chapter 1 Flashcards
sociology definition
systematic study of human society
society definition
people who live in a defined territory and share a culture
auguste comte
“father” of sociology
positivism: knowledge is based on facts instead of mere speculation
society operates on laws just like physical world
comte’s 3 stages of society
- theological stage: religious view that society expressed god’s will
ex. the church in the middle ages - metaphysical stage: society is natural not supernatural, reflects humankind’s selfish shortcomings instead of god’s will
ex. renaissance, enlightenment ideas of Locke - scientific stage: scientific approaches to studying the world
sociological perspective
the special point of view of sociology that sees general patterns of society in the lives of particular people
Emile Durkheim: Suicide Studies
those with weaker social ties were more likely to commit suicide
freedom weakens social ties, so does being rich
indigenous peoples 2x more likely to commit suicide bc of lack of social integration
how modernity changed society
A new industrial economy
factories took people away from their homes, weakening old traditions
The growth of cities
cities created anomie
Political change
growth of cities caused people to shift political views to equality
A new awareness of society
being in cities causes people to be more individualistic
Applying the Sociological Perspective
- The sociological perspective helps us assess the truth of ‘common sense’
- The sociological perspective helps is see the opportunities and constraints in our lives
- The sociological perspective empowers us to be active participants in our society
- The sociological perspective helps us live in a diverse world
Structural Functional Approach
def: a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability
Comte, Durkheim, and Herbert Spencer all contributed to the structural-functional approach
Robert K. Merton
distinguished between manifest and latent functions within society, also recognized social dysfunction
Social Conflict Approach
sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict & change
Gender-Conflict Theory
the study of society that focuses on inequality and conflict between women and men
Race-Conflict Theory
the study of society that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories
macro-level orientation
broad focus on structures that shape society as a whole
micro-level orientation
close-up focus on social interaction in specific social situations
symbolic-interaction approach
a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals
3 types of sociology
positivist sociology: the study of society based on scientific observation of social behaviour (Comte, Durkheim)
interpretive sociology: the study of society that focuses on discovering the meanings people attach to their social world (Weber - verstehen)
critical sociology: the study of society that focuses on the need for social change
how gender affects research
androcentricity (approaching things from the male perspective)
gender blindness
double standards