Chapter 1 Flashcards
Anatomy refers to:
Investigating human structure via dissection and other methods
Systemic anatomy refers to anatomical investigation:
That approaches the study of the body by systems: groups of organs having common function
Physiology refers to the:
Nature of human function
The removal of waste products in the body is achieved by a process known as:
Metabolism is the:
Sum total of all physical and chemical reactions occurring in the body
Standardizing terminology avoids:
Terms that are based on a person’s name
Beginning with the smallest level, the levels of organization of the body are:
Chemical, organelle, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organism
Molecules are:
Combinations of atoms forming larger chemical aggregates
Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum are examples of:
Blood production is a function of which system?
Support and movement are functions of which systems?
Skeletal and muscular systems
In the anatomical position, the subject is:
Standing with the arms at the sides and palms facing foward
The dorsal body cavity contains the:
Brain snd spinal cord
The ventral body cavity contains the:
Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities
The axial portion of the body cosist of:
Head, neck, and torso
The abdominopelvic cavity contains all the following except the:
The mediastinum contains all of the following except the:
Visceral peritoneum would cover which of the following organs?
A sagittal section would divide the body into:
Right and left sides
A coronal section would divide the body into:
Front and back portions
Inguinal is a term referring to which body region?
The regions frequently used by health professionals to locate pain or tumors divide the abdomen into four basic areas called:
A lengthwise plane running from front to back that divides the body into right and left sides is called:
A study of the functions of living organisms and their parts is called:
Which of the following structures does nit lie within the abdominopelvic cavity?
Hypogastric region
The dorsal body cavity contains component of the:
Nervous system
If your reference point is “nearest the trunk of the body,” where does the elbow lie in relation to the wrist?
The buttocks are often used as injection sites. This region can also be called:
Which of the following is not a component of the axial subdivision of the body?
Upper extremity
A synonym for medial is:
The outer region of an organ may often be referred to as the:
Cortical region
A principle of standardizing terminology is the avoidance of ________, or terms based upon a person’s name.
The term _________ means that the right and left sides of humans are mirror images if each other and only one plane can divide the body into left and right sides
Bilateral symmetry
_______ refers to an inner region of an organ
The narrow tip of an organ is the ______ portion
Hereditary material called ______ carries the chemical blueprint of the body
______ is the ability of an organism to sense, monitor, and respond to change in both its external and internal environments