Chapter 1 Intro Flashcards
What was one of the earliest used of chemicals as pesticides?
Burning sulfur
What is the economic threshold?
Level or density of a pest population where control measures need to be applied to prevent pest from reaching economic injury level
What are mechanical controls?
Hand destruction Traps Screens Nets Fences
What are physical controls?
Manipulation of water humidity or temperature the use of electric shock light or other energy
What is cultural control?
Manipulation of the environment. Selecting plants to the site managing irrigation roasting crops and pruning
What is genetic controls
Use of plants and animals resistant to attack by pests.
What is biological control?
Introduction encouragement and artificial increase of plants and animals that are parasites of a pest species
What is chemical controls?
What is avicides
Control birds
Controls bacteria
Control fungi
Controls weeds shrubs and trees
Controls insects
Mitcidies or acricidies
Controls mites
Controls snails and slugs
Controls nematoads
Control fish
Control rodents
What are the steps in the intergraded pest management program
1 identify the pest to be managed 2 define the management system 3 develop the pest management strategy 4 develop reliable monitoring techniques 5 use thresholds
What is integrated pest management
Pest control that involved the use of numerous tactics
Systemic pesticide
A chemical absorbed and traps located within a plant or animal
Contact pesticide
A pesticide that molds on contact and doesn’t need to be ingested or translocation
Why was ddt banned?
Because of its stability and persistence