by the transport layer in side a network layer (IP) header.
- Encapsulate the data supplied by the network layer inside a data link layer header and footer.
- Transmit the bits.
Identify the TCP/IP message in the Transport layer of the TCP/IP module.
Identify the TCP/IP message in the Network layer of the TCP/IP module.
Identify the TCP/IP message in the Data link of the TCP/IP module.
how many layers are there in the OSI module?
What are the 7 layers of the OSI model?
Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data link, Physical
What are the 4 layers of the 4-layer TCP/IP Model?
Application, Transport, Internet, Link
What are the 5 layers of the 5-layer TCP/IP Model?
Application, Transport, Network, Data link, Physical
What are 6 benefits to using a layered protocol specification?
Less complex, Standard interfaces, Easier to learn, Easier to develop, Multivender interoperability, Modular engineering
What is deencapsulation?
The process in which a device interprets the lower layer headers, removes the previous header to reveal the next higher PDU.
What encapsulation?
The process of taking data from a higher layer and placing a header and sometimes a trailer of the next lower layer.