chapter 1 Flashcards
social psych is
study of behaviour and mental processes that relate to how we engage w others; way we socialize way we mutually seek validation; e. if emotions are threat dev. which emotion is elicited
what is good and bad
based on morals, advantageous; labels maintaining emotions
overinflated sense of self; people we call narcissistic are just more selfish than others
doesn’t exist; secondary ann anytime we do something for others
traits are stable and unique to individuals; therapy works bc it changes how you are
who someone is versus how someone is. what’s the who and how
who: identity
how: personality
nature vs nurture
its largely nurture (parental social cond); learn attachment, mirrr others
trauma is
things that shape psyche; leading us to have memories and suppression and avoid social processing
emotion is __always a disorder
react after trauma; diagnoses can be unhelpful, emotion ok
fundamental attribution error
wrongly attribute someone else’s actions to personality, and ours to external circumstance; over attribute others actions to their character
behaviour is
thoughts actions behaviours
when we say you hurt me emotionally we mean
im uncomfortable; this 9is a reaction of discomfort not the same as physical pain
psych is study of
individuals thoughts actions behaviours
if we say i should instead of i ought to
were less likely to follow through; words chang our psych
sociology is
study of groups or society; eg . is treshold for too fat static or fluid pertaining to socioeconomic outcomes
personality psych is
study of diff’s in thoughts feelings behaviour of individual
research in social psych involves
observation, measure and record behaviour, manipulate and see which cond leqds to behaviour, infer correlation or causation
basic/pure social psych research is
knowledge for sake of knowledge;
why do we treat out groups diff; bystander effect; attraction to certain people
applied psych research
find solutions to real world problems; encourage people to interact favorably
process of thoughts behaviour sand feelings
thoughts-> feelings-> behaviour; all centred around core beliefs; eg. disgust response-> avoidance-> overprotecting emotions
interoceptive meditation
decrease his emotional repsonse/pain by focusing and saying aloud
evolutionary psych
are there evol reasons for psych mostly made ups
3 diffs ins sociology, social psych, personality psych
sociology: look at large groups diffs b/n groups
social psych: looks at how people socialize w others and interact
personality psych: looks at individual
psych stems from what field of study and 4 categories
philosophy, study of nature of knowledge
metaphysics is branch of philosophy…
understanding ppl, how mind works and behaviour
is fate determined in childhood
epistemology is branch of philosophy…
how do we think/learn
norman triplett
19th cent; others pescence affects perform.; social facilitation
maximilian nigelmann
1880’s; less productive large r a group is; social loafing
floyd allport
reported response to stimuli; scientific procedure and methods
kurt lewin
group dynamics
francis summer
est black psychology
solomon asch
conformity; primacy effect; halo effect
gordon all port
prejudice; reliability; developed OCEAN
Mamie and kenneth clark
rsrch on segregation
Leon festinger
cognitive dissonance; comparison theory
Irving janis
attitude change; groupthink
stanley schacter
2 factor theory of emotion
stanley milgram
would someone chock to death another if told to by authority; ? abt nazi germany
social neuroscience
neuro behind cogn processing, schemas and interpretations
how brian affects social behaviour
studies influence of neurological, hormonal, cellular influence on social
cross cultural research
looks at how cultural content influences social behaviour
new social loafing w internet is
cyber loafing
sutin and terricciato 2016; do ocean traits contribute to either a person has low or high BMI
personality psych; neuroticism and consienstiousnes most trolly related to BMI; high activity scores=low BMI;
vartanian and trewarth 2016; disgust predicts prejudice and discrimination towards obesity
social psych; if emotions threat dev, what emotionn elicited in repsonse to obesity; primary response was disgust, more -iev attitudes
Marlani and Mckee 2017; is threshold for being too fat static or fluid pertaining to diff socioenconc outcomes
sociology; assoc b/n mai and social outcome snot constant
scientific method
systematic meth for gathering info abt world
6 steps to research
1) rsrch q or ID prob to solve, fil gap in knowledge
2) explain phenomena we want to study; why events occur
3) test hypothesis; create design to test using appropriate meth
4) interpret results; examine data for patterns
5) draw conc’s carefully; avoid biases and state findings
6) communicate findings for rev&rep
theory vs hypo
theory: systematic explanation
hypothesis: testable prediction
science has 3 cardinal features
observation: we see world firsthand
experimentation: to make causal statements, we manipulate 1 variable; primary method
measurement: questionnaires, pattern recognition
we can determine causality with ______ &____ statistics
inferential and descriptive
observational rsrch
naturalistic: observe in nat enviro; counts,measures and rates behaviour systematically; good bc witness behaviour as it nat occurs but bad bc takes time, researcher could be detected
lab: observing ppl or animal in lab; good bc sophisticated measures&film; bad bc subjects aware of lab so artificially
ex of observational
griffiths 1991; adolescent gambling; revealed reg players had confirmed to certain rules
case studies
detailed description of one person/small group; good bc rich description; bad bc cant gen to pop
ex of case study
breuer and freud 1893 started talk therapy through case study on hysteria in anna o
survey/self report
questionnaire assessing psych contstruct ; good bc large aloud of data; bad bc tedious and social desirability could ebissue
correlational research
examines relation b/n 2 variable sor gorups; -ve correlation is one goes up the othe down; +ive is both up or both down; you can correlate anything, does not = causation (unless regression)
controlled test of hypo; one V is amipulated to see effect on other V; IV is indeed variable that’s manipulated; DV is dev. variable measured; control group cond that doesn’t get treat.; allows for comparison and cauasality
ex of correlational
Roccas, Schawrts and Knafo 2002, realtionship of OCEAN
ex of experiment
allison and messick 1990, people could take points from pool of resources to get cash, 3 IVs: pay-off size, pool # and fate control
multi meth
no singe meth is perfect; several approaches at varying stages
alazy data already collected for another purpose; can sue for longitudinal; ACT scores
meta analysis
stat procedure where info from more than 1 study is combined
ex meta analysis
sheriff et al 2015 article on religious pricing and pro sociality; Moncreiff et all 2022 on serotonin theory of depression
reliability 3 kinds
consistency of a measure; test retest reliability=isnt reliable across time; internal reliability=consitency of people responses; interrater reliability= cocistency of observers and judgements
validity 5 kinds
valid if score rep what they meant to measure
face: if it seem to measure construct
content: to what degree mean covers construct
criterion: we expect scores to be related on a multiple constructs
external: do results gen to pop
internal: can we say results due only to manipulation not confounds
research ethin=cs and ex
importnat to understand meths and ethical implications; milligram study on obedience to commit violence; stanford zinbardo study on pretend prison inmates
ethical guidelines
must get informed consent (signed in writing, get then to exompalin exp to you)
given info abt risks
tell abt confidentiality/anaonymity
ppl can leave at anytime
debrief after study offered assistance and resources, inform of ny deception
rsrch must be approved by ethics board 676
at ages 18-22
disruptions in personality dev; moving, losing friends
self concept is relatively stabbed but ___ can bring out diff version of us
marks and kundu 1986 study on dual nature of self concept
participants asked opinion of 3 posters at a time, on 15/18 trials confess disagree and agreed w eachoither
we don’t want to feel _____, we want to feel lie were in the in-group
special or diff; we take out best fitting costumes to fit in a ditch; whoeerv if were made to fit in, we wa t to stand out
mental shortcut strong info in mind about objects, places for a later time
self schema
cogn generalizations about self from past that guide social exp.s; help shape perception of ambiguity people
schematic vs aschematic
schematic: expertise in area, quick to use shortcuts, shame in specific domain
aschematic: unable to recognize ability in given domain and don’t assign importance to i t
dependent schematic vs independent schematic
dep: more likely to rate ambiguity as dependent
independent: mor eliely to rate ambiguity as independent
prieto, cole, tageson 1992 kids self schemas
kids w -ive self schemas couldn’t remember +ive words,a nd visce versa
cole et al 2014 kids bullying
when kids learned of bullying if peers, developed more -ively
partisan schema
political knowledge/interest; remember things in way that aligns w what they all believe; schematic sdont care about politics, have no presumptions
consistency bias
remember info that aligns w our beliefs
types of ex.s of self-schemas
rate-thnicity, nobody weight, gender and sex orient, illness, exercise
trying ton understand elf s by looking intrinsically; surface details eek food preference font add to ID; important parts embedded in attitudes, beliefs etc
cleaner about self by observing behaviours, insight into secondary aspects of who yo are
possible selves
how we imagine self in future, +ive(motivation) versions we aspire to and -ive versions (anxiety/guilt) that we fear
self regulation
clear image of who we want be helps us focus on thoughts and actions that help us get to that future
self-reference effect
tendency for poplin to process and remember info when related to themselves
depth of processing framework
way we remember things dep on how deeply we think about set when we first experience it
semantic encoding
process info base don meaning
self-referent encoding
thinking abt how info related to oneself; if someone cant do it may have unstable self-concept (major psychotherapy target)
self-discrepancy theory
explains diffs b/n various versions of self ; explain -ive emotions when self-concept =ideal self; 2 major cogn dimensions
2 cognitive dimensions of self-discrepancy theory
domains of self:
1) actual self: who u think u are rn
2) idealself: who u/other wants u 2 b
3) ought self: who u/other thinks you should be, duties/obligwations
standpoints on self:
own standpoint
other standpoints (fam)
the 2 cognitive dimensions of self discrepancy combined to create 6 types of self-state rep. s
actual/own = view of who u r rn
actual/other=how S.O. sees you
ideal/own: who u hope to be
ideal/other=who SO wishes u to be
ought/own=who u wish to be, duties
ought/other=who SO think u shoudlbe based on duties
discrepancies b.n the 6 types of self-state rep. s
act/own vs ideal/own:current self doesn’t =wishes
act/own vs ideal/other: current self doesn’t=wishes of SO
act/own vs ought/other: failing to meet expect/s of SO
act/own vs ought/own: fail to meet own sense e of duty
looking glass self
how self concept is shaped by social interacts:
- imagining how we appear to others
- how others judge us: imagining what other shrink of us
- forming feelings & reactiond: dev feelings and decide response based on what we think others think
reflected appraisals
how we see ourself based on how those important to us perceive us
verkutyon 1988 studie self esteem
of ethnic minority sin Netherlands
social comparison theory
unsure abt ourself so we look to others for standing;
- self improve and motivation: ranking urself compared to others as motive for imrpove
- enhancing self image; comp to feel better about self
impact of social media on comparisons
social media makes us think others are better; -ive self image
upward social comparison
comp to someone more skilled or better; could be shameful or motivating
schaters 2 theory of emotion 1964
1) physiological arousal: physical reactions in boyd, heart rate
2) cogn appraisal: mental processes if interpreting sitch-> emotions
sense of self is shaped by culture….
beliefs, customs, norms dictate acceptable behaviour, if they differ -> guilt, shame; diff ideas of self in diff cultures
idnependent self (individualistic =cult09
west cultures’ self= independent
others opinions matter fir self evals nd reflect appraisals