Chapter 1 Flashcards
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
father of microbiology
skilled at grinding glass lenses - magnified objects 300x
saw animalcules (microbes)
transition period
period between Leeuwenhoek and Pasteur
studied childbed (puerperal) fever in new mothers (blood poisoning)
incidence rate went down when medical assistants washed their hands
John Snow
studied cholera in London, found that it occurred near water pumps
took off handle of water pump, incidence rate went down
disproved spontaneous generation
experiments with wine spoilage
developed the Germ Theory of Disease
study of source, cause, and mode of disease transmission
exposing individuals to dried smallpox specimen
Edward Jenner
developed vaccination for smallpox from safer cowpox
Classical Golden Age (5)
Louis Pasteur - Germ Theory of Disease Robert Koch - Koch's postulates vaccines, immunology most bacteria identified realization of viruses (poisons)
Robert Koch
Anthrax studies - anthrax bacteria in cattle blood sample –> injected in mice, got sick
Koch’s postulate
pure culture techniques
Koch’s Postulate
relates a single organism to a single disease
Joseph Lister
developed practice of antisepsis - chemical disinfection of external living surfaces
Paul Erlich
developed Salvarsan, chemical that cured syphilis
Alexander Fleming
developed penicillin upon observing that penicillium mold kills bacteria
Second Golden Age (3)
realization that bacteria are a good model system
electron microscope