Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the term “international relations”?
A field of political science that concentrates on relations between countries, such as foreign policy, war, trade, and foreign aid
What is the term “comparative politics”?
The study and comparison of domestic politics across countries
What is the term “conductive reasoning”?
The means by which we go from studying a case to generating a hypothesis
What is the term “deductive reasoning”
Starting with a puzzle and from there generating a hypothesis
What is the term “multicausality”?
Many variables interact to produce particular outcomes
What is the term “selection bias”?
A focus on effects rather than causes, which can lead to inaccurate conclusions about correlation and causation
What is the term “dependent variable”?
The variable that is dependent on, or affected by, another variable
What is the term “independent variable”?
The variable that doesn’t depend on changes in other variables and is the presumed cause
What is the term “endogeneity”?
The problem of distinguishing cause and effect
What is the “Modernization Theory”?
As societies developed, they would become capitalistic democracies, converging around a set of shared values and characteristics
What was the “Behavioral Revolution”?
Subject of investigation shifted toward individual political behavior
What is “rational choice”?
Approach that assumes that individuals weigh the costs and benefits and make choices to maximize the benefits
What is “game theory”?
An approach that emphasizes how actors or organizations behave in their goal to influence others; built upon assumptions of rational choice
What is “guiding concept”?
A way of looking at the world that highlights some important features while deemphasizing the others
What is the term “institution”?
Something so embedded in people’s lives as a norm or value that is not easily dislodged or changed
What are “formal institutions”?
Based on officially sanctioned rules that are relatively clear
What are “informal institutions”?
Unwritten and unofficial (but no less powerful)
What are “macro-level studies”?
Studies that look at how biological forced can interact with the social environment
What are “micro-level studies”?
Studies that look at the science of cognition (“How do our tools for judgement frequently lead to a range of involuntary cognitive errors”)