Chapter 1 Flashcards
emphasis placed on training to enable trainees to enter formal workforce or create livelihood for themselves
emphasis particular on those who do not have relevant technical skills or adequate reading, writing and numeracy skills
employers play a key role
required to become actively invovled in PIVOTAL plans
strong focus = quality assurance
The draft proposal of NSDP 2030
adresses problems and opportunities in skills landscape that are summarised and adressed in White Paper
- need to integrate organisations in the skills landscape with PSET institutions
- need to outline clearer mandate and role for SETAs in long run
- need for better funding, planning and monitoring mechanisms and reduction of multiple accountabilities
advises minster of higher education on matters relating to NQF, such as:
- advancing objectives of NQF
- overseeing further development of NQF
- co-ordinating NQF subframeworks
- required to perform tasks after consultation and in-corporation with all bodies and institutions responsible for education, training and certification of standards affected by NQF
advices minister on policies and strategies for new skills-building system
works closely with DHET
must ensure systems are in place to monitor, support and evaluate SETA’s and QCTO implementation of NSDP
evaluate DHET performance reports on SETA and QCTO performance in contexts of NSDP and make recommendations to minister
Functions of SETA’s under skills development ammendment act 37 of 2008
development of sector skills plans
establishments of learning programmes
approval of skills plans
allocation of grants, promotion of learning programmes, and registration agreements for learning prorgammes
performing other functions delegated by QCTO
liasion with provincial offices, labour centres, the NSA and skills development forums
admin handles by establishing skills development planning unit
labour centres
- provide information to workers, employers and unemployed
- assist workers and other categories of persons to find placements
- assist workers and others to start income-generating projects
- help workers enter learning programmes
April 2005 - March 2011
equity, training and skills development
promotion of employability
assist designated groups to gain knowledge and experience in order to acquire critical skills
quality of provision = problem area
NSDS I objectives
- develop culture of lifelong learning
- foster skills development in the formal economy for productivity and employability
- stimulate and support skills development in small businesses
- promote skills development for employability and sustainable livelihood through social devlopment
- assist new entrants into employment
National skills development strategy I
April 2001- March 2005
Sub component of HRDSSA
speaks directly to training related aspects under HRDSSA II
guided strategic planning of DHET, NSF and SETAS as well as related angencies
emphasised quality and need to cultivate lifelong learning in workplace environment
supposed to be demand driven and based on needs of employees
effectiveness of delivery was essential
Revised NQF
- 10-level NQF
- unit standard-based qualifications and whole qualifications being equally valid
- replacement of 12 national standard bodies by standard advisory panels - purpose; standard setting
- replacement of standard generating bodies by communities of expert practices
- smaller SAQA board
- three quality councils
National Qualifications Framework ACT 67 of 2008
provides for responsibilities of Minister of Higher Education
SAQA and Quality councils
integrated learning framework in South Africa
integrates institutional training and workplace practice
three sectors:
- general and further education ad training qualifications framework - department of basic education
- quality council: UMULASI
- higher education qualifications framework
- Occupational qualifications framework
Functions of SETA’s under skills development ammendment act 37 of 2008
development of sector skills plans
establishments of learning programmes
approval of skills plans
allocation of grants, promotion of learning programmes, and registration agreements for learning prorgammes
performing other functions delegated by QCTO
liasion with provincial offices, labour centres, the NSA and skills development forums
admin handles by establishing skills development planning unit
labour centres
- provide information to workers, employers and unemployed
- assist workers and other categories of persons to find placements
- assist workers and others to start income-generating projects
- help workers enter learning programmes
Skills development Ammendment Act 37 of 2008
provides for new functions and composition of NSA
provides for new functions of SETA’s
provides for clarity regarding continuation of apprentiship training
and provides for the establishment of Quality Council for trades and occupations
Skills development levies act 9 of 1999
established the system of levy financing to fund skills development and allowed for additional regulations under SDLA whish in turn allowed for the provision of allocation of grants by SETAs
principal aim: finance skill development through compulsory levy system
every company that exceeds annual payroll threshold must pay 1% levy
public sectors don’t have to pay levy grants, but must allocate 1% in their plans to skills and training development that is included in plans submitted to SETAs
purpose of Skills Development Act 1998
to develop skills of south african work force, by improving working lives, labour mobility and prospects of work. by improving delivery of social services and productivity in the worklplace and competitveness amongst workers. to promote self-employement.
- to encourage employees to participate in learnerships and other traning programmes
- increase investment in training and education and increase return on this investment
- encourage employers to make the workplace an active learning environment, to assist new entrants ot gain work experience, to assist indiviudals who find it difficuilt to be employed and provide employees with the opportunities to gain new skills
- quality assurance of training and education for the workplace
- to assist employers to find skilled and qualified employees, to assist work seekers to find work and retrenched workers to be re-employed
- to assist those employees who find it difficuilt to find work due to past disadvantages due to unfair discrimination and o redress these disadvantages through training and educati
skills development act 97 of 1998
institutionalized framework that allows for implementations and devise of national, sector and workplace startegies aimed at improving skills of labour market
integrates NQF strategies
learnerships that lead to recognised occupational qualifications
funding for learning and development through levy grant scheme and national skills fund
legal establishment of SETA’s
governing of setas, learnerships, national skills development strategy, sectoral skills plans, quality assurance.
Challenges of raising skill profile of South Africa’s human capital?
- education level and skill base - very low, which leads to low productivity, slow transformation and lack of mobility
- employment rate = low
- language, literacy and numeracy skills is low - high proportion of youth not have matric
- shift toward service economy - high dependence on high skilled knowledge
- access to post school education
- post-school institutions should deliver skills for new economy
- pool of students - low
- qualification - job mismatch
- access
- shift to knowledge based economy
NQF objectives
- create integrated national framework for learning achievements
- facilitate access to and mobility and progession within education, training and career paths
- ehance quality of education and training
- accelerate redress of past unfair discrimination
- contribute to full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large
NQF level 1
basic level of education that everyone in the country should have
GET band sector
elementary level
NQF 2-4
additional education that takes place before university or tertiary level of education
FET band
NQF 5-10
higher education and training band
tertiary education
or through workplace skills development providers
principles of NQF
eradication of injustice
achievement of reconstruction and development goals
transformation and promotion of quality in education and training
NQF level discriptors
provides coherence and comparability
SAQA responsibility
purpose of NSDP 2030
- to adress the expiry of the NDSD III on 31st March 2020 to allow for the finalisation and phasing of the NSDP
- to build on important policy shifts introduced by NSDS III and highlighted in the white paper:
- provide greater levels of education and training in rural areas
- drive skills development primarily through the public education system and, in particular, trough universities and TVET colleges
- focus less on numerical targets and more on outcomes and impact
- to address challenges that emerged from NSDS III, including work placement difficuilties for graduates and limited practical workplace exprience - highlighting that workplace experience must be an integral part of qualification and prorgramme design, ad that tertiary insitutions must be strengthened and changed where appropriate.
- to provide a plan for the DHET to:
- ensure levy paying institutions support the white paper (vision) and in doing so support the work of the DHET with funds from the national treasury
- indicate the roles played by the DHET and the key institutions implementing the NSDP
- guide the disbursement of the levy grant system
- indicate how the DHET will work with social partners to realise intention of the plan
four strategic intentions of the NDSP
- undertsnading demand through labour market information analysis
- steering supply through qualifications and provision
- steering supply through funding
- developing the capacity for growing supply
goals of the NSDS III
- establishing a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning
- increasing access to occupationally directed programmes, both intermediate and higher professional levels
- promoting growth of public FET/TVET college system that is responsive to sector, local, regional and national skills needs and priorities
- addressing the low level of youth and adult language and numeracy skills to enable additional training
- encouraging better use of workplace based skills development
- encouraging and supporting co-operatives, small enterprises, worker-initiated, NGO and community training activities
- increasing public sector capacity for improved service delivery and supporting the building of a developmental state
- building career and vocational guidance
principles of NSDP
- advancing an equitable and integrated PSET system
- greater inclusivity and collaboration across the system.
- focusing on support systems for learners
- strong emphasis on accountability
- rationalising the system
levy grant distribution
100% to SARS
20% to NSF
80% to SETAs
20% mandatory grant
10% SETA admin
0,5% QCTO
occupational programmes 49,5%
critical cross-field outcomes (CCFOs)
consist of qualities that the NQF has identifies for development in students; they are essential life skills and act as the foundation upon which other skills are built. they are generic and apply to learners across fields of learning.
eight CCFOs
- identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking
- work effectively in a team
- organise and manage oneself and one’s activities
- collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information
- communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills
- use science and technology efficiently and critically - showing responsibility towards the environment and others
- demonstrate understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognizing that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation
- contribute to full personal development and lifelong learning of an individual through awareness of
- how to learn more effectively
- how to be more responsible citizen
- how to be culturally and aesthetically aware
- how to explore education and career opportunities
- how to develop entrepreneurial opportunities