Chapter 1 Flashcards
all water on earth in all of its forms (solid, liquid, gas)
all parts of earth where living organisms exist
solid, inorganic part of earth
gaseous envelope of air that surrounds earth
what is the shape of earth?
oblate spheroid
size of earth?
approximately 7,900
highest point of elevation?
lowest point of elevation?
the difference in elevation between highest and lowest points = 65,233
maximum relief
a set of lines intersecting at right angles, permitting any point on Earth’s surface to be described by the intersection
the geographic grid
earths grid system is referred to as a ______ with horizontal lines of latitude and vertical lines of longitude
another name for latitude
distance measured north and south of the equator
a line connecting all points of equal latitude
23.5 degrees N latitude
tropic of cancer
23.5 degrees S latitude
tropic of capricorn
distance measured east and west of the prime meridian
Prime Meridian location?
0 degrees E/W
international date line location?
180 degrees E/W
how many prime meridians were there in use in the 1880s?
at least 13
where does the prime meridian pass through?
greenwich, england
another term for longitude?
lines connecting all points of equal longitude.
refers to the spinning of earth on its axis; one rotation takes 24 hours
causes deflection in flow path of air and water currents to the right in northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere
coriolis effect
refers to the orbit of earth around the sun; this celestial motion takes 365.25 days to complete one cycle
the 23.5 degree tilt of earth on its axis
refers to the fact that the axis of the earth remains parrell
represents the division between night and day across the earth
circle of illumination
what two months are solstices?
june 21 and december 20
which two months are equinoxes?
march 20 and september 22
noon sun rays are vertical over the tropic of cancer (23.5 degrees N)
june solstice
noon sun rays are vertical over the equator (0 degrees N/S)
noon sun rays are vertical over the tropic of capricorn (23.5 degrees)
december solstice
how many time zones are there?
a practice by which clocks are set forward by an hour so as to extend daylight into the usual evening hours
daylight saving time