Chapter 1 Flashcards
Zmocnila sa ho hrôza
Fear flooded him.
Započul utŕžok rozhovoru
He caught a few words
Hladkal si fúzy
Stroked His mustache
Blížil sa k mestu
Drove towards town
Čo mu to zišlo na um?
What could he have been thingking of?
Pri vstupe do mesta
On the edge of town
Že sa nehanbi!
The nerve of him!
Šibnuta kampaň
Silly stunt
Potom mu zišlo na um
Then it struck him
Bol pobúrený keď videl
He was enraged to see
Zažmurkal a hľadel na mačku
He blinked and stared at the cat
Áno, tak to bude
Yes, that would be it.
Zízali s otvorenými ústami
Gazed open-mounthed
Schmatol svoj telefón
Seized His telephone
Vrazil rovno do niekoho pred dverami
He walked straight into someone just outside the door
Prepáčte, zahundral.
Sorry, he grunted
Zapotacal sa a skoro spadol
He stumbled and almost fell.
Nevyzeral na nič nahnevaný
He didn t seem at all upset
On the contrary
Na jeho tvári sa objavil široký úsmev
His face split into a wide smile
Radujte sa!
Dnes ma nič nevyvedie z miery
Nothing could upset me today
Bol vydesený
He was rattled
Zabočil na cestu
Pulled into the driveway
Nezlepšilo mu to náladu
It didnt improve His mood
Fliacky okolo oči
Markings around its eyes
Prísny pohľad
Stern look
Namiesto dažďa
Instead of the rain
Čudne správanie
Acting oddly
Nie, odsekla
No, she said sharply
V poslednom čase
Ak mám byt úprimná
If You ask me