Chapter 1 - Cells Flashcards
What does the centrosome do?
It generates microtubules.
What is the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells?
Prokaryotic cells: no proper nucleus, only a nucleoid.
Eukaryotic cells: more complex, have membrane bound organelles and their nucleus has a double membrane.
What is the difference between heterotrophic and autotrophic?
Heterotrophic: takes in food.
Autotrophic: makes own food. (ex. Plants)
What are the components of a phospholipid bilayer and where is it found?
The phospholipid bilayer is what makes up the plasma membrane, it is made of phosphate (PO4)-3 on the outside, and fatty acids on the inside.
Why are cells so small?
To maximize surface area to volume ratio. A greater surface area allows for more outside communication.
What is the model for the plasma membrane called?
The fluid mosaic model.
What is the cell wall of the bacteria made of?
What is the cell wall of the fungus made of?
How can a cell increase its size? (3 Ways)
- Do nothing.
- Have another cell feed and look after it.
- By becoming compartmentalized.
What are the 3 kingdoms of Domain Eukarya, and what is the other type? (Pay attention to capitalization)
Kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Fungi.
Other: protists.
What is the main difference between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria?
Archaebacteria does not have peptidoglycan in its cell wall.
What are protists? Name 2.
Protists are eukaryotic cells that do not fit within the 3 kingdoms. They are all very different from each other and often unicellular. Paramecium and Amoeba are two.
What are the roles of the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulums?
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: To synthesize of protein with the ribosomes, fold up the proteins, and ships them to the Golgi.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: To detoxify harmful byproducts and synthesize steroid hormones such as testosterone and lipids.
What are the functions of the lysosome and peroxisome?
Lysosome: Breaks down bacteria, food and unwanted organelles with digestive enzymes.
Peroxisome: Neutralizes free radicals.
How do the Nucleolus and Ribosomes work together?
The nucleolus makes the ribosomes, which read the RNA and synthesize proteins.
How are the openings between plant cells called?
How is the Plasmodesmata similar to the nuclear pores?
Both the Plasmodesmata and the nuclear pores allow for communication.
For the nuclear pores, this communication is between the nucleus and the rest of the cell, for the plasmodesmata, it allows for intercellular communication.
How does the mitochondria power the cell?
The mitochondria breaks down food particles and convert their energy into the form of ATP.
What is the function of microtubules.
The microtubules are part of the cytoskeleton, they help maintain the shape of the cell by resisting compression, and help the cell move.
Microtubules are also present in cilia and flagella in a 9+2 arrangement.
Which animal cell has a flagellum?
The sperm cell.
What are microvilli and what is their function?
What is the difference between them and cilia?
Microvilli are drawn as squiggly lines in the plasma membrane which increase the surface area to volume ratio of the cell to increase absorption.
Cilia resemble microvilli, but are motile, they move the cell through liquid and move liquid across the surface of the cell.
Cilia are made of microtubules while microvilli are not.
Name the different parts of the cytoskeleton in increasing order of size and what they are made of.
- Microfilaments: made of actin protein.
- Intermediate filaments: made of various proteins.
- Microtubules: made of tubulin protein.
What are the functions of the cytoskeleton?
The cytoskeleton maintains the shape of the cell, and is responsible for moving organelles and cytoplasm around the cell. It also helps the cell move and assists cell division.
Microfilaments and intermediate filaments resist tension.
Microtubules resist compression.
What is the inside of the mitochondria made of?
The mitochondria has an eukaryotic outer membrane, but a prokaryotic inner membrane called cristae. The space inside the prokaryotic membrane is the matrix.
What is the name of the pressure exerted by the central vacuole in the plant cell and what does it do?
Turgor pressure. It keeps the plants upright.
What is the inside of the chloroplast made of?
The chloroplast is made of an eukaryotic outer membrane. Just like the mitochondria, its inner membrane is prokaryotic. The inside is called the stroma and contains thylakoids.
What is the mycelium?
The mycelium is a system of intricate roots for the fungi. They stem from within the fungi itself and go underground.
Describe/draw a string of Fungi cells.
A string of Fungi cells is called a Hypha. These strings of cells are separated from the outside by the cell wall, but inside, they are not completely separated.