CHAPTER 1 Flashcards
Long Depression
A prolonged period of global economic stagnation and deflation, primarily affecting Europe and the USA, characterized by low growth, unemployment, and social unrest.
The belief that your country is superior ethnically, culturally, and politically. (Extreme patriotism)
New Imperialism
Colonial expansion by European powers, focusing on acquiring inexpensive resources and labor. (19th-20th century, EU, USA, Japan)
- “African scramble”
- White Man’s Burden - Rudyard Kipling
Racial Superiority
A belief that a certain race / group of people is superior to other races.
King Leopold II
King Leopold II was the king of Belgium and is known for cruelly exploiting the Congo. Congolese were forced into hard labor, leading to millions of deaths and brutal mistreatment.
Fashoda Incident
A standoff between Britain and France in sudan over territorial control
Welt politik
Germany’s foreign policy aimed at making the country a global power. (Colonization, naval expansion, diplomatic influence).
Germany’s navy expansion
- desire for global power
- protection of overseas interests
- challenging british navy
- national prestige
- economic interests
- colonial ambitions
Wilhelm’s speech in Morocco
Wilhelm visited Morocco and publicly supported Morocco’s independence to challenge France, and they were fighting over territorial control. This lead to tensions in both countries. (And strengthened the bond of France & England).
Algeciras crisis
Wilhelm’s speech lead France and Germany to have tensions over Morocco, and England was siding with France. European powers met in Algeciras, Spain, and ultimately gave control to France & Spain. (Germany grew angry)
Entente cordiale
An agreement signed by Britain & France that resolved colonial disputes and made their relationship closer. (Also gave France Morocco)
Opium Wars
1st: Treaty of Nanjing
- England gained control over HongKong
- England given extraterritoriality
- Citizens can live in China without problems
2nd: Treaty of Tientsin
- Legalized importation of opium
- Christian missionaries protected in China
- Ambassadors of European countries lived in Beijing
Spheres of influence
Areas in China where foreign countries had special rights and control over trade & resources but didn’t officially rule the land
Boxer Rebellion
Nationalists in China from the Society of Righteous and Harmonious fists attacked foreign control in China, making China pay $330 million in reparations
Taiping Rebellion
Led by a man Xiuquan, leading to a massive civil war in Souther China, trying to overthrow the Chinese government. (France & Britain helped defeat)
- showed that China is weak
USA’s open door Policy
USA set up a policy that said all countries got the same privileges to trade with China. (prevented one country from taking control of China)
- USA was worried to miss out on spheres of influence
Great Trek
Dutch-speakers moved from British-controlled Cape Colony to Transvaal and the Orange Free State.
- they resented the British Rule
First Boer War
British Empire VS Boers in Transvaal. Boers won against Britain, leading to treaty of Pretoria, giving Transvaal self-government.
Jameson Raid
- hoped that British settlers in Transvaal would rebel against them, giving justification for Britain to attack Transvaal.
- Boers won again
Kruger Telegram
Kaiser Wilhelm sent president of Transvaal a congratulating telegram defeating the British.
- Alienated British, making them the bad guys
- Replace Britain as main European influence in Transvaal
Second Boer War
- Transvaal demanded British force to leave, leading to war (refusal)
- Boers used Guerrilla technique (jump scare)
- Were using German guns.
Costs to British: Pride, lives, price, reputation