Chapter 1 Key Terms Flashcards
psychological disorders
A pattern of behavioural, cognitive, or physical symptoms that includes one or more of the following prominent features: (a) some degree of distress in the subject; (b) behaviour indicating some degree of disability; and (c) an increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom.
efforts to classify psychiatric disorders into descriptive categories
a cluster of negative attitudes and beliefs that motivates fear, rejection, avoidance and discrimination against people with mental illnesses.
the ability to successfully adapt to an environment
Developmental Tasks
Psychosocial tasks of childhood that reflect broad domains of competence and tell us how children typically progress within each of these domains as they grow
How well as person follows the rules of a particular society
Developmental pathway
A concept to describe the sequence and timing of particular behaviours and to highlight the known and suspected relationships of behaviours over time
the concept that various outcomes may stem from similar beginnings.
the concept that similar outcomes stem from different early experiences and developmental pathways.
risk factor
a variable that precedes a negative outcome of interest and increases the chances that the outcome will occur
protective factor
a variable that precedes a negative outcome of interest and decreases the chances that the outcome will occur.
the ability to avoid negative outcomes despite being at risk for psychopathology.
internalizing mental health concerns
behaviours that begin during childhood and include anxiety, depression, somatic symptoms, and withdrawn behaviour.
Externalizing Mental Health Conditions
Behaviours that begin during childhood and encompass acting-out behaviours such as aggression and delinquent behaviour.