Chapter 1 - Auditing and Assurance Engagements Flashcards
What is assurance?
Denotes the comfort that can be derived from credible information, or the level of confidence that somebody can place in business information, such as financial statements.
What is an assurance engagement?
Involves asking an expert to given an independent opinion or conclusion on a subject matter in exchange for a fee.
What are the two types of assurance engagements?
Reasonable (High) and Limited (Low)
What is reasonable assurance?
assurance that provides high but not absolute assurance on the reliability of a subject matter. It is non conclusive.
What is limited assurance?
The level of assurance obtained where engagement risk is reduced to a level that is acceptable in the circumstances of the engagement, but where the risk is greater than for a reasonable assurance engagement as the basis for expressing a conclusion in accordance with CSRE 2400.
What information does a practitioner use for limited assurance?
Analytics and inquiries, which is much more limited.
What is materiality?
The size of misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, that would likely influence the decisions of users who rely upon the information of a specific reporting entity, such as financial statements.
What are the different factors to consider when determining materiality?
Qualitative and quantitative factors such as:
1. Size
2. Nature and the extent of the effects of the factors on the evaluation or the measurement of the subject matter.
3. The need of the intended users of the assurance reports.
What are the five elements of an assurance engagement?
- A three party accountability relationship.
- Subject matter
- Criteria
- Evidence
- A written conclusion
Who are the three groups in an accountability relationship?
- The User
- Management
- Assurance Provider (Auditor)
Who are the users in the accountability relationship?
Investors, employees, customers, or other stakeholders,.
What is the role of management in the accountability relationship?
Supplies the information which is the responsible party, as the users want to know the extent to which they can rely upon the information.
What is the role of the auditor in the accountability relationship?
Adds credibility to the information, evaluates on behalf of the user.
What are the four ethical requirements of the assurance provider?
- Professional judgement
- Integrity
- Professional skepticism
- Recognize responsibility to user.
What is professional judgement
Analytical, systematic, and objective judgement carried out with integrity and recognition if responsibility to those affected by the consequences
What is integrity?
The quality of being honest and courageous.
What is professional skepticism?
An attitude that includes a questioning mind, a critical assessment of audit evidence, and willingness to challenge the audits assertions.
Why are assurance services valued?
The auditor is independent of the responsible party and is perceived to be unbiased with respect to the information being examined.
What is independence in mind?
The auditors ability to be objective.
What is a subject matter?
The matter of interest to the user for whose benefit an assurance engagement is conducted.
What are criteria?
Criteria are the benchmarks that are used to evaluate or measure the subject matter, including, where relevant, for presentation and disclosure.
What is subject matter information?
The outcome of the responsible party’s evaluation and / or measurement of the subject matter against the criteria.
What is evidence?
Any information used by the assurance provider to assess whether the subject matter information is stated in accordance with the established criteria.
What is the written conclusion?
The degree of confidence the assurance provider has that the assertions made and the subject matter information provided by management corresponds to the established criteria.
What are the two different types of forms and when are they used?
Standardized format - Financial statements auditors reports.
Customized reports - Audit of the effectiveness of computer systems or an audit of the efficiency of manufacturing operations.
What are the 5 parts of a written conclusion?
- The assurance providers conclusion.
- The subject that was evaluated.
- The criteria to which is was evaluated.
- The work that was performed
- How the assurance provider formed the conclusion.
What is auditing?
The accumulation and evaluation of evidence regarding assertions about the subject matter information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the subject matter and the established criteria. It is what auditors do.
What is information risk?
The risk that information upon which a business decision is made is inaccurate.
What is the main reason that users demand audits and other types of assurance
Users are relying on the subject matter information, such as reliable financial statements, and need assurance that the information is reliable.
What is a smaller reason as to why users demand audits and other types of assurance?
Legal our regulatory requirements.
What is the common concern for shareholders?
Monitoring the company’s operations for investing purposes.
What is the common concern for banks and creditors
Ensure the company can repay them.
What is the common concern for the company’s directors?
Monitors the company’s operations and make internal decisions.
What is the common concern for the suppliers and credit agencies?
Determine the risk of doing business with the company.
What is the common concern for prospective and current employees?
Additional comfort with regard to targets, bonuses, and share incentive plans.
What is misinformation?
Information that is incorrect or false, but unintentionally so. (Results from error)