Chapter 1 Key Terms Flashcards
Who are Non-Legal Rules made by and who do they affect?
Non-legal rules are made by and only affect people in families, schools, sporting clubs, religious denominations and other organisations.
Who creates Legal Rules?
Legal rules are rules created by lawmaking
bodies, such as courts and parliament.
Who does Legal Rules apply to?
Legal rules generally apply to all members of a particular society
What is Criminal Law?
Criminal law is an area of law concerned with behaviour that is
against an existing law and is harmful to society
What is Civil Law?
Civil law is an area of law covering the infringement of a person’s rights, and aims to restore the affected person to their original position or to compensate for their loss
What are Laws?
Laws are legal rules that apply to all members of society, and are made and enforced by bodies such as courts and
What are the 4 Needs for Laws?
- Establishing a code of conduct (eg. Drink driving)
- Protecting the community from harm (eg. cyclists wearing helmets)
- Reflecting changing values and circumstances (eg. Cyberbullying)
- Resolve disputes (eg. Neighborhood Disputes)
What are the 5 characteristics of an effective law?
- The law must be known and understood
- The law must reflect values and be accepted
- The law must be able to adapt to change
- The law must be stable and consistent
- The law must be enforceable
What are the two types of Parliament?
The two types of Parliament are the State Parliament and the Federal Parliament
What does a Bi–Cameral System mean?
A Bi–Cameral System is having two houses of Parliament
What are the two houses called in Federal Parliament?
The Senate - Upper House
The House of Representatives - Lower House
What are the two houses called in State Parliament?
The Legislative Assembly - Lower House
The Legislative Council - Upper House
How many members are there in the Senate?
76 members - 12 from each state and 2 from the territories
How many members are there in the House of Representatives?
150 members meaning 76 would secure majority
How many members are there in the Legislative Assembly ?
88 members