chapter 1 Flashcards
Developmental biology
The growth and development of an individual
from fertilization to death
The first eight weeks of growth and development
after fertilization of a human egg; the earliest
stage of developmental biology
Cell biology
cellular structure and functions
microscopic structure of tissues
gross anatomy
Structures that can be examined without a
systemic anatomy
Structure of specific systems of the body such as the nervous or
respiratory systems
Regional anatomy
Specific regions of the body such as the head or chest.
surface (topographical) anatomy
Surface markings of the body to understand internal anatomy
through visualization and palpation (gentle touch).
Imaging anatomy
Internal body structures that can be visualized with techniques such
as x-rays, MRI, CT scans, and other technologies for clinical analysis
and medical intervention.
clinical anatomy
The application of anatomy to the practice of medicine, dentistry,
and other health-related sciences, for example, to aid in the
diagnosis and treatment of disease
pathological anatomy
structural changes (gross to microscopic) associated with disease
molecular physiology
Functions of individual molecules such as proteins and
Functional properties of nerve cells.
hormones (chemical regulators in the blood) and how they
control body functions
cardiovascular physiology
functions of the heart and blood vessels
The body’s defenses against disease-causing agents.
respiratory physiology
Functions of the air passageways and lungs.
renal physiology
functions of the kidney
exercise physiology
changes in cell and organ functions due to muscular activity
functional changes associated with disease and aging
integumentary system and functions
Skin and associated
structures, such as hair, fingernails and
toenails, sweat glands, and oil glands.
Protects body; helps regulate
body temperature; eliminates some
wastes; helps make vitamin D; detects
sensations such as touch, pain, warmth,
and cold; stores fat and provides
skeletal system and functions
Components: Bones and joints of the
body and their associated cartilages.
Functions: Supports and protects body;
provides surface area for muscle
attachments; aids body movements;
houses cells that produce blood cells;
stores minerals and lipids (fats)
muscular system
Components: Specifically, skeletal muscle
tissue—muscle usually attached to bones
(other muscle tissues include smooth and
Functions: Participates in body
movements, such as walking; maintains
posture; produces heat
what are the 6 levels of the body’s structural organization
chemical level, cellular, tissue, organ, system and organism
nervous system
Components: Brain, spinal cord,
nerves, and special sense organs, such
as eyes and ears.
Functions: Generates action potentials
(nerve impulses) to regulate body
activities; detects changes in body’s
internal and external environments,
interprets changes, and responds by
causing muscular contractions or
glandular secretions.