Chapter 1 Flashcards
Culture Area
-Defined by early 20th-century anthropologists
-A geography area with shared cultural traits, often based on linguistics similarities and other “norms”
-Utilized to compare similarities and differences among groups
-Changes in definitions of culture- more fluid, based on meaning and interaction
-Less an analytical unit, more reference to region/geography
North America
-Culture Areas
*Desert west
**Low rainfall
-Great Basin
-Northwest coast
-Mountain Ranges
-High Plateau
-Valleys (basins)
-River systems
~Salt River, AZ
-Plants and animals
-Deer, antelope, rabbit, wild turkey
-Introduced species from Eurasia
~Various grasses, seed plants
People and Culture
-Four Corners
~New Mexico
Demography Today 2016
-African American
-Asian alone
-Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders alone
-Two or more races
Regiona; History in a Nutshell
-Early Indigenous history
~13,000 BP-1500CE
-Colonial and settler history (1500 to present)
-Indigenous perspectives, Apache history
-BP = before present
-BCE = before the common era
~BC = before christ
-CE = Common era
~AD = Anno Domini
Early Settlement (15,000-2000 BCE)
-Earliest archaeological sites date to ~13,000 BP
~Paleo-Indian period
*Blackwater Draw, Clovis, New Mexico
-Predominantly mobile hunter-gathers until ~2000 BCE (Archaic Period)
~Maize introduced from Mexico
-Smaller-scale settlement, low-level food production (small plots of maize), foraging
~2000BCE-CE 200 (Late Archaic)
Regional Cultural Development
-Emergence of Cultural Groups (CE 200-1300)
-Ancestral Puebloan
~AD 900-1100
-Apahe Enclaves
-Athabasken (Na Dene)
-Volcanic eruption in Alaska and Yukon (CE 63 and CE 803)
~Moved through plains and into southwest by 1300-1500
-Linguistic similarities
~Grammar and words
~Origin stories that relate to migrations
-Fairly mobile, hunting bison in the plain
-Some maize agriculture
-Trade, exchange, and some conflict with Puebloan and Plain groups
European Colonization
-Spanish Conquest
~Missionaries and Military outpost
-Mexican Independence
~Rural outpost
-United States Expansion
~Settler Colonialism
-Resistance efforts
-Impacts of these groups on Indigenous populations of Southwest
-Early Conquest (1500-1680)
~New Spain
*Explorers and governors
-1540 Francisco Vaquez de Coronado
-1598 Don Juan de Onate sent to settle “New Mexico”
-Catholic conversion
~Fanciscan Missionaries
-Military outpost
-Impact of Spanish Colonization
~Reorganization of settlements
*Relatively little settlement by the Spanish
-Exploitation of existing cultural and territorial differences/conflicts
-Forced removal of religious practices
-Ecological changes; Disease, New species (cattle, horses, mutton)
-Introduction of new forms of violence (guns, raiding with horses, etc.) and slavery
-Pueblo Revolt and Reconquest (1689-1693)
~Several more minor revolts by both Pueblo and Apache groups in the early 1600s
-Pueblo Rebellion 1980
New Spain
-Terroties in 1800
~Selling off territories
Mexican Republic
-Mexican Independence and US Expansion (1700-1845)
~War of Independance
~Texas annexed to become part of US after rebellion
~Mexican-American war
US Expansion
Lands Acquired Treaty of Guadalupe and Gadsden Purchase
European Colonization
-Settler Colonialism
-Foreign settlers immigrate
-Permanently reside on lands occupied by Indigenous residents
-Removal and/or reduction of existing population
~Violent means
US Colonization
-Impacts of US
-Eradication of entire Indigenous groups
-Forced resettlement, removal of lands
-Limitations on movement and economic opportunity
-Forced eradication of language and culture in Residential Schools
Resistance and Resilience
-After Civil War
~Military sent west
-Resistance by many groups, but Apache especially tenacious (1850-1886)
Doing Anth
-Anth analyze information, share it, and use it to contribute to ongoing study of culture and society
~From Anthony terms they use to describe the phenomenon they are studying, “theory”
~From the culture being studied, “the data” that support the ideas the Anth is putting forth
~The combination of theory and data, new idea being presented
-Bigger ideas the aim to explain or understand a phenomenon
~Theory of Biological Evolution
*Why we see variation is species. How species change
Bigger idea addressed in Basso
-Human (culture) and the environment
-Language and Culture
Culture and Environment
-How does our physical environment shape our culture, society?
-How do we shape our environment?
-Early anth (1900s-1950s)
~Culture areas
*Cultural traits reflect resources in the environment
*Material culture
**Clothing, housing, instruments, tools, etc.
**Species utilized, hunting-gathering, farming, fishing, etc.
*Unchanging, descriptive (Passive)
~Influence of theories from biology
*Evolution and Ecology
~Culture as human adaptation to the environment
~Culture as a system
*Components interconnected
*Regulatory adjustments
**Shoshone seasonal hunting and gathering patterns as a “system”
*Change only comes from the environment
**Ignores symbolic and meaningful aspect of the environment
**Ignores individual interactions
**Environment just a backdrop
-21st century anth (2000s)
~Culture as web of meaning, shared knowledge, symbolic
~Environment has meaning/is symbolic
-Land and language as a symbolic system
~Semiotics and discourse (linguistics)
*Interactions between humans and environments
*Non-human entities have agency
Southeast Asia
~Warm temps
~Lots of rain
~SE Asia Mainland
~Highland regions
*Chiang Mai (Book)
**Small villages
*River Plains
~Coastal shorelines
~Sea rivers
~Seas and Seafaring
*Migration and Trade of goods and ideas
*Within the region and towards India and China
~Plants and animals
*15% of the world’s tropical forests
~Biodiversity “hot spot”
~Rain forest
*Trees, birds, insects, amphibians, mammals
~Domesticated Rice
*Thailand #1 exporter
~Water buffalo, chickens, cattle, elephants
*Rice agriculture
*Slash and burn, rotate fields
People and Cultures
~Southeast Asia (Mainland)
-Ethno-linguistic groups
*Derived from Central Asia
*Derived from Melanesia, Pacific Islands
*From China/Tibet
*Derived from southwest China
**Regional variations mentioned in the book
Regional History in a NutShell
-SE Asia
-Early peopling of Southeast Asia (2mya-2000 BCE)
-Farming Settlement and Ancient Kingdoms (2000BCE-Ce1200)
~Spread of Hinduism and Buddhism
~King-Gods and Temples, Monks
-European Colonization and Modern State Thailand
-Earl Settlement, Human Evolution
~Early hominins 1.6 million years ago
*Homo erectus
*Homo floresiensis “hobbit” 3ft tall (100,000-50,000 years ago)
-Hunter-Gathers (10,000-2,000 BCE)
~Collected and hunted wild plants and animals
-Farming and Early Polities (2000 BCE-200)
~Rice domestication in China (5000 BCE)
*Speard to Southeast Asia
~Small farming villages based on rice agriculture
**Slash and burn agriculture
Maritime Trad and Rise of the King-Gods (100-800 CE)
-Farming basis of societies
-Maritime trade
~Contact with India and new religions
-Funan Kingdom/Mons
~Southern shores of Vietnam (port)
~First centralized political entities
**Trade and religion basis of political influence
-Spread of Hindu Religion from India (400 CE)
~Funan Kingdom
~Hindu gods
*Shiva, Vishnu, Brahman,
**Divine Kingship
~Temples and associations of leaders
Rise of the King-Gods
-Funan Kingdom (100-500 CE)
~Introduced Hindu ideas to the region
~Loose association of polities
*Central leaders/centers
**Sub-centers emanate out
Ankgor/Khmer State (CE 802-1430)
-King Hayacarman II and III
~Merged cult of ancestors and worship of Shiva
*Subjects worshiped the king as a god
**As reincarnated Shiva
-Angkor Wat and Angkor Tom (Cambodia)
~Wat = Temples to king gods
*Control of water and rice irrigation farming
Spread of Theravada Buddhism
-Story of The Buddha “Awakened One”
~Siddhartha Gautama (560-480 BCE)
*Born border of India/Nepal 5th Century
-Main Teaching
~Karma retribution for good and evil deeds, determines human’s situation in life and after death when they are reborn
*Achieved Nirvana
-Buddhist Monastery and Missionaries
*Spread out of India to Southeast Asia
-Sacred language
-Adopted by governments in Southeast Asia
~Including Angkor states
Siam History
-Sukhotai/Lan Na Kingdom (1200-1351 CE)
-Tai (free people)
~Originated from hill region of SW China
**Kingdom based on Theravada Buddhism
-Monastic/Monks leaders
~Tai alphabet introduced in 1280 CE
~Lan Na, known as Syam or Siamese
~King Ramkhamhaeng
-Ayutthaya Kingdom (1351-1767)
*Conquered Khmer and took Angkor Wat
-Adopted more Khmer style of ruling (King-gold) - more hierarchical that Tai ruling
-Theravada Buddhism spread
~Strong military
Western Influence
-Silk Road
~Exchange of goods inland through China
-Desire for spices from Asia
-1500s Arrival of European colonizers
~Looking for access via waterways
-Colonies established by
Siam History (1782-1932)
-Siamese Kingdom
~King Rama I
*Capitol Bangkok
**Lost territorites but consolidated/closed borders and remained uncolonized
~King Mongut Rama IV
Modern Day Thailand (1932-Present)
-Monarchical Rule overthrown
~Established Constitutional monarchy
-Representative Government
~Democratically elected governments
~Millitary dictatorships through the 1980s
-Buddhist Majority
~Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity