Chapter 1: Data Collection And Analysis Flashcards
Form 8-k
Generally required for material events that impact a company. Filed within 4 days of triggering event.
Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Repository
Form 10-k
Annual report. Includes audited financials. Filed within 60 - 90 days of company’s FYE.
90 days for regular companies.
75 days for accelerated filers.
60 days for large accelerated filers.
Accelerated filer
Company with public float greater than $75 million.
Large accelerated filer
Company with public float greater than $700 million.
Form 10-q
Company report filed quarterly. Contains unaudited financials. Filed within 45 days of FQE, 40 days for accelerated and large accelerated filers.
Schedule 13d
Detailed beneficial ownership report. Shareholders owning more than 5% of a voting class of stock.
Filed within 10 days of acquisition.
Schedule 13g
Abbreviated substitute for schedule 13d. Used by institutional investors and certain non-institutional investors.
Used if the purchase is part of the normal course of business and there is no intent to control the company.
Filed within 45 days of calendar year end for institutional investors, 10 days for non-institutional.
Qualifying non-institutional investors must own less than 20%.
Schedule 13f
Quarterly report by investment managers with greater than $100 million AUM.
Only long equity positions are disclosed, not short positions or debt holdings.
Filed within 45 days of each calendar quarter.
Schedule 14A
Report filed with SEC disclosing material information up for proxy vote.
Beneficial ownership form 3
Initial statement filed within 10 days of triggering event (acquisition of beneficial ownership).
Beneficial ownership form 4
Report detailing changes in beneficial ownership. Filed within 2 days of triggering event (1% or more).
Beneficial ownership form 5
Annual statement filed by beneficial owners.
Filed within 45 days of company’s FYE.
Beneficial ownership: forms 3, 4, & 5
Section 16 of the Exchange Act requires beneficial owners of public companies to disclose ownership with the SEC.
Beneficial owners do not include 3rd party fiduciaries (mutual funds, broker dealers, etc).
NASD Rule 2711(b) & NYSE Rule 472(b)
Prohibits investment bankers control or supervision over research analyst compensation.
All IB and RA communications must be sent through the company’s legal or compliance departments.
NASD Rule 2711(j) & NYSE Rule 472(g)(2)
Prohibits any retaliation by investment bankers for any unfavorable research analyst reports or publications about clients or potential clients that could damage relationships.
Syndicate desk
The department that is involved in underwriting offerings including pricing and building the book of orders.