Chapter 1 Key Terms Flashcards
Telecommunications Act of 1996
• Established the Federal Communications Commission to regulate communications
Telecommunications Act of 1996
• Removes all limits on the number of television and radio stations, which can be owned by a single entity as long as the tv stations do not reach an audience more than 39%
• Extended limits of tv and radio to 8 years
• Eliminated regulations of rights of TV stations
• CDA attempted to regulate the Internet like broadcast → ruled unconstitutional
• Reno v. ACLU
Term: In this society, the exchange of information is the predominant economic activity.
Information society
Term: One to many, with limited audience feedback
Mass communication
Computer-readable info formatted in 1s and 0s
electronic or mechanical system that links the source to the receiver
the integration of mass media, computers, and communications
Why did Comcast buy NBCUniversal?
Revenues from the NBC network declined
The legal right to own intellectual property (the privilege to use, sell, or license creative works)
Net neutrality
Users are not discriminated against based on the amount or nature of the data they transfer on the internet
Digital divide
the gap in Internet usage between rich and poor
Information workers
create, process, transform or store information
SMCR stands for:
Source, Message, Channel, Receiver
source, message, encoder, channel, decoder, receiver
Social media challenges the…..
SMCR model
Communication is an exchange of…….
exchange of information we have with ourselves
Intrapersonal communication
communication between two or more people
Interpersonal communication
communication between fewer than a dozen people
Small-group communication
Large-group communication is not mass communication. Why?
it still involves feedback from the receivers of the message
Web 2.0 are…….
internet applications in which users provide content as well as consume it
digital, interactive, social, asynchronous, multimedia, and narrowcasted media is known as
new media
What are Affordances?
Technical features of communication channels that allow their users to perform useful functions
“When the communication channel is an electronic or mechanical device—such as a radio station or a movie projector—we call it “