Chapter 1 - It's a Geospatial World Out There Flashcards
geospatial technology
a number of different high-tech systems that acquire, manage, store, or visualize various types of location-based data
geographic information systems (GIS)
computer-based mapping, analysis, visualization, and retrieval of location-based data
remote sensing
the process of collecting information related to the electromagnetic energy reflected or emitted by a target on the ground, using a device on board an aircraft or a spacecraft a considerable distance away from the target
satellite imagery
digital images of Earth acquired by sensors onboard orbiting spaceborne platforms
Global Positioning System (GPS)
a technology that uses signals to acquire real-time location information from a series of satellites in Earth’s orbit
geospatial intelligence; geospatial information gathered, used, and analyzed for military or government intelligence purposes
Geospatial Technology Competency Model; a model set up by the U.S. Department of Labor to help define essential geospatial skills
GIS Professional; the title given for professional GIS certification
massive open online course; an educational class offered online without a limit on course enrollment numbers
geospatial data
items that are tied to specific real-world locations
non-spatial data
data that are not directly linked to a geospatial location (such as tabular data)
The National Map
an online basemap and data viewer with downloadable geospatial data maintained and operated by the USGS and part of the National Geospatial Program
volunteered geographic information; a term used to describe user-generated geospatial content and data
a database available for everyone to utilize and edit
the activities of untrained volunteers to create content and resources that can be utilized by others
citizen science
the activities of untrained volunteers conducting science
the technique of determining where something is in the real world
W3C Geolocation API
the commands and techniques used in programming to obtain the geolocation of a computer or mobile device
to connect real-world location information to an item
Google Earth
a freely available virtual globe program first released in 2005 by Google
virtual globe
a software program that provides an interactive three-dimensional map of Earth
Keyhole Markup Language; the file format used for Google Earth data
the compressed version of a KML file
aerial photography
acquisition of imagery of the ground taken form an airborne platform