Chapter 1 FlashCards
the process of influencing the actions and policies of a government, describes the process
describes the rules and institutions that make up the system of policymaking within a country
the power is held by the people
natural rights
right to life, liberty, and prosperity
social contract
people give to their government the ability to rule over them and ensure an orderly and functioning society
American political culture
the shared beliefs of liberty, equality, and rights shape a shared set of beliefs, customs, traditions and values that define the relationship of Americans to their govement
popular sovereignty
the idea that the government’s right to rule comes from the people, when citizens are unhappy, they can replace the government through regular, free, and fair elections
the authority of the government come from the people through their representatives
inalienable rights
the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and other self-evident right that the government cannot take away
social, political, and economic freedom from the influences by a government or freedom to pursue one’s dreams
participatory democracy
widespread participation in politics
civil society groups
independent associations outside of the government’s control, emphasis the importance of citizen involvement
pluralist theory
by French writer Alexis de Tocqueville emphasizes the role of groups in the policymaking process
elitist theory
a small minority with most of the economic power controls the government and politics, elected officials are heavily influenced by wealthy interest groups
political institutions
executive, legislative, and judicial branches to protect Americans fundamental rights and limit the power of the national government