Chapter 1 Flashcards
Explicit instruction
Systematic instruction of concepts strategies and skills that builds from simple to complex
A cognitive structure or mental file
A piagetian process in which learners modify or incorporate new information and experiences into existing schemas
Piagetian process in which learners create schemas because of new information or experiences
Self efficacy
Students belief in their capability to succeed and reach their goals. Students who have self efficacy are more likely to be higher achieving readers and writers
Zone of proximal development
Distance between students actual level and their potential developmental level that can be reached by scaffolding by the teacher or classmates
Critical literacy
An instructional approach in which students read texts to understand issues of power inequality and justice and they’re empowered through social action projects
Meta cognition
Students awareness of their own thinking and learning processes
A sound. It’s represented in print with slashes
A written representation of sound using one or more letters
Predictable relationships between phonemes and graphemes
The structure of language that is, how words form to combine to form sentences
The structural system of language or grammar
The smallest meaningful part of words: sometimes it’s a word and sometimes it isn’t a whole word
Free morphemes
A morpheme that can stand alone as a word
Bound morphemes
A morpheme that isn’t a word and can’t stand alone
Compound words
Is new word formed with 2 or more words that has ya own meaning. It can be spelled as one word joined together with a hyphen or spelled as separate words. Ex: makeup newspaper upside down mother in law high school police officer
The social use system of language
A variety of languages
Standard English
The variety of English that’s the model for educated users
Non standard English
A dialect of English other than standard English
Balanced approach
An approach to literacy instruction in which teachers integrate instructions with authentic reading and writing experiences
The ability to read and write
The second stage of the reading process in which readers read the text for the first time using independent reading shared reading or guided reading of by listening to it read aloud. Also, the complex process of understanding written text
Common core standards
An initiative that describes what American K12 students should learn in language arts and math at each grade level. The goal is to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared for college or the workforce
Phonological awareness
The ability to identify and manipulate phonemes onset’s and rimes and syllables it includes phonemic awareness
Reading smoothly quickly and with expression
Writing process
The process in which students use prewriting drafting revising, editing and publishing to develop and refine a composition
The support a teacher provides to students as they read and write
Basal readers
Reading textbooks that are leveled according to grade
An ongoing process to monitor growth diagnose problems and improve learning in contrast, evaluation is used at the end of instruction to make judgements and determine quality against a set of standards
Background knowledge
A students knowledge of previous experiences about a topic
High stakes tests
Standardized achievement tests that are administered with the knowledge that important funding placement graduation are riding on the result