Chapter 1 & 2 Flashcards
¿Tuvieron Uds. reunión ayer?
Did you all have the meeting yesterday?
¿Hicieron Uds. la Cena del Señor a la iglesia el domingo pasado?
Did you all do the Lord’s Supper at church last Sunday?
¿Trajo el correo a la casa de abuela?
Did she bring the mail to Grandma’s house?
Yo puse la carne en la encimera de la cocina para descongelar.
I put the meat on the kitchen counter in order to thaw.
El dijo que quería un refresco mediano.
He said that he wanted a medium soda.
¿Supieron las referencias?
Did they know the refrences?
¿Viniste a la clase anteayer?
Did you come to class the day before yesterday?
Traje una comida a la comida.
I brought a meal to the potluck.
Ella puso el bote de basura vacío en el pasillo.
She put the empty garbage can in the hall.
you(f.) were able to
tú pudiste
they were able to
ellos pudieron
you all were able to
Uds. pudieron
we were able to
nos. pudimos
I was able to
yo pude
they had to
ellas tuvieron que
we had to
nos. tuvimos que