Chapter 1 Destination Geography Flashcards
24-hour clock
Timekeeping method that provides a different numeral for each hour of the day.
Height in the atmosphere reflecting the distance above sea level.
A group of islands clustered together. Examples: Florida Keys and Hawaii
Atmospheric pressure
The weight of the atmosphere as measured by a barometer.
A coral reef enclosing a lagoon; found mainly in the Pacific Ocean.
Barrier islands
The landforms parallel to shorelines.
A body of water partly surrounded by land.
A cliff or steep wall of rock or soil that borders a river or its floodplain.
A deep, narrow valley with steep sides.
The science of mapmaking.
Celsius scale
The scale for measuring on the metric system in which 0° is the freezing point of water and 100° is the boiling point. Also called the Centigrade scale.
A high, steep face of rock.
The average of weather conditions over a period of time.
The visible masses of tiny water droplets or ice crystals.
The edge of land that borders an ocean along a continent or an island; also called seacoast or shore.
Cog rails
Gears that connect small trains to the rail bed, allowing the trains to climb a hill.
Compass rose
A symbol on map that indicates the map’s orientation.
Continental island
A piece of land surrounded by water that was once connected to a continent.
Continental shelf
The area where the sea meets land at the edge of a continent.
Coral island
A low island formed in warm waters by tiny sea animals called coral polyps.
Coral reef
A ridge created by corals, tiny soft-bodied marine animals that have hard outer skeletons.
Coriolis effect
The result of the earth’s rotation that causes a moving object or fluid to turn toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
The rocky outermost layer of the earth.
Every feature of an area’s way of life, including language, religion, dress, diet, arts, manners, recreation, and government.
Cold or warm river of water that flows within the ocean.
A storm that rotates around a center of atmospheric pressure. Called a hurricane in North America and a typhoon in the Pacific.
Daylight savings time
Clocks set 1 hour or more ahead of standard time. Also called summer time.
A flat, low-lying plain at a river’s mouth where it enters the sea, often fan-shaped.
Area with less than 10 inches of rainfall a year. Can be hot or cold.
Movement in the earth’s crust.
Eastern Hemisphere
The half of the earth east of the Prime Meridian to 180° Longitude.
Elapsed time travel
The length of time it will take to get to a destination.
The height of a physical feature above sea level on the surface of the earth.
The sum of conditions that surround and influence an organism.
Line of Latitude equal distance from North and South pole. 0°Latitude
Escorted tour
Structured program of prepaid transportation, lodging, sightseeing, and certain meals accompanied by a person who meets travelers at the destination and stays with them for the duration of their trip.
Fahrenheit scale
Temp scale used in US where freezing water is 32° and boiling at 212°.
Fall line
The place at the edge of a continent where the land begins to flatten out; where rivers drop from a hilly region to a flatland and form waterfalls.
Traveler who enjoys the food as much as scenery or history.
A large area covered with trees.
A counterbalanced cable rail car used on steep inclines in which one car ascends and the other descends.
Geographical information system (GIS)
Computers and software programs that record, retrieve, analyze, and manipulate the information gathered by satellites and used to make maps.
The study of the relationships between people and their environment.
A mass of ice formed by compressed snow that moves slowly over land and under the force of gravity.
Global positioning system (GPS)
A space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information anywhere on or near the earth where there is an unobstructed line of site to four or more GPS satellites.
A flat or rolling open area where grasses are the natural vegetation.
Great circle route
A phrase used by airline navigators to refer to the shortest distance between 2 points.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
The time at the prime meridian located in Greenwich, England; also called Universal Time.
A large area of ocean partly surrounded by land.
Gulf Stream
The warm ocean current that flows northeast along the coast of North America from the Gulf of Mexico. After passing Newfoundland, it divides and follows 3 separate routes.
Hard adventure
A tour with strenuous outdoor activities such as mountain climbing, paddling canoes through white water, remote locations or risk.