Chapter 1-5 Terms Flashcards
Term describing one who incorporates both masculine and feminine qualities.
Individuals who accept other-sex and same-sex individuals as sexual partners.
Individuals whose gender identity corresponds to their biological sex.
People with the perspective that gender cannot be divorced from its context.
Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex but exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with the other sex.
Description of trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the female gender role.
Belief that men and women should be treated equally.
Term used to refer to the social categories of male and female.
Gender culture
Each society’s or culture’s conceptualization of gender roles.
Gender identity/ gender-role identity
One’s perception of oneself as psychologically male or female.
Gender fluid
People who perceive gender as more of a continuum and not limited to two mutually exclusive categories.
Gender hybrid
Person who considers the self to be a combination of male and female sex categories.
Gender nonconforming
People who behave in ways that contradict traditional gender roles.
Gender role
Expectations that go along with being male or female.
Gender-role attitude
One’s personal view about how men and women should behave.
Individuals who prefer other-sex sexual partners.
Individuals who prefer same-sex sexual partners.
Interrole conflict
Experience of conflict between expectations of two or more roles that are assumed simultaneously.
A person who is born with ambiguous genitalia.
Intrarole conflict
Experience of conflict between expectations within a given role.
The idea that a single social category, such as gender, cannot be examined independent from other social categories, such as race, ethnicity, and social class.
Description of a trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the male gender role.
Persons who maintain there are important differences between the two sexes.
Persons who maintain the two sexes are fundamentally the same.
Social position accompanied by a set of norms or expectations.
Term used to refer to the biological categories of male and female.
Sex discrimination
Behavioral component of one’s attitude toward men and women that involves differential treatment of people based on their biological sex.
Affective component of one’s attitude toward sex characterized by demonstration of prejudice toward people based on their sex.
Sex-related behavior
Behavior that corresponds to sex but is not necessarily caused by sex.
Sex stereotype/ gender-role stereotype
Cognitive component of one’s attitude toward sex.
Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex and exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with that sex.
Sex typing
Acquisition of sex-appropriate preferences, behaviors, skills, and self-concept (i.e., the acquisition of gender roles).
Sexual orientation
Preference to have other-sex or same-sex persons as sexual partners.
Standpoint feminist
A maximalist perspective, supporting the idea that women’s competences and perspective provide advantages that are not reflected in those of men.
Descriptive term referring to an individual whose psychological sex is not congruent with biological sex.
Persons whose biological sex have been changed surgically to reflect their psychological sex.
Displaying both masculine and feminine traits.
Exhibiting gender-role characteristics that correspond with the other sex.
Gender-role strain
Tension that developed when the expectations that accompany one’s gender role have negative consequences for the individual.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
When people’s beliefs influence their actions toward a target in a way such that the target comes to confirm their beliefs.
Self-role discrepancy theory
The strain that arises when we fail to live up to the gender role society has constructed.
Exhibiting the gender-role characteristics that correspond with our sex.
Social constructionists
People who believe that masculinity and femininity are categories constructed by society and that each society may have a different definition of masculinity and femininity.
Socialized dysfunctional characteristics theory
Inherently dysfunctional personality characteristics that fundamental to the gender roles instilled by society.
Unmitigated agency
Personality orientation characterized by a focus on the self to the exclusion of others.
Unmitigated communion
Personality orientation characterized by a focus on others to the exclusion of the self.
Blacklash effect
The penalty that is imposed on people for counterstereotypical behavior.
Benevolent discrimination
Providing more help to women than men with the notion that women are less component than men and are in need of men’s help.
Benevolent sexism
Positive feelings toward women coupled with the notion that women are less competent than men and are in need of men’s help.
Category-based expectancies
Assumptions about individuals based on characteristics of general categories to which they belong.
Correspondent inference theory
Idea that people are more likely to make dispositional attributions for behavior that is unique or extreme rather than normative.
Egalitarian gender ideology
Maintains that power is distributed equally between men and women and that men and women identify equally with the same spheres.
Gender ideologies
Attitudes toward men’s and women’s roles.
Gender-role stereotypes
Features that individuals assign to men and women in their society; features not assigned due to one’s biological sex, but due to the social roles men and women hold.
Gender system justification
Belief that traditional female and male roles are just and fair and that the status quo should be preserved.
A negative attitude toward homosexuals.
Hostile sexism
Feelings of hostility toward women reflected by negative assumptions about women.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Situation in which expectations influence behavior toward someone so that the person behaves in a way to confirm our expectations.
Attitude toward people based on their sex alone.
Shifting standard
Idea that there is one standard for defining the behavior of one group but another standard for defining the behavior of another group.
Target-based expectancies
Perceptions of a person based on individual information about that person.
Traditional gender ideology
Maintains that men’s sphere is work and women’s sphere is home.
Transitional gender ideology
Maintains that it is acceptable for women and men to identify with the same spheres, but women should devote proportionately more time to matters at home and men should devote proportionately more time to work.
Negative attitude toward transgender people.
Confirmatory hypothesis testing
Process of noticing information that confirms stereotypes and disregarding information that disconfirms stereotypes.
A morality that is based on upholding moral norms.
Effect size
Size of a difference that has been found in a study.
Ability to experience the same emotion as another person or feel sympathy or compassion for another person.
Empathic accuracy
Ability to infer another person’s thoughts and feelings.
Erotic plasticity
Extent to which one’s sex drive is influenced by social and cultural factors.
File-drawer problem
Difficulty encountered when compiling a review of scientific literature because studies showing null results are unlikely to be published.
Gender intensification
Concern on the part of girls and boys with adherence to gender roles; applies to adolescence.
Statistical tool that quantifies the results of a group of studies.
Taking the average effect size across a series of meta-analyses.
Moderating variable
Variable that alters the relation between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
Morality of responsibility (care orientation)
Moral reasoning that emphasizes connections to others, responsibilities, and others’ feelings.
Morality of rights (justice orientation)
Moral reasoning that emphasizes separation from others, rights, rules, and standards of justice.
Narrative review
Review of scientific literature in which the authors reach their own conclusions about whether the majority of studies provide evidence fr or against the topic of the review (e.g., sex differences).
Social dilemma
A dilemma that pits self-interest against group interest; what is good for the group is not the best course of action for the individual.
A morality that is based on the consequences of action or inaction.
Male sex horomones (e.g., testosterone).
Incorporation of both traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine qualities into one’s self-concept.
Behavioral confirmation
Process by which a perceiver’s expectation actually alters the target’s behavior so the target comes to confirm the perceiver’s expectancy.
Cognitive confirmation
Idea that individuals see what they want to see.
The study of how the environment influences gene expression.
Female sex hormones.
Gender aschematic
Someone who does not use the gender category as a guiding principle in behavior or as a way of processing information about the world.
Gender constancy
Categorization of the self as male or female and the realization that this category cannot be changed.
Gender identity
Label determined by biological sex that is applied either to the self or other people.
Gender schematic
Someone who uses the gender category as a guiding principle in behavior and as a way of processing information about the world.
Heterosexual script
Stereotypical enactment of male and female roles in romantic relationships.
Homophily amplification hypothesis
States that interacting with similar others increases one’s similarity to those others.
Intersex conditions
Conditions in which chromosomal sex does not correspond to phenotypic sex or there is an inconsistency within phenotypic sex.
Localization of an ability (e.g., language) in one hemisphere of the brain.
Masculine mystique
Image of masculinity upheld by society that consists of toughness, dominance, emotional detachment, callousness toward women, eagerness to seek out danger, and competition.
Normative male alexithymia
Socialization of males to become unaware of their emotions.
Category that contains information about the features of the category as well as its associations with other categories.
Variable that describes the extent to which one is more concerned with self-presentation or self-verification.
Concern individuals have with how their behavior appears to others.
Concern individuals have with behaving in ways consistent with their self-concepts.
Social cognitive theory
States that cognitive development is one factor in gender-role acquisition, but there are social influences as well.