Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Atmosphere Flashcards
The scientific study of the atmosphere and the phenomena that we usually refer to as weather.
Refers to the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
Constantly changing.
A generalization of weather in a location based on observations that have been accumulated over many decades.
The sum of all statistical weather information that helps describe a place or region.
Elements (Atmosphere)
Quantities or properties of the atmosphere that are measured regularly and that are used to express the nature of weather and climate.
What atmospheric elements constitute the variables by which weather patterns and climate types are depicted?
- The temperature of the air;
- The humidity of the air;
- The type and amount of cloudiness;
- The type and amount of precipitation;
- The pressure exerted by the air; and
- The speed and direction of the wind.
A tentative (or untested) explanation.
If a hypothesis cannot be tested, it is not scientifically useful, no matter how interesting it might seem.
A hypothesis that has survived extensive scrutiny and where other hypotheses have been eliminated.
A well-tested and widely accepted view that the scientific community agrees best explains certain observable facts.
List the basic steps followed in many scientific investigations.
- A question is raised about the natural world;
- Scientific data are collected that relate to the question;
- Questions are posed that relate to the data, and one or more working hypotheses are developed that may answer these questions;
- Observations and experiments are developed to test the hypotheses;
- The hypotheses are accepted, modified, or rejected, based on extensive testing; and
- Data and results are shared with the scientific community for critical and further testing.
What are Earth’s four spheres? Describe them.
- Geosphere - solid Earth.
- Atmosphere - gaseous envelope.
- Hydrosphere - water potion.
- Biosphere - life.
What produces weather?
The energy exchanges that continually occur between the atmosphere and Earth’s surface and between the atmosphere and space.
Where does most weather occur?
In the troposphere.
Compare the height of the atmosphere to the thickness of the geosphere.
More than 99% of the atmosphere is within 30km of Earth;s surface. The geosphere extends from the surface to the centre of the planet, a depth of about 6400km.
How much of Earth’s surface do oceans cover?
How much of the planet’s total water supply do the oceans represent?
A group of interacting, or interdependent, parts that form a complex whole.
Ex: Cooling system, Weather system, Political system.
What are the two sources of energy for the Earth system? What do they power?
- The sun drives external processes that occur in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and at Earth’s surface. Weather and climate, ocean circulation, and erosional processes are driven by energy from the Sun.
- Earth’s interior - Heat remaining from when our planet formed and heat that is continuously generated by radioactive decay power the internal processes that produce volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains.
Why is the CO2 content of air important to meteorologists?
It is an efficient absorber of energy emitted by Earth and thus influences the heating of the atmosphere.
What are the components (and their amounts) of dry air?
- Nitrogen - 78.084%
- Oxygen - 20.946%
- Argon - 0.934%
- Carbon Dioxide - 0.0391% or 391 ppm
- All Others:
Neon (Ne) - 18.2 ppm
Helium (He) - 5.24 ppm
Methane (CH4) - 1.5 ppm
Krypton (Kr) - 1.14 ppm
Hydrogen (H2) - 0.5 ppm
What components of air vary significantly from time to time and place to place?
Water vapour, aerosols, and ozone.
Why is water vapour in the atmosphere important?
- It is the source of all clouds and precipitation.
- It has the ability to absorb heat given off by Earth, as well as some solar energy. It is therefore important in relation to the heating of the atmosphere.
- The latent heat of water vapour (produced when water changes state) is the energy source that drives many storms.
Tiny solid and liquid particles that remain suspended in the air for considerable periods of time.
Ex: Sea salts from breaking waves, fine soil blown into the air, smoke and soot from fires, pollen and microorganisms lifted by the wind, ash and dust from volcanic eruptions, human pollution, meteoroids that have disintegrated.
What is the meteorological importance of aerosols?
- Many act as surfaces on which water vapour may condense, an important function in the formation of clouds and fog.
- They can absorb or reflect incoming solar radiation. Thus, when an air-pollution episode is occurring or when ash fills the sky following a volcanic eruption, the amount of sunlight reaching Earth;s surface can be measurably reduced.
- They contribute to the varied hues of red and orange at sunrise and sunset.
Where is the ozone layer located?
Well above the stratosphere, between 10 and 50 km.
How is ozone formed?
In this altitude range (10-50km) oxygen molecules (O2) are split into single atoms of oxygen (O) when they absorb ultraviolet radiation emitted by the Sun. Ozone is then created when a single atom of oxygen (O) and a molecule of oxygen (O2) collide. This must happen in the presence of a third, natural molecule that acts as a catalyst by allowing the reaction to take place without itself being consumed in the process.
Why is ozone concentrated in the 10-50km height range?
Because a crucial balance exists there: The ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is sufficient to produce single atoms of oxygen, and there are enough gas molecules to bring about the required collisions.
Why is the ozone layer crucial for life?
The ozone layer absorbs the potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun making the land areas of Earth habitable.
How was Earth’s first enduring atmosphere formed?
Outgassing - gases trapped in the planet’s interior are released.
What did Earth’s primitive atmosphere consist of?
Water vapour, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, with minor amounts of other gases and minimal nitrogen. Most importantly, free oxygen was not present.
Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
Established legally binding controls on the production and consumption of gases known to cause ozone depletion.
Represents a positive international response to a global environmental problem.
What are CFCs, and what is their connection to the ozone problem?
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are versatile compounds that are chemically stable, odourless, nontoxic, noncorrosive, and inexpensive to produce. They have been used as coolants for air-conditioning and refrigeration, as propellants for aerosol sprays, and so on. Because CFCs are practically inert (not chemically active) in the lower atmosphere, a portion of these gases gradually makes its way to the ozone layer, where sunlight separates the chemicals into their constituent atoms. The chlorine atoms released this way, through a complicated series of reactions, have the net effect of removing some of the ozone.
During what time of year is the Antarctic ozone well developed?
During the Southern Hemisphere spring (September and October). The hole is caused in part by the relatively abundant ice particles in the south polar stratosphere. The ice boosts the effectiveness of CFCs in destroying ozone, thus causing a greater decline than would otherwise occur. The zone of maximum depletion is confined to the Antarctic region by a swirling upper-level wind pattern. When this vortex weakens during the late spring, the ozone-depleted air is no longer restricted and mixes freely with air from other latitudes where ozone levels are higher.
Describe three effects of ozone depletion.
- Raises the risk of skin cancer.
- Promotes cataracts.
- Negatively effects the human immune system.
Where around Earth is the atmosphere located?
One-half of the atmosphere lies below an altitude of 5-6km. At about 16km, 90% of the atmosphere has been traversed, and above 100km only 0.00003% of all the gases composing the atmosphere remain.
What are the four layers of the atmosphere based on temperature?
- Troposhpere (bottom)
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
- Thermosphere
The bottom layer of the atmosphere in which we live, where temperature decreases with an increase in altitude.
Environmental Lapse Rate
The temperature decrease in the troposphere.
Average value is 6.5*C per km (normal lapse rate).
Can be highly variable and must be regularly measured.
An instrument package that is attached to a balloon and transmits data by radio as it ascends through the atmosphere.
Determines the actual environmental lapse rate and gathers information about vertical changes in air pressure, wind, and humidity.
Temperature Inversion
Shallow layers where temperatures actually increase with height in the troposphere.
How far does the troposphere extend?
An average of 12km.
Can reach over 16km in the tropics because of warm surface temperatures.
Can go as low as 9km or less in polar regions.
Why is the troposphere the chief focus of meteorologists?
It is in this layer that essentially all important weather phenomena occur. Almost all clouds and certainly all precipitation, as well as all our violent storms, are born in this lowermost layer of the atmosphere. This is why the troposphere is often called the “weather sphere.”
The boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.
Layer above the troposphere.
Temperature remains constant until about 20km before it begins a sharp increase that continues until the stratopause is encountered at about 50km.
Higher temperatures occur in the stratosphere because it is in this layer that the atmosphere’s ozone is concentrated (it absorbs UV radiation from the Sun).
Ozone layer concentrated between 15 and 30km.
The boundary between the stratosphere and mesosphere.
Third layer of atmosphere.
Temperatures decrease with height until at mesopause ~80km.
Average temperature approaches -90*C.
The coldest temperatures anywhere in the atmosphere occur at the mesopause.
Boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere.
Fourth layer of atmosphere.
Has no well-defined upper limit.
Temperatures increase with height due to the absorption of very shortwave, high-energy solar radiation by atoms of oxygen and nitrogen.
Why are temperatures in the thermosphere not strictly comparable to those experiences near Earth’s surface?
Temperature is defined in terms of the average speed at which molecules move. Because the gases of the thermosphere are moving at very high speeds, the temperature is very high. But the gases are so sparse that collectively they possess only an insignificant quantity of heat.
Summary of the Layers of the Atmosphere
0km-12km Troposphere - +20 to -60 12km Tropopause 12km-50km - Stratosphere - -60 to 0 15km-30km - Maximum Ozone 50km - Stratopause 50km-80km - Mesosphere - 0 to -90 80km - Mesopause 80km & Up - Thermosphere -90 to +90 & Up 80km-400km - Ionosphere
0km-80km - Homosphere
80km & Up - Heterosphere
From Earth’s surface to an altitude of about 80km, the makeup of the air is uniform in terms of its component gases. This lower uniform layer is termed the homosphere, the zone of homogenous composition.
The very thin atmosphere above 80km that is not uniform in composition.
Has layers based on weights: N2, O, He, then H.
An electrically charged layer located between 80 to 400km.
Here molecules of nitrogen and atoms of oxygen are readily ionized as they absorb high-energy shortwave solar energy. Each affected molecule or atom loses one or more electrons and becomes a positively charged ion, and the electrons are set free to travel as electric currents.
Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) & Aurora Australis (Southern Lights)
Occurs in ionosphere.
Solar flares are massive magnetic storms on the sun that emit enormous amounts of energy and great quantities of fast-moving atomic particles. As the clouds of protons and electrons from the solar storm approach Earth, they are captured by its magnetic field, which in turn guides them toward the magnetic poles. Then, as the ions impinge on the ionosphere, they energize the atoms of oxygen and molecules of nitrogen and cause them to emit light - the glow of the auroras. Because the occurrence of solar flares is closely correlated with sunspot activity, auroral displays increase conspicuously at times when sunspots are most numerous.
List at least four different methods of exploring the atmosphere, that is, four different means of gathering atmospheric data.
- Radiosondes
- Satellites
- Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)
- Airplanes
Compare the weather and climate on Mars with that on Earth.
The weather on Mars varies dramatically.
Mars’ atmosphere is extremely thin.
Mars’s climate has similarities to Earths such as polar ice caps, seasonal changes, and the presence of weather patterns.
Mars has no liquid water.
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
A research satellite designed to expand our understanding of Earth’s water (hydrologic) cycle and its role in our climate system.
Is atmospheric pressure constant?
Atmospheric pressure changes with altitude. The rate of pressure decrease with an increase in altitude is not constant. Rather, pressure decreases rapidly near Earth’s surface and more gradually at greater heights.
A standard or example for imitation or comparison.
Can be material, visual, mathematical, or computational and are often used in the construction of scientific theories.
A representation of an idea, an object, or even a process or a system that is used to describe and explain phenomena that cannot be experienced directly.