Chapter 1,2&4 Flashcards
conceived as a lifelong process of learning. It is a continuing process of bringing about desirable changes in the behavior of the human beings which involves a variety of methods and resources.
Is the life long process by which every person acquires and accumulates knowledge, skills, attitudes and insights from daily experiences and exposure to the environment, at home, from travel, reading newspaper and books or by listening to the radio or viewing films or televisions.
Informal Education
-Refers to any organized, systematic education activity, career outside the framework of the formal system to provide the selected types of learning to particular subgroups in the populations, adults as well as children.
Non-formal Education
Refers to any organized, systematic education activity, career outside the framework of the formal system to provide the selected types of learning to particular subgroups in the populations, adults as well as children.
Nonformal Education
Refers to the highly institutionalized chronologically graded and hierarchically structured “education system” starting from primary school and reaching university education.
Formal Education
means to extend, to spread or to disseminate useful information and ideas to rural people aside from the regular organized schools and classroom. It may also be defined as the extending of or a service or system that extends the educational advantage of an educations institution to persons unable to avail of formal education.
Target Clients
➢ Poorest of the poor
➢ Farmers (Men and Women)
➢ Out of School Youth
refers to the general process of moving information and skills from information or knowledge generators such as research laboratories and universities to farm family clients.
Transfer of Technology
Clients are trained to make decisions that are well informed in things like market outlets, prices, crop processing and storage. In this purpose, extension attempts to teach new values such as efficiency and productivity.
Assistance on Decision-Making
use of extension activities to create situation favorable to the acceptance of innovations, especially when these ideas for practice are the initial stage of acceptance.
Social Support System
stems from the Latin word communis means common and communicare means to share.
refers to a person or a group of persons with the purpose , a reason in engaging the communication where the information or idea comes from.
believability of the source which is based in his competence, trustworthiness and dynamics
degree to which a receiver perceives the source as similar to him un certain attributes ( regional background, language, age, sex, value, etc)
is a symbol used in communication in other words, how can the message be put into words, pictures or symbols that the receivers will understand and take notice of
is the idea or substance selected to express the purpose of source
is the manner of material that are arrange in order to be meaningful to the receiver.
is the person or group of persons at the other end of the communication.
the medium utilized to convey a message. Classified as visual, spoken or written.
the expertness and trustworthiness of a channel as perceived by the receiver. Often this has the same bearing on the characteristics of the source and the receiver
Channel Credibility
the opportunity a channel provides for the receiver to respond immediately and, maximally to affect the source of the message
Channel Feedback
the perception effort by all the senses in order to comprehend information from a communication channel
Channel Involvement / Participation
the frequency and extent to which a channel may be used to reach as given audience
Channel Availability
the ability of a communication channel to carry the message over time
Channel Permanency
the channels relative potential for covering an extensive geographical area with speed and timeliness.
Channel Multiplicative Power
the channels potential for supplementing the communication to work of another channel
Channel Complimentary
happens through verbally, vocally or through written words which express or convey the message.
Verbal Communication
happens through word of mouth, spoken words, conversations and also any messages or information are shared between one another.
Oral Communication
happens through any word written or often written sign which refers the languages uses in any medium.
Written Communication
when communication is used by field workers in bringing new ideas to the farmers.
Agricultural Extension
when message is channeled thru a public a public medium.
Mass Communication
when it operates within an organizational structure or bureaucracy.
Organizational or Administrative Communication
when it is a system for selecting information specially for management purposes.
Management Information System
is the sender of the message, from where the message originates
the person who receives the message.
Refers to the specific cultural techniques in the management / production of crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry
Component Technology
Refers to the combination of all necessary component technologies for production or post production activities.
Package of Technology
some technologies take the form of physical goods
technologies of this nature are not tangible and may refer to a “system” for doing things or system, or schemes for improved production, postproduction, or processing.
these types of technologies generally provide the complimentary activities/ services to enhance existing programs/ policies of the government.
other technologies are simply information or significant findings that may indicate valuable socio-economic and technical databases for policy formulation and follow-up Research and Development activities.
This is the scientific and experimental stage wherein a Research and Development center utilizes all its human, technical, financial, material, physical and other resources to generate component technology or a package of technology.
Technology Generation
A technology is classified for verification if it can be incorporated in a package of technology that has potential for improving existing farmers practice.
Technology Verification
✓ It is conducted in station or farmers field and only a component technology
✓ It has been tested for technology generation (TG) research for at least one season
✓ It has shown good potential for economic feasibility based on TG research
✓ It has good potential for acceptance by farmers and commercial producers
Technology Adaptation
✓ It is integrated technology conducted in the farmer’s field
✓ It has been tested for two seasons in technology generation (TG) trials
✓ It has shown economic and technical feasibility in TG trials. Its computed return base on TG trial better than that of the farmer’s practices as shown by Marginal Rate of Return(MRR)
✓ It is perceived to be socially acceptable and environmentally safe.
Technology Verification
This is the stage when promoters of technology can use varied approaches and methods in bringing technologies to end users.
Technology Dissemination
R and D centers also generate information not technologies, but they are very useful in out word at work.
a. Possess significant social and economic implications associated with technology adoption
b. Contribute to the better understanding of research problems
c. Offers in information gaps in basic knowledge of agriculture, forestry, and natural resources
d. Helps policy makers formulate policies in food, agriculture and natural resources
Information for Dissemination
Technology that have successfully passed the piloting stage, or have passed the criteria for piloting, or not piloted yet, but have high potential for commercialization are considered priority technologies for commercialization.
Technology Commercialization
Confirm and demonstrate the feasibility of using improved technologies over relatively large areas involving many small farmers or clientele groups
➢ Gauge end-user’s reaction to the introduction of improved technologies
➢ Identify potential problems related to wider dissemination, utilization, and adoption so that these can be fed back to researchers, planners and implementor
Technologies for Piloting
the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better that the idea it supersedes.
Relative Advantage
the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with existing values, past experience and needs
the degree to which an innovation is perceived as difficult to understand and use.
the degree to which an innovation is perceived may be experimented with in a limited scale
the degree to which the result of an innovation are visible to others.
it is a description of farmers or clientele behavior related to the acceptance of new innovation or technology.
Adoption Process
knowing a new idea, practice or technology is the first stage before one learns to try and use it. The person merely knows that the technology exists but lacks adequate information. Basically, the first stage of technology promotion is to inform people, make them aware, and notice the information and technology
Awareness Stage
the person is attracted to the technology. He seeks more factual information about the technology
Interest Stage
an individual show marked interests in the technology as it applies to him, his family, or his work. He will obtain / ask information regarding the technology by:
a) obtaining a brochure / leaflet from dealers/ retailers b) asks detail information from technician/ researchers/ extension workers c) get data from the internet d) buy the product and asses its merits physically e) asks others who have tried he technology
Evaluation Stage
the person tries and experiments in small scale the new technology after weighting the advantages and risks involved.
Trial Stage
adoption or continuous use of the technology will take place if the person is convinced of its relative advantage over the existing technology. The final stage of the diffusion process is characterized by large scale and continuous use of the technology. In this stage, there is satisfaction on the part of the users.
Adoption Stage
- the process of spreading technology/ information from one agency to another, from one person to another person, from one group to another group; from generation to another generation. The ultimate objective of diffusion process is user’s adoption of the technology.
Diffusion process
is the mental process through which an individual pass from first knowledge of an innovation to a decision to adopt or reject and to confirm this decision
Innovation - Decision Process
the individual is exposed to the innovation’s existence and gains some understanding of how it functions.
the individual forms a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the innovation
the individual engages in activities which lead to a choice to adopt or reject the innovation
the individual seeks reinforcement for the innovative decisions he has made, but he may reverse his previous decisions if exposed to conflicting message about the innovation.
The objective of the process is adoption, however, if the person did not find satisfaction in the trial stage this may result to rejection.
Diffusion - Adoption
the process of making full use of a new idea or practice (Rogers, 1995).
the adoption of an innovation by an individual when experts feel he /she should reject
Over adoption
a mental acceptance of an innovation without necessarily “putting it into practice”.
Symbolic Adoption
adoption of a part of a package of technology initially and subsequently add components over time.
Sequential Adoption
the acceptance over time of some specific item: an idea or practice, by an individual or group, linked to a specific channel of communication to a social structure and to a given system of values or culture.
the first in his group or community to bring in or adopt a new idea or practice. Innovators are few, especially in societies bound by tradition.
is quick to see the value of a new practice of a new practice in his community and will try if he feels it has a fair chance of success.
Early Adoptor
Early Adoptor
are of average age, experience, and average education, highly respected in their communities and adopt a practice only after they are convinced of its value
Early Majority
Early Majority
makes up a large block of less wealthy, and adopt a practice only when it generally accepted by the community
Late Majority
Late Adoptor
are characterized by their conservatisms, are older than average and seldom take any risks
Late Adoptor