Chapter 1; Basics Flashcards
Equation for Mass Density?
SI Unit for Mass Density?
English Unit for Mass Density?
For Liquids, mass density is not a strong function of _____, and _____. On the other hand, for ______, density varies with both temperature & pressure. -
p= m/v ; Density = mass divided by volume
SI Units= kg / m3
English Units= slugs / ft3
temperature & pressure
Specific Weight is also known as _____ _____.
Provide Definition-
Provide Equation-
Provided units-
Weight Density
Specific weight is the weight per unit volume.
γ = pg
SI = N / m3
USCS= lb / ft3
Define Specific Gravity
Provide Equation
Specific Gravity is the Ratio of the Specific Weight of a given fluis to the Specific Weight of water at 4¤ C (γwater = 9.81 kN/m3 or 62.4 lb/ft3 ).
Ideal gas law is also called -
Provide definition-
Provide standard equation and explain
perfect gas law
Ideal Gas Law is the relationship between temperature and pressure for most gases.
p= absolute pressure
V= Volume
m= mass
R is the gas constant
T is the absolute Temperature (units in Kelvin or Rankine)
Derive Ideal gas Law Equation in per mole basis and explain
pV=mRT ► pV=nRbarT
R= Rbar / M
n = m / M
p= absolute pressure
V is the volume
m is the mass
M= molecular weight also called atomic weight
n is the number of moles
Rbar is the universal gas constant = 8.314 kj/kmol-K
T is the absolute Temerature (Kelvin or Rankine)
What is equation for gas constant used in ideal gas law
R= Rbar / M
R = Gas Constant
Rbar = Universal Gas Constant = 8.314 kJ/kmol-K
M = Molecular Weight of the Gas
What is the Symbol for the Universal Gas constant, and what is the value and units
What Temperature should be used for the ideal gas law
Kelvin or Rankine
TK= TC + 273
TR = TF + 460
How do you convert Temperature to degrees Kelvin
How do youi convert temperature to degrees Rankine
How do you determine the number of moles
n = m / M
n= number of moles
m = mass
M= Molecular Weight
γwater used for Specific Gravity = ?
Provide SI & USCS
Equation for Compressibility Factor-
Z = pV / mRT
Z= Compressibility Factor
p= pressure
V= Volume
m= mass
R= Gas Constant
T= Temperature
Explain how the compressibilty factor for various gasses is plotted-
The compressibility factor for various gasses is plotted as a function of the reduced pressure( pR), and the reduced temperature (TR) in the compressibility chart.
Provide Equation for the Reduced Pressure
& the Reduced Temperature
pc = critical pressure; The crtical pressure is the max temperature that liquid and vapor phases can coexist.
Tc = critical temperature
What are the conditions when the behavior of real gasses can be approximated using the ideal gas law?
This is when Z (the compressibility Factor approaches unit.
pR< 0.1 or TR > 0.2
pR = reduced pressure
TR = reduced Temperature
Define Viscosity-
Viscosity is a fluid property that measures the resistance of the fluid due to an applied force.