Chapter 1,2 and 3 Flashcards
Philosophy came from the greek word _______ means _______ and ________ means ________
Philos- love
Sophia- wisdom
- It is a set of ideals, standards or beliefs used to describe behavior and thought
-This is the study of getting knowledge
-He is a western philosopher and his main idea is the dualistic view of man
-More questions than answer
- Virtue is the happiness
Based on the dualistic view of man, What do you call the temporary and physical characteristic of man?
According to him, soul is the most divine aspect of human being
What are the three components to the soul?
Appetitive, rational, and Spirited
The element that enjoys sensual experiences such as food, drink, and sex
This is conscious awareness. This is the part of us that thinks and analyzes.
The one with lots of energy, power, and emotions. Passion, honor, and sense of victory
This is socrates’ philosophical dialogue
Socratic dialogue
This is the ultimate reality exist beyond the physical world
Theory of Forms
- Western Theology
- Man to communion with God
- He was deeply influenced by Plato’s ideas
- Following view of Plato but adds Christianity
St. Augustine
What is the latin phrase of “I think, therefore I am”
Cogito Ergo Sum
- He is the Father of Philosophy
- Self is constant and not prone to change
- His concept of human beings is the body and cogito/ mind
Rene Descartes
What do you call the skeptical of ones belief source of identity
Methodical doubt
- Age of Enlightenment
- Knowledge derived from experiences
- Tabula Rasa (Blank Slate)
John Locke
- Impressions of our experiences
- All knowledge derived from human senses
- The self is not an entity beyond the physical body
David Hume
Knowledge came from experience opposing Descartes’ Rationalism
According to David Hume, this is the impressions, sensation, thoughts, and ideas
- Reason is the final authority of morality
- experiences and apparatus of mind
Immanuel Kant
______ is not a body but the outside of it
______ bridges the self and material world
Mental process assimilating to the body
- Rational intellect & one’s psychological experience
- Not present but experienced
Apparatus of Mind
- He is the founder of Psychoanalysis
- His main idea is about unconscious
- Source of anxiety provoking drives that are not acceptable.
- Role of sex
Sigmund Freud
ideas or desires that are not acceptable
What is Freud’s Three Psychonalytic Theory?
ID, Ego, Superego
It satisties urges and this is the pleasure principle (amoral)
This is the reality or the balance
This is the perfection (conscience)
- The concept of Mind
- Sense of self is derived from our behaviors and actions
Gilbert Ryle
- Canadian Philosopher
- Materialistic view- physical world only
- Physical entity exist
Paul Churchland
- French Phenomenological philosopher
- One’s body is his opening toward his existence to the world
- Existentialism and phenomenology
- Self- body, perceived world, people & the world
Maurice Jean Jacques Merleau-Ponty
- Human social relationship and institutions
- concerned with the way society influences our behavior patterns
- Internalizing the norms and ideologies of society
Society was based on social rules or family-centeredness
Pre-modern time
Individualism and self identity became central
What are the key characteristics of Modernity?
Institutions of Surveillance
Extensive use of of power and machinery
Production system involving market competition and supply-demand
Increase of reach of institutions
Institutions of Surveillance
Life becomes a vigorous activity and process
- He defines groups
- German sociologist, philosopher and critic
George Simmel
2 or more people interacting with similar characteristics
Social group
Naturally occuring (family). Formed in traditional societies.
*rootedness, less freedom; greater social conformity
Organic group
You can join cause you are part of it
Organic motivation
Modern societies, shared-self interest
*dynamic; no meaningful connection
Rational group
- The looking- glass self
- American Sociologist
- Founding member of American Society in 1905
- 5th President in 1918
Charles Horton Cooley
What are the steps of looking- glass self (1902)
- You imagine how you appear to other person
- You imagine judgement of other person
- You feel some sense of pride, happiness, guilt, shame
- He is regarded as one of the founder of social psychology
- He claimed that the self is not there at birth, rather, it is developed with social experience
- How human self arise from social interactions
George Herbert Mead
Shared understanding of certain symbols and gestures
Role-play assume perspective of other
Able to take into account societal roles. One must abide.
What are Mead’s Concept of Self?
Languange, Play, and Game
Mead’s concept of Self
I and Me
-Part of self created through socialization
- Productibility and conformity
- Self that is spontaneous, unpredictable and creative
- acts in extreme situations of rage to excitement
- Study of people’s experiences’ past and present
- Field of social sciences that focuses on the study of man
No understanding of human beings is complete without the study of the full range of the human phenomenon
- Neuroscientist
- Conceptualized the Implicit and Explicit aspects of the self framed
Joseph LeDoux
Aspect that you are consciously aware of
Aspect that is not immediately available to the one consciousness
Anthropologist and professor and she stated the self representations
Katherine Ewing
Culturally shaped concepts applied to oneself or which represent the self
Self representations
- Powerful agent guiding the decisions & actions of human
- Regulates, express and transform human psyche
Independent- _______
Interdependent- _______
Individualistic culture, collectivist culture
American development psychologist
- she said that culture can influence your view of relationship, personality, achievement, and emotion
Catherine Raeff
How you get into relationship
How you value traits
Personality traits
how you value success
How you express yourself
Expressing emotions