Chapter 1 - Introduction to Pathophysiology Flashcards
The use of these three basic building blocks, the signs related to the specific site of damage and the signs related to the pathological process taking place, facilitates the study of a specific disease
Under normal conditions, a relatively constant or stable internal environment is maintained within the body with regard to such factors as blood pressure, body temperature, and fluid balance
A disease or abnormal condition usually involves changes at the organ or system (gross) level as well as at the cellular level
Excision of very small amounts of living tissue
Examination after death
The identification of a specific disease through evaluation of signs and symptoms, laboratory tests, or other tools
Concerns the causative factors in a particular disease. There may be one or several causative factors such as:
congenital defects, inherited or genetic disorders, microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria, immunologic dysfunction, metabolic derangements, degenerative changes, malignancy, burns and other trauma, environmental factors, and nutritional deficiencies
When the cause of a disease is unknown
When a treatment, a procedure, or an error may cause a disease
Encompass the tendencies that promote development of a disease in an individual
Predisposing factors
A predisposing factors indicates _____________ for the disease but not certain development
High risk
Closely linked to etiology and predisposing factors for a specific disease
The development of the disease or the sequence of events involved in the tissue changes related to the specific disease process
The _________ of a disease may be _________ and obvious, or _________.
Example: gastroenteritis with vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea
Onset, sudden, acute
Disease indicates a short-term illness that develops very quickly with marked signs such as high fever or severe pain, for example, appendicitis
Disease that is often a milder condition developing gradually, but it persists for a long time and usually causes more permanent tissue damage, marked by acute episodes
Example: Rheumatoid arthritis
A state exists in some conditions in which pathological changes occur, but no obvious manifestations are exhibited by the patient
An initial silent stage, in which no clinical signs are evident, characterizes some diseases
In an infectious disease, the time between exposure to the microorganism and the onset of signs or symptoms. May last a few days or for a few weeks. Often a disease is communicable during this time
Incubation period
Comprises the time in the early development of a disease when one is aware of a change in the body, but the signs are nonspecific
Example: fatigue, loss of appetite, headache
Prodromal period
Clinical evidence or effects, and the signs and symptoms of disease
Example: redness and swelling
Manifestations of a disease
Found at the site of the problem
General indicators of illness
Example: fever
Objective indicators of disease that are obvious to someone other than the affected individuals
Example: fever, skin rash
Subjective feelings
Example: pain and nausea
Used to describe a specific local change in the tissue
Example: blister or pimple
A collection of signs and symptoms, often affecting more than one organ, that usually occur together in response to a certain condition
Laboratory tests that assist in the diagnosis of a specific disease
Example: chemical analysis of body fluids such as blood