Chapter 1 - Financial Management Overview Flashcards
What is the system that includes the circulation of money, the granting of credit, making of investments, and provision of banking facilities?
List the 3 areas of finance
- Financial Management
- Capital Markets
- Investments
Which area of finance focuses on decisions relating to how much and what types of assets to acquire, how to raise the capital needed to purchase assets, and how to run the firm so as to maximize its value?
Financial Management
Which area of finance is related to markets where interest rates, along with stock and bond prices, are determined?
Capital Markets
Which area of finance is related to decisions concerning stocks and bonds include a number of activities?
List the 3 forms of business organization
- Proprietorship
- Partnership
- Corporation
List 3 advantages of a proprietorship and partnership
- Easy to form
- Fewer regulations
- No corporate income taxes
List 3 disadvantages of a proprietorship and partnership
- Difficult to raise capital
- Unlimited liability
- Limited life
List 4 advantages of a corporation
- Unlimited life
- Easy transfer of ownership
- Limited liability
- Easy to raise capital
List 2 disadvantages of a corporation
- Double taxation
2. Cost of setup and report filing
What should a stock price be equal to in equilibrium?
It’s intrinsic value
Which actions should managers avoid?
Actions that reduce the intrinsic value
What motivates managers to act in their stockholders’ best interest?
Effective executive compensation plans
What’s the difference between debtholders and stockholders?
Debtholders receive fixed payments regardless of how well the company does while stockholder receive more when the company does better
True or False:
Partnerships and proprietorships generally have a tax advantage over corporations
True or False:
A disadvantage of the corporate form of organization is that corporate stockholders are more exposed to personal liabilities in the event of bankruptcy than are investors in a typical partnership
True or False:
An advantage of the corporate form of organization is that corporations are generally less highly regulated than proprietorships and partnerships
True or False:
One advantage of the corporate form of organization is that it avoids double taxation
True or False:
In order to maximize its shareholders’ value, a firm’s management must attempt to maximize the stock price in the long run, or the stock’s “intrinsic value”
True or False:
In order to maximize its shareholders’ value, a firm’s management must attempt to maximize the expected EPS
True or False:
If a stock’s market price is above its intrinsic value, then the stock can be thought of as being undervalued, and it would be a good buy
True or False:
If a stock’s intrinsic value is greater than its market price, then the stock is overvalued and should be sold
True or False:
If a firm’s board of directors wants to maximize value for its stockholders in general (as opposed to some specific stockholders), it should design an executive compensation system whose focus is on the firm’s long-term value
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. One of the advantages of the corporate form of organization is that it avoids double taxation.
B. It is easier to transfer one’s ownership interest in a partnership than in a corporation.
C. One of the disadvantages of a proprietorship is that the proprietor is exposed to unlimited liability.
D. One of the advantages of a corporation from a social standpoint is that every stockholder has equal voting rights, i.e., “one person, one vote.”
E. Corporations of all types are subject to the corporate income tax.
C. One of the disadvantages of a proprietorship is that the proprietor is exposed to unlimited liability.
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. One of the disadvantages of incorporating your business is that you could become subject to the firm’s liabilities in the event of bankruptcy.
B. Proprietorships are subject to more regulations than corporations.
C. In any partnership, every partner has the same rights, privileges, and liability exposure as every other partner.
D. Corporations of all types are subject to the corporate income tax.
E. Proprietorships and partnerships generally have a tax advantage over corporations.
E. Proprietorships and partnerships generally have a tax advantage over corporations.
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Corporations generally face fewer regulations than proprietorships.
B. Corporate shareholders are exposed to unlimited liability.
C. It is usually easier to transfer ownership in a corporation than in a partnership.
D. Corporate shareholders are exposed to unlimited liability, but this factor is offset by the tax advantages of incorporation.
E. There is a tax disadvantage to incorporation, and there is no way any corporation can escape this disadvantage, even if it is very small.
C. It is usually easier to transfer ownership in a corporation than in a partnership.
Which of the following could explain why a business might choose to operate as a corporation rather than as a proprietorship or a partnership?
A. Corporations generally face fewer regulations.
B. Less of a corporation’s income is generally subject to federal taxes.
C. Corporate shareholders are exposed to unlimited liability, but this factor is offset by the tax advantages of incorporation.
D. Corporate investors are exposed to unlimited liability.
E. Corporations generally find it easier to raise large amounts of capital.
E. Corporations generally find it easier to raise large amounts of capital.
The primary operating goal of a publicly-owned firm interested in serving its stockholders should be to:
A. Maximize its expected total corporate income.
B. Maximize its expected EPS.
C. Minimize the chances of losses.
D. Maximize the stock price per share over the long run, which is the stock’s intrinsic value.
E. Maximize the stock price on a specific target date.
D. Maximize the stock price per share over the long run, which is the stock’s intrinsic value.
The primary operating goal of a publicly-owned firm trying to best serve its stockholders should be to:
A. Maximize managers’ own interests, which are by definition consistent with maximizing shareholders’ wealth.
B. Maximize the firm’s expected EPS, which must also maximize the firm’s price per share.
C. Minimize the firm’s risks because most stockholders dislike risk. In turn, this will maximize the firm’s stock price.
D. Use a well-structured managerial compensation package to reduce conflicts that may exist between stockholders and managers.
E. Since it is impossible to measure a stock’s intrinsic value, the text states that it is better for managers to attempt to maximize the current stock price than its intrinsic value.
D. Use a well-structured managerial compensation package to reduce conflicts that may exist between stockholders and managers.
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. One of the ways in which firms can mitigate or reduce potential conflicts between bondholders and stockholders is by increasing the amount of debt in the firm’s capital structure.
B. The threat of takeover generally increases potential conflicts between stockholders and managers.
C. Managerial compensation plans cannot be used to reduce potential conflicts between stockholders and managers.
D. The threat of takeovers tends to reduce potential conflicts between stockholders and managers.
E. The creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has eliminated conflicts between managers and stockholders.
D. The threat of takeovers tends to reduce potential conflicts between stockholders and managers.
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Corporations are taxed more favorably than proprietorships.
B. Corporations have unlimited liability.
C. Because of their size, large corporations face fewer regulations than smaller corporations and proprietorships.
D. Reducing the threat of corporate takeover increases the likelihood that managers will act in shareholders’ interests.
E. Bond covenants are designed to protect bondholders and to reduce potential conflicts between stockholders and bondholders.
E. Bond covenants are designed to protect bondholders and to reduce potential conflicts between stockholders and bondholders.
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. A good goal for a firm’s management is the maximization of expected EPS.
B. Most business in the U.S. is conducted by corporations, and corporations’ popularity results primarily from their favorable tax treatment.
C. Conflicts can exist between stockholders and managers, but potential conflicts are reduced by the possibility of hostile takeovers.
D. Corporations and partnerships have an advantage over proprietorships because a proprietor is exposed to unlimited liability, but the liability of all investors in the other types of businesses is more limited.
E. For a stock to be in equilibrium, its intrinsic value must be greater than the actual market price.
C. Conflicts can exist between stockholders and managers, but potential conflicts are reduced by the possibility of hostile takeovers.