chapter 1 Flashcards
geneigd Hij is geneigd om te helpen
inclined/dispose He is inclined to help.
verreweg Verreweg de beste
by far / by a long way By far the best
treffen We hebben elkaar toevallig getroffen in de stad
“to meet /to encounter / to hit.
Primary care
“To deploy” or “to use” in the sense of utilizing resources, personnel, or efforts for a particular purpose. For example: “Het leger heeft extra troepen ingezet.” (The army has deployed extra troops.)
“To start” or “to initiate” in the sense of beginning an action or process. For example: “De regering heeft maatregelen ingezet om de economie te stimuleren.” (The government has initiated measures to stimulate the economy.)
“To bet” or “to wager” in the context of gambling or placing a bet. For example: “Hij heeft al zijn geld ingezet op het winnende paard.” (He has bet all his money on the winning horse.)
Er zijn veelvuldige klachten geweest over het lawaai.
There have been frequent complaints about the noise.
“assessment” or “evaluation”
It refers to the process of judging or assessing something based on certain criteria or standards. For example: “De beoordeling van de studentenwerkstukken wordt gedaan door de docenten.” (The assessment of the students’ assignments is done by the teachers.)
“de afbakening van het project”
“delimitation” or “demarcation” in English
It refers to the act of setting boundaries or limits, or the process of defining the scope or extent of something. For example, in a project context, means “the delimitation of the project” or “defining the project’s scope.”
“considerable,” “substantial,” or “quite”
“classification,” “arrangement,” or “layout” in English. It refers to the organization or structure of something into categories or sections. For example:
“De indeling van het boek is heel overzichtelijk.” (The layout of the book is very clear.)
“We hebben een nieuwe indeling gemaakt voor het kantoor.” (We have made a new arrangement for the office.)
“De indeling van de website moet worden verbeterd.” (The classification of the website needs to be improved.)
It can also refer to the act of dividing or categorizing something.
“To distinguish” or “to differentiate” in the sense of recognizing differences between things or people. For example: “Het is belangrijk om kleuren goed te kunnen onderscheiden.” (It is important to be able to distinguish colors properly.)
“To stand out” or “to be distinguished” in the sense of being notable or exceptional. For example: “Zij heeft zich onderscheiden door haar uitstekende prestaties.” (She has distinguished herself by her outstanding performance.)
“To separate” or “to set apart” in the sense of physically or conceptually separating one thing from another. For example: “Hij onderscheidt zich van de anderen door zijn unieke stijl.” (He distinguishes himself from the others by his unique style.)
“indication,” “designation,” or “marking”
It refers to a sign, symbol, or indication that serves to identify or specify something. For example:
“De aanduiding op de kaart toonde de locatie van het museum.” (The indication on the map showed the location of the museum.)
“Deze kleur wordt vaak gebruikt als aanduiding voor gevaar.” (This color is often used as an indication of danger.)
“Op de verpakking staat een aanduiding van de ingrediënten.” (The packaging contains a designation of the ingredients.)
falls / [open towards the future]
“Valt” is the third-person singular form of the verb “vallen” in Dutch, which translates to “falls” in English.
Here are a couple of examples:
“Hij valt van de boom.” (He falls from the tree.)
“De regen valt zwaar vandaag.” (The rain falls heavily today.)
It can also be used in other contexts, such as expressing an opinion or assessment. For example:
“Dat valt te betwijfelen.” (That is open to doubt.)
“Het valt niet te ontkennen.” (It cannot be denied.)
mee/tegen vallen
is the better/worse than expected
“to handle” or “to use” in English. It refers to the action of managing or dealing with something, often using certain methods or techniques.
For example:
“We moeten een nieuwe aanpak hanteren.” (We need to adopt a new approach.)
“Hij heeft moeite om de gereedschappen te hanteren.” (He struggles to handle the tools.)
“De regels worden strikt gehanteerd.” (The rules are strictly enforced/used.)
It can also mean “to wield” in the sense of using an instrument or tool skillfully.
de loop
the course (..of the years)/ the run/ the flow
from there..
“favorable” or “advantageous” in English. It describes a situation, condition, or outcome that is positive or beneficial. For example:
“We hebben gunstige weersomstandigheden voor onze reis.” (We have favorable weather conditions for our trip.)
“Het nieuws over de economie is gunstig.” (The news about the economy is favorable.)
“Dit is een gunstige kans om te investeren.” (This is a favorable opportunity to invest.)
It can also be used to describe a favorable attitude or disposition towards someone or something. For instance, “Hij kreeg een gunstige reactie op zijn voorstel.” (He received a favorable response to his proposal.)
“general” or “universal” in English. It’s an adjective used to describe something that applies broadly, without specific exceptions or limitations.
For example:
“In het algemeen zijn mensen vriendelijk.” (In general, people are friendly.)
“Deze regel is van toepassing op alle werknemers in het algemeen.” (This rule applies to all employees in general.)
“Het algemeen belang staat voorop.” (The general interest comes first.)
It can also be used as an adverb to mean “generally” or “usually,” indicating a typical or common occurrence. For example:
“Deze winkel is algemeen bekend.” (This shop is generally known.)
“Hij is algemeen gezien een goede leerling.” (He is generally considered a good student.)
“gifted” or “highly intelligent”
“to get” or “to reach.”
It’s often used in contexts where something or someone is reaching a destination or obtaining something. For example, “Hoe kan ik daar geraken?” means “How can I get there?” or “Hij kan niet aan de telefoon geraken” means “He can’t reach the phone.”
Relation or Relationship: It can also refer to a relation or relationship between things or people. For example, “De betrekking tussen oorzaak en gevolg” means “The relation between cause and effect.”
Involvement or Engagement: Additionally, it can refer to involvement or engagement with something. For instance, “Hij heeft geen betrekking bij dit project” means “He has no involvement in this project.”
“compulsion” or “coercion”.
It refers to the act of forcing someone to do something against their will or the state of being compelled to behave in a certain way. It can also refer to a strong urge or impulse to do something, often with negative connotations. For example, “onder dwang” means “under coercion” or “gedwongen” means “forced” or “compelled.”
It encompasses the various encounters, events, or situations that a person goes through and the subjective feelings, perceptions, or interpretations associated with them. These experiences can range from everyday occurrences to significant life events and can include a wide range of emotions, thoughts, and sensations.
“separate” or “individual”.
It describes something that is distinct from others, isolated, or considered on its own without being connected to other things. It can also imply independence or uniqueness. For example, “De afzonderlijke delen van het project” means “The separate parts of the project” or “Ieder heeft zijn afzonderlijke taken” means “Each has their individual tasks.”
- To Perform: One common meaning is “to perform” or “performance.” It refers to an act of presenting something, such as a musical performance, theater act, or public appearance. For example, “De band zal vanavond optreden in het theater” means “The band will perform tonight in the theater.”
- To Act or Behave: It can also mean “to act” or “to behave” in a certain way, often in the context of dealing with a situation or interacting with others. For example, “Hij moet assertief optreden tijdens de vergadering” means “He needs to act assertively during the meeting.”
to withdraw,” “to remove,” or “to extract.” It’s often used to describe the act of taking something away or removing it from a certain context. It can also refer to the act of pulling oneself away or distancing oneself from a situation. For example:
“De dokter zal bloed uit uw arm onttrekken voor onderzoek.” (The doctor will withdraw blood from your arm for analysis.)
“Hij wil zich niet aan de verantwoordelijkheid onttrekken.” (He doesn’t want to evade responsibility.)
“tormented” or “tormented”
It describes a state of being deeply troubled, distressed, or afflicted by mental or emotional anguish. It implies a prolonged and intense suffering, often with a sense of inner turmoil or conflict. For example:
“Hij was gekweld door zijn schuldgevoelens.” (He was tormented by his feelings of guilt.)
“De gekwelde blik in haar ogen sprak boekdelen.” (The tormented look in her eyes spoke volumes.)
“quite” or “fairly”
“united” or “in agreement”
“judgment” or “opinion”
“to swear” or “to curse”
“extremely” or “very”
Het was ontzettend druk in de stad vandaag.
“almost” or “virtually”
“Vrijwel alle studenten waren aanwezig bij de lezing.” (Almost all students were present at the lecture.)
“complete” or “fully”
“De taak is volledig afgerond.” (The task is completely finished.)
“clear” or “bright”
“Het water is zo helder dat je de vissen kunt zien zwemmen.” (The water is so clear that you can see the fish swimming.)
“institution” or “setting”
“De instelling biedt ondersteuning aan mensen met een beperking.” (The institution provides support for people with disabilities.)
“spiritual” or “clergyman”
“De geestelijke verzorgde de zieken in het ziekenhuis.” (The clergyman provided spiritual care for the sick in the hospital.)
“to perform” or “to carry out”
“Hij verricht belangrijk werk voor de gemeenschap.” (He performs important work for the community.)
“acquisition” or “procurement”
“De verwerving van nieuwe klanten is essentieel voor het bedrijf.” (The acquisition of new customers is essential for the company.)
“skill” or “ability”
“Communicatieve vaardigheden zijn belangrijk in deze functie.” (Communication skills are important in this job.)
“laypersons” or “non-professionals”
“De cursus is bedoeld voor leken op het gebied van informatica.” (The course is intended for laypersons in the field of computer science.)
to occur” or “to happen”
“Er kunnen problemen voordoen tijdens het installatieproces.” (Problems may occur during the installation process.)
“Kunt u een korte beschrijving van het probleem geven?” (Could you provide a brief description of the problem?)