Chapter 1 & 2 Terms Flashcards
Characteristics that describe a substance’s ability to react chemically with other substances to form new products (ex: flammability)
Chemical properties
A pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler components
A characteristic of matter that you can observe or measure, such as state, color, or density
Physical property
The degree in which a substance will burn
The degree to which a specified material conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio of the current density in the material to the electric field that causes the flow of current
Is a materials ability to deform under pressure
Is a solid material’s ability to deform under tensile stress
Is the way light interacts with the surface of a crystal, rock, or mineral.
Anything that has mass and volume
The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element
Particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons that are smaller than atoms; the prefix “sub-“ means below
Subatomic particles
Positively charged particle in the atomic nucleus
Uncharged particle in the nucleus of an atom
Negatively charged particles surrounding the atomic nucleus
A region surrounding the nucleus of an atom; may be occupied by electrons
Energy levels/shells
In chemistry the positively charged centre of an atom, which contains protons and neutrons. In biology, an organelle that contains an organisms hereditary information and controls all the activities within a cell
System of eight warning symbols used throughout Canada to provide safety information about chemicals
Column 1 of the periodic table; include the metallic elements lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium
Alkali metals
Column 2 of the periodic table; include the metallic beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium
Alakine earth metals
A set of metallic elements found at the centre of the periodic table; have a complex electron arrangement that sets them apart from other metallic elements
Transition metals
Column 17 of the periodic table; include the non-metallic elements flourine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and radon
Column 18 of the periodic table; include the elements helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.
Noble gases
Are all gases, and they form molecules because they don’t have full valence shells of their own. This includes bromine, iodine, nitrogen, chlorine, hydrogen, oxygen, and flourine
Diatomic elements
Is an electron that is associated with an atom, and that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond
Valance electrons
Diagram of the atom that describes the arrangement of subatomic particles; neutrons and protons in the nucleus and electrons in electron shells
Bohr-Rutherford diagram
Can display properties of both metals and nonmetals
vertical column, elements with the same properties
Horizontal row which corresponds to the number of energy levels
Degree to which the substance combines chemically with other substances (water, acid, etc.)
Degree to which the substance reacts in the body to produce harmful substances
A pure substance made up of two or more kinds of elements that are chemically combined
Who was the periodic table created by?