Chapter 1-3 Flashcards
what refers to any companion animal other than dogs or cats?
exotic pet
any animal used in research or teaching is referred to as
laboratory animal
nearly all medications using in exotic and lab animal medicine are considered
extra label
predisposing factors such as species, age, gender, and heredity are considered
intrinsic factors
the organization that was formed to safeguard species from extinction
the government agency that oversees the use of animals in an educational or research institution is the
the principle federal statute governing the sale, handling, transporrt and use of animals
the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was written under the directions of teh
Institution for laboratory animal research of the national academy of science
who oversees the institutional investigations into research misconduct and promotes the responsible conduct of research throughthe educational, preventative, and regulatory activites
refers to research that utilizes lower forms of life, computer models or other artificial means whenever possible
the most commonly used laboratory animals
mice and rats
species that are excluded from the animal welfare act regulations are covered by the regulations contained in
the guide
the animal welfare act set standards of care for laboratory animals and is implemented through
the institutional group charged with evaluation of anima use and inspection of facilities is
the group that provides voluntary accreditation of biochemical research facilities is
the main benefit of animal research
medical advances
how many years does it take of laboratory studies, along with animal and human clinical trials, before a medication can be released for human use?
10-12 years
prions were discovered and characterized in what year?
the use of procedures that casues the least amount of stress, pain, anxiety, and disturbance of normal life the animal is an example of
the vaccine for rabies was discovered in what year thans to what 2 animals
1885 from dog and rabbit
2 most active animal liberation groups in the US
specific environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, lightin, noise and ventilation are considered
extrinsic factors
most medications used in exotic animal medicine must be
name the minimum membership of and IACUC
minimum of 3 members, 1 must be a DVM with training, one with no affiliation with facility all appointed by CEO
list the 3 R’s of research and briefly explain them
Reduce: using the least amount of animals
Refinement: causing least amount of stress, anxiety pain, and disturbance of normal life
replacement: using nonanimal alternatives when possible
The animal welfare act was originally titled the Laboratory animal welfare act- what were the 3 purposes of this original act?
protect owners, prevent sale of stolen, and to insure animals inteded for use in research
list the 9 standards contained in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
qualifications, and credentials of personnel occupational safety and health, veterinary care, animal environment, animal procurement and transportation, surgery and postsurgical care, pain relief, euthanasia technique, and physical plant design
when discussing the morals and ethics of animal researcch, what are the 6 basic groups?
animal exploitation groups, animal use groups, animal control groups, animal welfare groups, animal rights groups, and animal liberation groups
owners of exotics pets must ensure what 3 factors are properly addressed?
unique animal husbandry, welfare, and safety
Institutional animal care and use committee
food and drug administration
association for assessment and accreditation of laboratory animal care
standard operating procedures
good laboratory practices
people for the ethical treatment of animals
animal liberation front
office of laboratory animal welfare
public health service
animal welfare act
animal and plant health inspection service
institute for laboratory animal research
regulatory enforcement and animal care
environmental protection agency
national institute of health
research directed toward specific objectives, such as development of new drugs is referred to as
applied research
the use of computer models or plants in research is an example of
basic research
veterinarians who have reached the highest degree of proficiency in laboratory animal medicine are board certified by
name the organization that determines the criteria for certification for ALAT, LAT, and LATG
the level of certification that requires the minimum of a GED or high school diploma and at least 3 years of experience is the
a biomedical facility designed for housing of germ-free animals is referred to as
barrier facility
what is microenvironment?
the temperature, humidity, lighting, and ventilation within the primary enclosure of the animals
what is Thermoneutral zone?
the range of temperature where an animal does not need physical or chemical mechanisms to control heat production or heat loss
animal rooms must have a minimum of what room air changes per hour?
which type of room should be under negative air pressure?
animal wards that house infectious or quarantine patients/ quarantine/ infectious
a diurnal lighting system is one that uses
12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness
a type of plastic used for cages that is transparent and has high impact strength and resistance to high heat and chemicals is
the study of animals with completely knwon flora and fauna is referred to as
animals that are known to be free of certain pathogens are referred to as
specific pathogen free
animals kept in animal rooms and experimental areas that undergo periodic testing to identify the presence of any microorganisms in the animal colonies are referred to as
sentinal animals
assistant laboratory animal technicians
laboratory animal technicians
laboratory animal technologist