Chapter 1 Flashcards
Persons and properties of the same class should be taxed at the same rate
To be uniform
Tax should be imposed in proportion to taxpayer’s ability to pay.
To be equitable
True or False
Imprisonment for non payment of poll tax.
No imprisonment for non payment of poll tax.
Constitutional Limitation of Power to Tax
- Observance of due process of law and equal protection
- Rule of uniformity and equity in taxation
- No imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax
- Non-impairment of obligations and contracts
- Prohibition against infringement of religious freedom
- Prohibition against appropriations for religious purposes. Related to the non-establishment clause
- Exemption of all revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit educational institutions
- Concurrence by a majority of all members of Congress in the passage of a law granting tax exemptions.
- Congress may not deprive the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction to review
Situs of Taxation
- Real property tax
- Tangible Personal Property tax
- Intangible Personal Property tax
- Income tax
- Poll or residence Tax
- Transfer tax
- Business, Occupation and transaction
Is the state or country which has jurisdiction to tax a person, property, or interest
Situs of Taxation
in short, __________________ is the place of taxation
Situs of Taxation
The place where it is located
Real Property Tax
where the act is done, or occupation is pursued
Business, Occupation and transaction
Residents or domiciled of the state whether citizen or not
Poll or Residence Tax
Where it is physically located
Tangible Personal Property Tax
Source of income
Income Tax
taxable in the domicile of the owner under the maxim of “Mobilia Seguuntur Personam”
Intangible Personal Property Tax
Where the transferor is a citizen or resident or where the property is located
Transfer Tax
Means taxing twice by the same taxing authority with the same jurisdiction or taxing district for the same purpose in the same year or taxing period.
Double Taxation
True or False
Double Taxation is prohibited by the Constitution and there is double taxations when the same person is taxed by the same jurisdiction for the same purpose.
Double Taxation is NOT prohibited by the Constitution and there is double taxations when the same person is taxed by the same jurisdiction for the same purpose.
Double Taxation in the narrow sense
Double taxation in the broader sense
it is not necessarily to
Sources of Tax Law
- The 1987 Constitution
- Statutory Enactments
- Administrative Rulings and regulations
- Judicial Decisions of the supreme court
Regulated by but taxation may exist without the constitution
The 1987 Constitution
Are interpretations of tax law by the Comissioner of the BIR
Administrative Rulings
For purpose of administration and procedure by Secretary of Finance upon recommendation of the Commissioner
Administative Regulations
All Tax Laws passed by Congress
Statutory Enactments
is not the power to legislate and the under the guise of regulation, legislation may not be enacted.
Nature of power to make regulations
The purpose is only to implement the law or put it into effect.
Nature of power to make regulations
True or False
The stature or law being administered may not be altered or added to by the power to make regulation thereunder
True or false
Regulations may not increase or decrease the requirements of the law or embrace matters not covered or intended to be covered by the tax statute
Requisites of Valid Regulation
- Necessary to the proper enforcement of the law
- Must not be contrary to the law or consitution
- Published in the official Gazette
The effectivity of regulations
Under the Administrative Code (E.O No. 292), every agency shall file with the UP Law Center 3 certified copies of rules adopted by it. Such rules shall be effective 15 days from the date of filing unless a different day is fixed by law or specified under said rule in cases of imminent danger to public health, safety and welfare.
Are not political.
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRc)