Chapter 1-a Flashcards
Prikradol sa k oknu
Crept to the window
Nakukol sa dole
Peered down
Ležať s otvorenými očami
Lay awake
Zapletení (do niečoho)
Zívol a obrátil sa na bok
He yawned and turned over
Nemajú sa čoho báť.
It couldn’t affect them
Nejavila žiadne známky únavy
She was showing no sign of sleepiness
Sedela nehybne
Sitting as still as a statue
Dvere auta buchli
A car door slammed
Spoza rohu sa vynoril muž
A man appeared on the corner
Tak náhle a potichu
So seddenly and silently
Súdiac podľa
Judging by
Šúchal po zemi
Swept the ground
Dlhy a zahnutý nos
Long and crooked nose
Zjavne netušil
Didn’t seem to realite
Vytrvalo sa prehraboval vo vreckách plášťa
He was busy rummaging in His cloak
Civela na neho
She was staring at him
Pobavil ho
Amuse him
Uškrnul sa a zahundral
He chuckled and muttered
Vás som tu nečakal
Fancy seeing you here
Tvárila sa podráždene
She looked distinctly reffled
Brick Wall
Nahnevane vzdychla
She sniffed angrily
Netrpezlivo povedala
She said impatiently
Kývla hlavou
She jerked her head
Nemôžete sa na nich hnevať
You can’t blame them
Vrhla ostrý pohľad
She trew a sharp, sideways glance
Rozumná osoba ako vy
Sensible person like yourself
Lichotite mi
You flatter me
Vrhla na neho prísny pohľad
She shot a sharp look
Hovorí sa, že
The rumour is that
He bowed His head
Zalapala po dychu
She gasped
Smutne prikyvol
She nodded glumly