Chapter 1/2 Flashcards
What are the 3 components of the criminal justice system ?
- Police
- Courts
- Correction (Prisons)
What happened in the year 1867 in Canada?
- Constitution act of 1867 ( July 1st )
- Other federal statues
What are some roles of the federal government ?
- Absolute power to create, amend and repeal criminal law
- Sets procedure for prosecuting and punishing crimes
- Operates : Federal Police, appoints some judges and manages courts, prosecutes federal offences, correctional facilities
What are some roles of the provincial government ?
- Can pass quasi-criminal legislation
- Oversees: Police services, prosecutes offences, manage courthouses, employ judge, run programs for offenders, operate prov. correctional facilities
What is an adversarial system in Canada ?
That when a citizen commits a criminal act then it is not against the “victim” but is said to be the accused vs Regina (The Crown)
“Accused goes against the King’s Peace”
What is “stare decisis”
“To stand by decided cases”
Use of precedent on present cases
What is the rule of law ?
That nobody is above the law not even it’s officials, everyone must respect the law
What is criminal law?
A system of law concerned with the punishment of those who commit crimes.
Regina vs Accused
What is civil law?
The system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.
Private matters
Citizen vs Citizen
What is a crime ?
An act or omission that is committed by the accused and is illegal under the criminal code.
What is the consensus model ?
A model that reflects society’s commonly reflected morals/values.
Mala in se - Morally wrong like murder, it is just wrong, shared agreement it is wrong
Mala prohibita - Wrong because “we” made it wrong, like driving speed limits. Not always morally wrong but we say it is wrong.
What is the conflict model?
A model that shows how some groups in society are more powerful or influential thus have better ability to influence what behaviors are criminalized.
What are the classifications of offences ?
There are 2 offences in criminal law :
- Summary offences
- Indictable offences
- There is hybrid offences has well but that is for the judge to decide if he/she wants to proceed with summary or indictable.
What is the “crime control model” ?
- Protection of the society and apprehension of offenders are paramount ( most important )
- Justice should be swift, sure and efficient
- Conservative
What is the “due process model” ?
- Legal rights of individual citizens, including those who have committed crimes are paramount ( most important)
- Procedural fairness and presumption of innocence
- Liberal
What is deterrence ?
A principle or objective of sentencing a person guilty of a crime which ensures that the punishment is sufficient to deter the guilty person, and others, from committing the same crime.
General deterrence or specific deterrence
What is “mens rea” ?
Mens rea is the mental element of a person’s intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one’s action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed.
What is “actus reus” ?
Actus reus, sometimes called the external element or the objective element of a crime, is the Latin term for the “guilty act”
What are “task environments” ?
The cultural, geographic, and community setting in which the criminal justice system operates and justice personnel make decisions
What is the crime rate ?
The number of criminal incidents known to the police as a ratio to the size of the population
What is the dark figure of crime ?
Crimes that occur but don’t get reported or caught.
What is a Victim Impact Statement ?
Goes directly to the judge, influences sentencing when judge reads it.
What other things can victims do to “help” keep their offender imprisoned?
Victims can attend parole hearings and talk about how they have been impacted so that the parole board can be influenced about whether or not to let the offender off on parole.
What compensations can victims get ?
They can get financial compensations :
- Property offences (mainly private insurances)
- Criminal injury compensation: From prov. gov. like expenses and damages (lost wages, medical bills,etc)
Also in civil litigation :
- Suing the alleged offender
- Suing a third party
- Suing the justice system
When was the Charter of Rights And Freedoms signed ?
The Canadian charter was signed in 1982
What is the crime funnel ?
It is a saying for how many crimes get reported and investigated ( A lot ) but at the end of the “funnel” which is a lot smaller are the actual convictions, charges that are laid.
What 2 statutes are said to be entrenched ?
- Canadian Constitution (1867)
2. Canadian Charter of Rights And Freedoms